Day 20 - Outdoor Sex

Dani thanked the vendor, collecting her funnel cake, extra-large lemonade, and two big pizza slices. 

“You gonna be able to carry all that, miss?” he joked as she strategized where to hold what.

“Yeah, I’ll manage.  Thank you again,” she said with a smile before turning away from the stand.  It was a chilly night, and while the boardwalk was still full of people, it wasn’t nearly as crowded as normal.  No one paid her any mind as she walked along her way, keeping an eye on her surroundings.  She finally reached her destination, and looked around to make certain that no one had been watching her before ducking into an alleyway.

“Coast’s clear, Don,” she said, only for Donatello to pop up behind her.

“Sweet, you got it all,” he said.  “Need a hand?”


Donatello took the plate of pizza slices from her left hand and pulled the cup of lemonade out from under her arm.  He leaned in, taking a moment to appreciate the scent of the pizza.  “Mm, mm… That smells amazing.”

“There’s so much to choose from, and yet you still opt for pizza,” Dani teased.

“Can’t go wrong with a classic,” he said.  “Ready to go up?”

“Up?” she asked.

Her baffled tone had Donatello chuckling.

“You didn’t think we were going to eat by the dumpster, did you?  C’mon.”

Donatello climbed up onto the fire escape without a second though.  Dani, still holding the funnel cake hesitated.  It was dark.  The thing was rickety and barely looked like it could hold her, let alone Donnie at the same time.  Sensing her reluctance, he tucked the cup under his own arm and held out a hand for her.

“I’ll let you go first, if you’d like,” he offered.  “That way I’ll be behind you.”

She considered this, not quite sure if it sounded less stressful or not, but ultimately nodded and accepted his free hand.  He pulled her up to the platform he stood on.  It creaked a bit under their weight, which caused her to hold her breath.

“Relax,” he said.  “If these things can hold all four of us, it can definitely hold you and me.”

Dani wasn’t convinced, but his soft smile and reassuring words were the push she needed to begin climbing the wrought-iron stairs.  The entire ascent was nerve-wracking for her.  Though he had started teaching her a little for self-defense, she was by no means a quick and nimble ninja like Donatello.  She took her time, but did manage to make it to the rooftop with both her and their funnel cake in one piece.  Donatello climbed up onto the roof beside her, and the two walked to the edge of the building.

“See?” he said, gesturing in the direction of the Ferris Wheel illuminating the night sky.  “It’s a beautiful view.”

The look of apprehension melted as her smile and eyes widened from the view in front of her.  He was right; she hadn’t seen anything like it.  The light pollution didn’t bother her.  She wasn’t a city girl, so the twinkle of all those lights in the distance was new and beautiful to her, especially paired with how the lights reflected on the bay.  Donatello sat cross-legged by the building’s ledge, smiling to himself as he basked in her childlike wonder.  After a moment, she joined him by his side, sitting the funnel cake on her thigh closest to him.  He handed her a slice of pizza, and the two “toasted” before each taking a bite.  It wasn’t piping hot like it had been when the man handed the plate over, but the gooey cheese was still heavenly on her empty stomach.  The rest of their dinner was just as lovely.  They took turns with the lemonade, and their fingers brushed as they both went to tear off pieces of the funnel cake.  After a bit of a Lady and the Tramp moment, she giggled and leaned back.

“God, about time we finally have a proper date,” she said.

Donatello’s smile faltered when he heard this, and a look of guilt formed as he lowered his eyes.

“Yeah.  Sorry it took so long,” he said.  He cast his eyes away, looking at the bay instead.  “…I wish I could do more for you.  You deserve fancy restaurants and going to plays, not… sneaking around and—”

“Don’t,” she said, cutting him off.  That softness in his voice tugged her heartstrings, and she sat up and reached over to touch his face.  “Donatello, this is stunning.  It’s breathtaking.  I’ve never had a date this amazing before.”

“That’s not a fair assessment, Dani.  You’ve never had any date before,” he mumbled.

“I haven’t, but I couldn’t ask for a better first date,” she assured him.  “Honestly?  I think I would’ve loved it even if we did have to eat this by that dumpster.”

Donatello’s cheeks darkened.  With a bashful shake of his head, he said, “Same here, honestly.”

Seeing that she had brought a smile out of him again, she scooched closer to him and rested her head against his shoulder.  Her hand wriggled its way against his, and she knit their fingers together.

“I love you, you know,” she said.  “I don’t want black tie affairs, Donnie.  I want to spend time with you.”

Emboldened by her love, Donatello leaned over to kiss her cheek.  With a swiftness that put a ninja to shame, she turned her face so that his lips met hers.  She felt him grin against her lips, and she couldn’t stop herself from shifting so that her arms were around him.  Donatello took this as his permission to deepen the kiss.  She was more than willing to reciprocate, eagerly crawling up to straddle his lap.  Despite the chilly breeze, things were rapidly heating up.

“Dan…” he whispered between smooches.  “Daniela…  Mm, we gotta s— ah… W-We really shouldn’t…”

“Shh,” she said before pecking his lips again.  Her fingers smoothed down his chest, tracing every bump and groove along the way to his lower half.  “You said yourself no one would find us up here, right?”

He swallowed as he felt her hands hovering where her body rested against his, took a deep breath, and bobbed his head.  “R-Right,” he said.  “We just… We just gotta make it quick, okay?”

She grinned and nodded.

“Right, right.  Of course.”

Their mouths met again, as both sets of hands clumsily worked on freeing the other.  Dani managed to fish Donatello out first, and he lowered her panties enough to guide himself in.  She buried her face against his neck, humming contently into his skin as she sunk onto him.  She circled her hips after he bottomed out, earning a sigh of satisfaction from him.  When she lifted her head, she saw the lights again over the ledge of the building.  She smiled to herself, grinding against him as she took in the city’s scenery.

“You can do this at a fancy restaurant,” she whispered in his ear.

This brought a laugh out of Donatello.

“Theoretically, you could,” he replied.  “It would just be heavily frowned up.”

“And illegal.”

“This is illegal too,” he reminded her.

“Not if no one’s around to stop us.”
