Day 15 - First Time

‘Okay, Donnie.  You got this.  Just be cool.

Donatello took a deep breath, attempting to both psyche himself up and calm himself down while he waited on the sign that Dani had made it into her apartment.  He glanced up at the windows again, looking for any indication that it was time to make his move.  Nothing yet.  He wished that she would hurry up before his nerves got the best of him.

It’s just Dani, dude.  It’s not like she’s a stranger.  You’ve talked to this girl forever!  About everything under the sun…

He swallowed, feeling the heat flourish between his legs as he remembered what “everything under the sun” entailed…  And that he was not face to face with her when those prior conversations happened…  And that she was so, so much prettier in person than the mental image he’d conjured of her based off her selfies.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t talk to pretty girls.  April was pretty, and he talked to her all the time!  But… he didn’t know basically all of April’s inner thoughts.  He also didn’t know what turned her on, or what she thought of before she went to sleep at night.  April had never said to him that he was the guy of her dreams, either.

God, Dani really had said that, huh?  If he couldn’t smell her, he’d think she was just laying it on thick; just having a little harmless banter with the guy that she had been playing video games with for years.  But he did smell her.  He wouldn’t dare let her know yet, but the air around her was so heavy with pheromones the moment he granted her a glimpse at him.  There was no doubt about it.  She wanted to mate.


Geez, listen to him.  Sounding so… clinical.  Dani wasn’t some animal.  She didn’t want to mate

She wanted to fuck.

And frankly?  So did he.

Gosh, he wanted this so bad.  When he learned that she was moving to New York, he never expected to get this far.  It was a big city.  The odds of running into her unplanned were slim.  He never thought that he’d reveal himself to her, or that she’d react so positively.  He never ever thought that he’d be propositioned, but he wasn’t complaining.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something flutter above him.  He looked up, catching white t-shirt now hanging over the sill of a window a few floors up.  She was ready for him.  It was time.  Waves of excitement induced nausea washed over him.  He swore he was going to hurl.

Donatello inhaled one more time.  No vomiting now.  He couldn’t dare keep the lady waiting.  He steeled his nerves and made his way over to the fire escape.  His heart hammered behind his shell as he quickly and quietly ascended the rickety old fire escape, careful to avoid the windows of other residents.  When he made it up to the window in question, a hand poked out.  He hesitated, knowing that he would be far too heavy for her to pull in, but eventually accepted.  With his hand in hers, she helped guide him through the open window.

Dani stepped out of the way once he had made it in, and he rose to his full height, taking in his surroundings.  There wasn’t much to look at in the little studio apartment— stacks of boxes, a mattress in the corner, a small desk with a computer.  Of course, her computer was up and running already.  He couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nice setup.  You’ve got your priorities straight,” Donatello joked before looking down at her to gauge her reaction.  She was staring up at him.  In this light, he could see her much better.  She wasn’t wearing makeup.  She had the lightest dusting of freckles on her fair skin.  She was smiling so hard; he saw a dimple on her right cheek.  The lady was the cutest thing ever, and the way she was looking at him like she was thinking the same thing was making him even more flustered.

“Sorry,” she muttered, tearing her eyes away from him and glancing at the floor.  “… I can’t stop looking at you.”

Donatello laughed, rubbing his neck.  “It’s okay…  I guess I’m a lot to take…”  A beat passed before he realized how weird that sounded aloud.  “I-In.  A lot to take in.  Like… being a turtle and all…”

The clarification didn’t help matters much.  Darn Freudian slips.  He heard her giggling, and it sent all his blood rushing south.

“Not exactly what I meant,” she said.  “You’re like… Really handsome.”

He ducked his head from the compliment, causing his glasses to slip down his face in the process.  When he pushed them back up, he noticed how she was biting her bottom lip.  That smell only grew headier.  Curse his superior olfactory receptors.  His head was beginning to swim at this point.

“Thanks,” he mumbled.  “You… You’re really cute, too… But I’ve already told you that.”

“I definitely don’t mind hearing it,” she said, reaching for his hand.  “It means a lot coming from you.”

Dani’s hand was so small and dainty in comparison, and it had him feeling all kinds of weird.  He drew in a shaky breath as he stared at the ground, still unable to bring his gaze back in her direction.  Only when he felt the free hand brush his jaw did he look back in her eyes.  His pupils blew wide; their inky blackness expanding until his irises were practically nonexistent.  Hers were just as wide, but he could still make out the stunning green surrounding them.  He leaned in before he could think better of it, only catching himself with his face was centimeters away from hers.  He only quit looking into her eyes long enough to glance down at her lips.  He was so close to them.  He hoped his breath didn’t smell like pizza, or worse.  While they had been parted slightly, her lips formed a smile as he was watching.  His eyes flicked back up to meet hers, and she gave him a little nod.

She… wanted him to kiss her.  He wanted to kiss her too.  So bad.  If he could just move an inch, his lips would be on hers.  If he could just lean forward the slightest amount, he’d go further than he ever had in his entire life.  The knowledge of that paralyzed him.  His breathing had hitched, and if he had the glands, he swore he’d be sweating from every pore.  He closed his eyes, hoping that this would be easier if he wasn’t so intimidated by her staring back at him.  He wasn’t sure if he magically grew the balls to close the gap, or if she did it in his stead, but their lips met seconds later.

It was so much more glorious than he’d ever pictured.

Dani’s lips were so soft, warm, and inviting.  He leaned into it, applying a little more pressure.  Shaky hands lifted from where they had been glued to his side, and reached forward to hold her.  Her own arms came up and looped around his neck. 

He wished he could have recalled what came next.  He’d love to have all the details committed to memory so that when he got over how giddy he got whenever he thought about it, he could brag to his brothers.  Yet the truth was that things after his very first kiss got all hazy.  What he did recall was that the kiss did not stay innocent and chaste for much longer.  One their hands were on one another, things progressed at the speed of light.  One moment, they were standing by her window, holding one another with their lips pressed awkwardly together.  The next, he was hitting her mattress, rocking on his shell as she crawled on top of him.  His hands were full of her ass, her mouth was full of his tongue, and the air was filled with soft smacks and hushed moans as things quickly escalated.  The pants he wore were getting awfully tight around his groin, and she seemed to notice.  Her hand was rubbing him through the fabric.  The foreign feeling of a hand other than his own touching him sent shockwaves through him, causing a groan to bubble up out of him.

“Dan… D-Dani…” Donatello panted, breathing growing ragged as she fondled his aching erection. 

“Christ, it’s huge,” she said.  She was so distracted by his size that his pleas were lost on her.

“Daniela, please,” he begged through gritted teeth.  The way he moaned her name gripped her attention.  She looked up at him, and he finished his thought.  “Do something.”

With that request, she quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.  He rocked back a bit, lifting his hips to help her with the task.  She tugged his pants down a bit.  An audible gasp left her when his cock flopped out in all its glory.  It was in her hands in an instant.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed.  The look in her eyes was a healthy mix of fascination and lust.  Her jaw was slack as it rested heavy against her palms.  She shook her head after staring for a moment, raising her eyes to meet his.  “… I can’t take this, Donnie.  Not yet.”

Yet,” he repeated, letting out a slight huff of a laugh.  Goodness, this girl was a freak.  He loved it.  He’d seen a lot of the, ahem… ‘art’ that she favorited, but it appeared that nothing prepared her for this anatomical marvel.  “Just… Kinda… Grind on it?  Maybe?”

She nodded and let it go.  It flopped back against his lower plastron with a soft thump.

“Fuck, that’s hot.”

Donatello grinned.  He knew he was well endowed; he was a turtle, after all, but hearing it from a romantic partner was a much-needed boost to his ego.  Yet it was not nearly as much of a boost as seeing said partner remove her own pants.  His dick being out was one thing.  The sight of her pants and panties dropping to her ankles made reality sink in.  He was actually about to get laid!

He was barely granted time to admire the view before she had crawled back on top of him, positioning herself right atop his cock.  It was kind of a bummer that he wouldn’t be penetrating her tonight, but a short-lived bummer as her pussy began to glide across his cock.  His hips jerked upwards, rutting against hers.  His hands found her hips.  His original intent was to hold her steady so he didn’t accidentally buck her off, but once his fingers sunk into the supple flesh, he got distracted.  He gave her a good squeeze, enjoying the give of her soft meaty hips.  He used his hold to control her motions.  He tossed his head back, letting it sink into her pillows as her moist, silky folds caressed his throbbing length.

He loved every bit of this.  He loved having her warm body squished against him and the subtle tickle from the soft thatch of curls between her legs.  He loved the way they rocked back and forth ever so slightly with each roll of her hips.  He loved hearing her panting, and the sound of her fingernails scraping down his chest as she tried to steady herself.  It was so different than anything he’d ever known, and he could easily see himself getting used to it.