Day 4 - Somnophilia

Pepper awoke to a hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her.  It was hard to pry her eyes open; she had somehow fallen into the deepest sleep of her entire life.  In an effort to show she was awake, she grunted, which was good enough of a response for the shaking to stop.  She heard a soft voice talking to her afterwards, but wasn’t quite lucid enough to understand what was being said.  She eventually remembered where she was… Charlie’s apartment.  Passed out on his bed…

Well, bed was being generous.  Passed out on his mattresses.  There was no frame.  She couldn’t say much though, because it was the most comfortable that she’d ever been.  One minute, she’d been watching while he played some game.  The next, she was being stirred awake.  Had she slept through the entire night?

“What… time is it?” she eventually mumbled.

“About, uh…”  He paused, feeling around for his phone.  This led to him reaching over her, squishing her as he grabbed it from the other side of the mattress.  “Almost one.”

“… AM?”

“Yeah,” he chuckled.  “You knocked out early, dude.”

Pepper yawned and rubbed her eyes.  They were bleary when she opened them, making Charlie look all blurry and ethereal leaning over her by the light of the TV screen.

“Well, yeah.  I’d been up since 6:30.”

“Told you that you could have one of those energy drinks in there,” he said.  “So, you want any?”

“Energy drink?”

“N-… I mean, yeah, but no.  Pizza rolls.  Just said I’m about to heat some up.”

“Oh…  I dunno.  Maybe.”

“I’ll just make ‘em and we can share.  How about that?”


“You like yours baked or air fried?”

Pepper shrugged, rolling over onto her side and grabbing his pillow.

“You’re getting air fried.”

As another yawn escaped, she nodded.

“Cool.  I’ll be right back…”

The mattresses squeaked as Charlie got off of them, and she heard him walk across the room to the kitchen area.  She laid there, holding his pillow, tempted to doze off again.  This was… new.  Different.  She’d never had a guy pamper her.  Well, she wasn’t quite sure she would call it pampering, but she never had a guy so willing to look out for her.  She never felt so comfortable around someone.  Never trusted anyone this much.  It made sense that he was a smiling friend.  He did do a phenomenal job of making her smile.  Content, her eyes fluttered shut again, only to feel a weight on the mattress beside her again.

“Here.  Gotcha this.”

Her eyes pried open again to see an energy drink label filling her vision.  She took the can from him and sat up.

“Charlie,” she said before yawning.  She turned the can around and skimmed the back with a frown.  “I don’t need this this late.”

“I thought you didn’t have work tomorrow.”

“I don’t.”

“Then, why not stay up with me, Pep?” he asked.  “I mean, you got a little, uh…”  He fumbled to pull his phone out of his pocket.  His thumb tapped the screen and it lit up, displaying the time.  “Like, three-hour nap in.”

“I slept that long?”

“Yeah.  It was kinda cute.  Almost didn’t wanna disturb you.”

Something about that phrase sparked something inside of her.  It was something she often dreamed about (no pun intended), but never had the balls or trust to actually suggest.  She let out a sleepy chuckle, passing him the can back before laying back down.

“Aw, c’mon, Pepper,” Charlie whined.  “We haven’t even done anything.”

A wide grin spread when he uttered the exact words she was anticipating.

“We can still do something,” she said, shutting her eyes again.  “I trust you.”

She heard a soft thump, and cracked open one eye to see that the can had fallen onto the bed.  Looking up at Charlie, his jaw had dropped and his eyes were wide enough that the whites were visible.

“You… Uh…  Y-You mean, like…?”

She nodded.  “Mhm.  Go wild.  I’m a heavy sleeper.”  After letting out another yawn, she winked before shutting her eye again and mumbled, “Goodnight, Charlie.”

Charlie’s throat felt dry, but he managed to swallow and nod back.  “Right.  Night, Pep…”

He eased himself off the mattress before quietly walking across the apartment.  Once he was in the kitchen area, he leaned against the wall, ran a hand over his head and let out a shaky breath.  His cock was throbbing now.  He wasn’t even talking about fucking.  He just wanted to like watch a movie or something.  The ding of the air fryer brought him back to reality.  He didn’t even bother dumping the rolls out onto a plate, just started eating them straight out of the basket.  He tried to pace himself, to give her a little time to get back into some good sleep, but his excitement was getting the better of him.  Before he could even eat his fill, he opened the fridge and stuck the entire basket of pizza rolls inside before ambling back over to his bed in the corner of the apartment.

Charlie slipped beneath the blankets beside her.  Tension and anticipation brewed in the pit of his stomach as he reached over to touch her thigh.  She wasn’t wearing pants— just a big shirt she borrowed from him and her panties.  His hand smoothed up under the hem of the shirt and his fingers hooked the waistband of her panties.  He tugged them down, albeit awkwardly since she was laying on her side.  After a bit of finagling, the underwear was soon around her knees.  He guided her onto her back, then pulled them off completely. 

It was then that he sucked in a breath, closing his eyes and muttering a near-silent prayer under his breath before spreading her legs enough to make room for himself.  He bit his lip as he got into position, admiring how beautiful she looked cast only in the soft glow of the TV and eclipsed by his shadow.


Either she was a nut, or she was crazy about him.  It didn’t matter; she was out of her mind to let him do this…  And he was out of his mind to take her up on it.  He had no clue how he was going to do this without waking her up.  After some deliberation, he backed up.  He was way too excited about this and would totally wake her up if he started screwing her.  Instead, he lowered his head, mouth hovering over her pussy.  He lifted her legs slightly, carefully watching her face for any signs she was stirring.


This sent another jolt straight down to his dick.  Careful fingers tested the waters; their tips tracing her folds before circling her clit.  He heard a dreamy sigh and glanced up again, finding that she was still fast asleep.  Pleased with the results of this experiment, his mouth finally descended upon the cleft between her legs.  His tongue darted out to taste her.  Fuck, she was already wet.  His own eyes fluttered shut as he began to lap at her pussy.  Now, this?  This was a much better midnight snack than some fucking pizza rolls.