Day 17 - Olfactophilia

Dani was a gem.  A diamond in the rough.  One in a freaking million.

Donatello knew it from the very start that a girl like her was hard to find, and he couldn’t help but feel a little… selfish.  Why wouldn’t he?  It was like she had been made especially for him.  She was a little dorky, a little geeky, but with the wittiest sense of humor.  She was gorgeous with a perfect body… in his opinion, at least.  She was so cute and soft all over, small in stature but with killer curves that padded her well enough that he wasn’t as worried about breaking her.  Even if she wasn’t a weirdo that was into mutant dudes, he probably would have simped for her anyway.

That’s why he tried so hard to keep her from his brothers. 

He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide her from them forever.  He didn’t even want to; he just wanted to make sure this was something serious before going down that road.  If his brothers got attached, it would make things really difficult if it didn’t work out with her… And he didn’t have a single doubt in his mind that they’d get attached.  As diverse as he and his brothers could be in terms of interests and personalities, they had more similarities than differences.  Collectively, they weren’t picky when it came to women, but there were traits they all valued…  Kindness, intelligence, the ability to take and make jokes with a decently thick skin, and a nice rack.  Dani definitely ticked all those boxes.

Donatello was totally planning on introducing her to them soon; it just wasn’t on his agenda when he snuck her down into the lair on this particular evening.  He liked hanging out at her apartment, but it was risky to meet there as often as he wanted to see her.  In turn, he decided to bring her into his world instead.  His hope had been to stick to his lab, since none of the others stepped foot in that place unless they needed something.  In there, he’d maybe show her a few of the inventions he had been working on and see where the night took them from there.  He absolutely, one hundred percent did not anticipate getting busted the moment he brought her in.

“… Whatcha got there, Donnie?”

That was a tone that he dreaded to hear.  He cursed under his breath before turning around and straightening up in an attempt to shield Dani from being seen.

“Nothing,” he lied.  “Not a thing to see here!”

“Uh-huh,” the other turtle said, strutting up with his arms folded over his chest.  “Why’s this remind me of the time you snuck that stray cat in?”

“Okay, no.  First of all, that was Mikey’s cat,” Donatello corrected, straightening his glasses.  “If you remember…”

Dani’s curiosity got the better of her as Donnie argued whatever point he was attempting to make.  She had heard so much about his brothers over the course of their friendship, even more so now that she knew the truth about them.  Though she hadn’t yet figured out which brother had caught them, she was interested to see if he resembled Donatello at all.  It led her to peer around the edge of his shell to catch a glimpse at the other turtle.

Jesus, he was huge.  If Donatello was big, this one was massive.  Making out other features was difficult in the dim light, but his silhouette was impressive.  Donnie had him beat by a few inches in the height category, but this one was wide as hell and all brawny.  She mentally ruled out Michelangelo, seeing as he name-dropped Mikey in the third person.  From what she had heard about Leonardo, she didn’t feel this one’s personality fit the description.  She came to the conclusion that it had to be the hot-headed Raphael.

“‘Kay, so the kitten was Mikey’s.  Point still stands.”  His hand came up, pointing right to her.  “Who’s the pussycat behind ya?  An’ don’t tell me there’s nothin’ there, cos not all of us need glasses like you.”

Donatello groaned, rubbing his hand down his face.  As much as he wanted to continue pretending no one was back there, she had obviously been spotted.  He took a deep breath before stepping to the side, allowing Raphael to see her.

“This…  This is Dani— Daniela,” he said.  A hand rested on her back and guided her to step forward.  It remained on her, rubbing her possessively as he finished his thought.  “My…  My girlfriend.”

Girlfriend?” repeated Raphael.  He took a step closer, towering over Dani as he got a better look.  After allowing his eyes to rove over her body, he gave an appreciative nod.  “How the shell did a dork like you manage to pull a chick like this?”  He crouched down, looking at her face to face.  “Tell me, sweetheart, you really his girl?  Blink twice if the mad scientist is holdin’ ya hostage.”

Dani could better make out his features with him so close, and it made her blush.  Goddammit, were all of them going to be handsome?  She tried to push that thought all the way to the recesses of her mind and focus on the question she had been asked, hoping she didn’t accidentally blink twice while staring at him, dumbfounded.  She bobbed her head, swallowing hard before she was able to respond.  “Yeah…  We met online.”

“Hooking up with hot babes online?” he exclaimed, rising to his full height as he barked out a laugh.  A congratulatory smack to the back of Donatello’s shell followed, causing his glasses to slide down his face.  “Goddamn!  Out of the four of us, didn’t know you were the one that had it in ya, Don.  Wait ‘til Leo and Mikey hear that you bagged an e-girl.  Mikey especially gonna get a kick outta that.”

Dani opened her mouth to protest the “e-girl” statement, but had no chance before Donatello frantically closed the distance between himself and Raphael.

“No!  No, no, no!  Shh,” he whispered frantically, holding a finger in front of Raph’s lips.  “Please.  Please, no.  Please don’t tell them yet.”

The ridge of Raphael’s brow raised.  A slight chuckle left him before he threw an arm over Donatello’s shoulder and pulled him in. 

“Oh yeah?  What’s in it for me?” he asked, not bothering to match his brother’s hushed volume. 

Donnie hesitated, pursing his lips.  He looked at Raphael, noting that damn smug smirk he was wearing and that teasing glint in his eye.  He had a sinking feeling he knew what Raph wanted, and he was weighing if the price of keeping his secret a secret for another night or so was worth that.  In terms of brothers that he’d rather get caught by, Raphael was definitely on the top of that list.  Leonardo was too… strait-laced.  He’d get so much shit from Leo if he found out that he’d been sneaking out nearly every night to go fool around with a human girl.  Michelangelo… was Michelangelo.  He’d try to hog her attention, not to mention he couldn’t keep his mouth shut around the others to save his life.  With Raphael, he just had to worry about… this.

“No,” Donatello said with a shake of his head.  “Don’t even…”

“Why not?” asked Raphael.  “Sure she won’t mind.”

Whatever brotherly bond the two shared that had them on the same wavelength was lost on Dani, but it was obvious it involved her.  Donatello’s terse reaction had her curious.  “… Mind what?” she questioned, but it fell on deaf ears.

“Tell me she won’t,” Raphael said, ignoring her in favor of putting Donatello in a headlock.  “Go on, lie to me like I ain’t smellin’ the same thing you are.”

“It’s not because of you, bozo,” Donatello spat back.

“Bullshit it ain’t!”

Dani was more confused than ever.  She felt like she was missing something important.  “What the hell are y’all talking about?”

Raphael laughed, dropping the hold he had on Donatello before using a finger to tilt Dani’s chin up.

“You got the hots for me too, doncha?” he asked.

Dani sputtered at the blunt question.  “Wh- Huh?

“C’mon.  Don’t play coy.  You think we can’t smell you flooding your panties over there?”

“Raph!” Donatello exclaimed.  This is exactly what he expected.  After all, Dani was a rare find.  Finding an attractive, funny, sweet girl who also had a huge thing for guys like him was like a needle in a haystack.  He had no doubts that his horndog brothers would want a shot with her too, and that she would likely not turn the chance down if she knew he didn’t mind.  He wasn’t entirely opposed to sharing; he just never realized any of them would be this brazen about proposing it.  He ran his hands down his rapidly darkening face.  “Oh, my gosh!  Inappropriate!  Totally inappropriate.”

“Can it.  This is between me and the girl,” Raphael said, keeping his focus on Dani.  “Name’s Raphael, by the way.  Nice to meet ya.”

“Uh, likewise,” she said.  “You gonna tell me what you meant?”

“Feisty,” he chuckled.  Raphael’s grin widened, and he peered over his shoulder back at Donatello.  “Goddamn, you know how to pick ‘em.” Donnie shook his head, causing Raph to turn his attention back to Dani.  “Listen, girl.  I’m gonna let you in on a secret that Don-tron’s probably been too much of a gentleman to explain to ya.”

Donatello buried his burning face in his palms again, while Dani just nodded slowly.  Whatever Raph was about to tell her wouldn’t scare her off, but it would make them both look like even bigger perverts than they probably already seemed.

“Turtles?” continued Raphael.  “Believe it or not, we can smell like a motherfucker, and you sure as hell beat the stale scent we’re used to down her.  Our old man used to tell us that when we were just little guys, we’d come crawling from where ever we were hidin’ the moment we caught a whiff of something to eat.”  His eyes wandered down her body before flicking back up to hold her gaze.  He was enjoying every second of this.  “Guess we still do, cos lemme say, you sure as hell smell good enough to eat.”

Donatello studied Dani’s reaction to this, noting that she couldn’t fight back the flush that formed on her cheeks.  She averted her eyes from Raphael, then shot a brief glance in his direction.  When Raphael noticed her do this, he patted her arm before standing up and stepping back.

“Don’t worry.  Your secret’s safe with me.  Personally, I don’t want ‘em knowing about you yet either,” he said with a wink.  “But if my brother’s ever feelin’ generous, just know, I’m all in.”