Dirty Talk

The sacred silence.  The intricate stained-glass scenes.  Gilded objects of worship.

All of this was such a perversion of sanctity.  It may have taken the appearance of any other chapel, but one could not overlook that it lay in the belly of Castlevania.  To find sanctuary here was truly to fall victim to false doctrine.

As Richter watched Gwen praying from atop the spiral staircase, he could not determine if the vampire was that oblivious or down there desecrating the faith on purpose.

He was curious, or possibly suspicious, of how she spent her days when he was not around.  Upon leaving the chamber on this morning, he kept himself hidden until she wandered out, then kept his distance to trail her through the castle unseen.  This chapel was her first and only stop thus far.  He had met her in here before, often near twilight when she decided she wished to play the pipe organ.  Instead of seating herself at the bench, she curiously knelt in front of the altar. 

Perhaps because there was nothing else of interest presently in the castle, Richter proceeded to watch her.  She looked so sweet down there... So pure, so innocent.  This was how she wanted others to see her; it was how she saw herself.  However, Richter had seen the truth, which made this so comical.  She was not the virginal little vampiress she seemed to be.  When she was with him, God was the last thing on her mind, unless her god went by the name Richter Belmont.  He knew her as the embodiment of the deadly sin of lust, though she had deluded herself into believing those immoral feelings of hers were love.

It was amusing how long he allowed this to go on.  He knew not what she prayed for, but he knew that he intended to make her beg… For forgiveness, for mercy, for release…  For something

Before he could descend the staircase to approach her, she rose to her feet.  It was a pity that she was leaving so soon.  This parody of a church would have made the perfect backdrop for what he yearned to put her through.  He stepped out of view upon noticing she was heading in his direction and watched her ascend the stairs that would bring her closer to the castle keep.

She was blissfully unaware of his presence as she reached the floor where he was hiding.  The moment she passed him, Richter slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his chest. 

“There you are, vampire,” he whispered into her ear. 

“Oh!”  The sudden seizure of her had scared her stiff, but she relaxed into his hold at the sound of his voice.  A soft laugh rose from her throat.  “‘Tis you, Lord Belmont…”

Lips were pressed against her neck.  A content sigh fell from her as her hands rested over his.  He held her like this for a moment, swaying her and allowing her guard to drop before proceeding.

“You were praying for quite some time,” he noted.

Her eased posture grew tense again.

“You were watching me?”

Richter ignored her question.  Having been riled up himself at the sight of her, he was compelled to rile her up too.

“I simply cannot imagine what a creature like you could possibly have to say to God.”

“I…”  She hesitated over her words.  “I do not intend to be insolent, but that is between myself and Him, my lord.”

“Is it?” Richter asked.  “Hm…  ‘Twas probably too filthy for my ears anyway.”

“What?” she asked.  She tried to twist around to look him in the eyes, but his grip on her was unforgiving and grew tighter still when she squirmed like that.

“I’m certain you had much to discuss,” he said, resting his chin on her shoulder.  “Tell me, were you begging for forgiveness over our time together last night?”

Her mouth fell open, but no words were spoken.

“If not, you really should have.  I’m surprised you didn’t visit the confessional,” he continued.  He began to smile as he thought back on the dirty deeds they had done.  His own breathing hitched when he thought about her going down on him.  She would never admit to it aloud, but he knew there was nothing she loved more than doing that for him.  It was truly inhuman how well she performed in that regard.

“The way you worshiped my cock so reverently could have made Him jealous.  Oh, the irony of you kneeling before Him much like how you knelt before it mere hours ago…  Though I must say, for me, you remained on your knees far longer.”

She looked wounded by his words.  She shook her head slightly, but he kept going.

“I hope you covered using His name in vain as well,” said Richter.  “Remember how you were crying out to Him so loudly last night?”

Even if she didn’t, he certainly did.  Richter had been merciful.  He had bestowed blessings upon her for being so faithful to him.  He’d dare to say she looked vaguely angelic in that moment with her hair splayed around her in a sinful halo.  She moaned with such volume that it could reach the heavens.  He found it even more gratifying that it was his fingers alone that caused the Lord’s name to slip past her lips.

“You allowed His name to mingle with swears and moans more indecent than those of the literal demons I’ve conquered previously…  But surely, hearing my name replace His as our bout of debauchery progressed must have felt like apostasy.”

‘Twas true.  Eventually, the mantra of “Richter” was the only thing she could muster when he decided to take her.  She cried for him, pleaded to him.  He was the only thing in her world.  He was her everything. 

“And that in and of itself…  Fornicating with me, knowing we are not wed.  Letting me seed you, knowing you can provide me no heirs.  Continuing to make a mockery of God’s divine gift to man and wife.”

Her hands that had been futilely attempting to pry his away now covered her face.  One may think it was shame that caused her to shy away, but Richter knew her better than that.  She needed no racing pulse for him to know that he was stirring in her those familiar sinful feelings that got her in that mess to begin with.

“You know, praying for forgiveness only counts if you intend to repent,” he reminded.  “Leaving the bed to flee to the chapel first thing in the morning does not make it any less of a sin.  You have no intentions of quitting this any time soon, do you?  You like my cock too much.  Even now, I feel you pressing back, grinding against it whether you realize it or not.”

She gasped upon recognizing that she had subconsciously been doing so, just like he said.  She tried to pull away, but his grip on her tightened.

“You love getting fucked by me so much that you’d give up any chance at salvation.  That is your rapture, is it not?  Being beneath me?  Feeling me deep inside of you?  You’re in Heaven when I bend you over and take you as mine," said Richter as she grew increasingly flustered.  "I bet you don’t feel a drop of remorse at all.  There was nothing to confess.  You were probably thanking him for it.  That’s what it was, wasn’t it?  You were down there showing your gratitude.  It’s obvious you think I’m God’s gift to you for being such a good little vampire before I came along.”

He ignored her whine as he gathered her skirt, drawing it up enough to make her indecent before God and the entire castle.

“Tell me the truth,” he said, lowering his voice even further.  His breath fanned over her cool skin when he said this, causing her to shiver.  “Doesn’t hearing of your own heresy make you ache to do it again?”

Albeit hesitant, she nodded just like he knew she would.

“Yes?” he said with a teasing laugh.  “If you want it, I want to hear you pray for me.”