Day 18 - Facesitting

“Raph, wait.”

Raphael had turned around and started walking in the opposite direction of the lair, but Donatello’s voice stopped him in his tracks.  He grinned to himself, knowing his younger brother was such an easy nut to crack.  He managed to wipe the smirk off his face before looking over his shoulder.

“Yeah, Don?”

As Raphael waited for a response, Donatello rubbed the back of his neck, trying to craft how exactly he wanted to word this.  He saw Dani in his peripheral vision, standing there trying her hardest not to look like she wasn’t melting from the attention Raphael had given her.  If he was the jealous type, he’d likely feel some kind of way about it.  Lucky for her, he was too logical to find real offense in it.  He knew better than anyone that it was just a biological response.  All chemical.  That brain of hers was wired all weird from too much time in front of screens, so a little bit of action like that flooded her with dopamine, serotonin, and various other neurochemicals. 

At least, that’s what he had tried to tell himself. 

Truth was, Master Splinter did too good of a job stressing the importance of teamwork.  He wasn’t not jealous because he knew better; it was because he knew that with a helping hand, they could multiply Dani’s pleasure, which would increase his own.  Sometimes, the secret to being selfless was being a teensy bit selfish.

“You, uh…  Wanna hang out with us?”

Raphael snickered, folding his arms over his chest before turning all the way around.

“Not in a mood to be your chaperone tonight, Donnie,” he said.  “Have fun showing her your toys, brainiac.”

“Fine, suit yourself,” replied Donatello.  He turned to Dani and shrugged.  “So much for being generous, huh?”

Raphael had been prepared to drag this out a little longer, but he wasn’t really the patient type.  As Donatello threw his arm over Dani’s shoulder to guide her towards the lair, he caved.

“On second thought, maybe I should keep an eye on ya,” he said, strolling over to catch up with the two of them.  “Wouldn’t want ya doin’ anything I wouldn’t do.”


After the time it took to creep through the lair, making sure they didn’t run into the other two on the way, the trio finally made it into Donnie’s lab.  Her companions were temporarily forgotten as Dani marveled at everything inside.

“Sheesh, I think she might be more into those machines than us,” laughed Raphael.

Donatello’s chest puffed up.  “Can you blame her?  They were all made by the best.”

Dani’s jaw dropped as she spun around to look at him.  “Oh, my gosh, Donnie.  You really made all this stuff?”

A nonchalant shrug followed her praise.

“What can I say?” he said.  “I’m good with my hands.”

Raphael groaned and rolled his eyes at this.  “Do geeks like you two get off on this?”

“Aww, someone jealous?” Dani asked.  She stepped closer to Raphael, grabbing one of his hands.  “How about you?  Are you good with your hands, Raphael?”

The way she teased him and purred his name nearly had him melting into a puddle of ooze.  He looked down at her hold on him, in awe of how dainty her features looked when compared to his own.  Just seeing the size of his fingers compared to hers made him feel dirty.

“Cat got your tongue, Raph?”

Raphael hadn’t even realized he had zoned out until Donatello teased him.  Despite being in a sewer, his mind was in the fucking gutter.

“I fuckin’ wish,” he said, voice gravelly and husky.  He raised his eyes from her hand on his to meet hers.  He wouldn’t mind having his tongue in this stray.  A slow smile crept across his face as he leaned in closer to Dani.  “But to answer your question, sweetheart…  Think I’m better with my mouth.”

Dani’s lips parted as she sucked in a breath of surprise.  She bit her lip immediately after, her cheeks dusted in a lovely rosy hue.  It was nice to see that he had brought her right down to the gutter with him.

“Well, I’d say there’s no better place to test that little theory than a lab,” she eventually said, eyes never straying from Raphael’s.  “Right, Donnie?”

“Who am I to interfere with the scientific method in action?” Donatello replied.  “Just, uh… Try not to break anything.  And keep it on that side of the lab.”

Raphael hoisted Dani up before Donatello could get the words out.  While holding her with one arm, he used the other to swipe the work bench in front of him clean, knocking blueprints, tools, and various other objects onto the floor to sit Dani on top, causing Donatello to sigh and rub between his eyes.  With little decorum, Raphael pushed up Dani’s skirt and sank to his knees in front of her.

The scent of her arousal hit him like a freight train the moment he spread her thighs, causing a low growl to rumble out of his chest.  It sent all the blood rushing straight down to his cock, and he hoped that Donnie had stretched the girl out so that he’d be able to take care of that not so little problem after he took care of this.  Fingers curled around her waistband on either side of her hips and dragged the panties down.  He tossed them over his shoulder in Donatello’s direction, who snatched them out of the air.

Everything Raphael did happened so quickly, Dani barely had time to process the position she was in.  While Donatello had been eager during all of their trysts, his lack of experience tended to cause him to be a bit more cautious and careful.  He took his time with her.  The way Raphael was speed-running this had her wondering if Raphael’s coordination and confidence were merely products of his personality or plenty of practice.

“You done this before?” Dani asked as his calloused palms ran up her inner thighs, spreading them wide for him.

“Hell yeah, babygirl,” he rumbled.  “Pizza ain’t the only pie I eat.”

Donatello groaned aloud at this, smacking himself in the face.  “You’re just as bad as Mikey.”

Raphael’s response was a short burst of laughter as he leaned in enough to rest Dani’s legs on his shoulders.  His hands gripped her hips, and in an impressive display of strength, he sat back on his haunches, dragging her forward off the workbench and right onto his face.  She squeaked, leaning forward enough to steady herself by grabbing the rim of his shell.  The sudden motion had startled Donatello, and he had stepped forward quickly to catch her, only to realize his brother was just planning on eating her out in the most obnoxious way imaginable.

“Show off,” he scoffed, but Raphael was too busy to hear the remark.  Her tangy taste flooded his senses the moment he swiped his tongue along her slit.  Hot air from his mouth and nostrils had her shuddering.  He felt the squeeze of those creamy thighs around his head, and he knew he was in business.  Tightening his hold on her to keep her from squirming too much, his tongue found her nub and traced it with the tip of his tongue.  She moaned out, knuckles whitening as she tensed and clutched his shell harder.

Donatello hovered near the lab’s entrance, keeping a cautious ear to the door while also enjoying the show.  He had never before considered himself to be into that kind of thing, but it was arousing to see his girlfriend in the throes of pleasure from a different point of view.  He just hoped Raphael wouldn’t wear her out too much.  He may have been sharing, but he was still looking forward to his turn.