Bed Time

“Pardon?  You want me to what?”

“Oh, you heard me.”

“I did… but I’m not sure you heard yourself.”

“I know what I said.  What part did you think wasn’t clear?”

Piers stared at her a bit, blinking, waiting for her to crack.  But Annais merely beamed like a Cheshire cat.  

“You’re serious?” Piers asked, growing more staggered by the second. “You're really giving me this…” He held up the key that she had slipped in his hands just moments before.  “This key to your home in hopes that I… Let me get this straight…”  He lowered his voice as if there were someone else around who could hear the two of them.  “That I barge in and fuck you in the middle of the night while you’re out cold?”

“Ooh God...” she giggled.  “Yes!  When you put it like that it sounds so dirty!”

Piers scoffed. “Cos it is, Ann.”

“But it’s your cunt, innit?” she said, in her best mock Galarian accent.  Giggling again, she leaned forward onto her elbows, chin in her palms.  “Soooo? What’s wrong with me giving you 24-hour unrestricted access, Your Highness?”

Piers's incredulous expression did not falter.  This girl had got him in some messes, but this

“Oh c'mon.”  Annais sat back up and folded her arms.  Her own expression turned serious.  “So, you’re telling me you have never been curious about it?  Never watched me while I was snoozing and thought about how nice it would feel to fuck me without me sassing back?  Or how much of a turn-on it would be to wake me up like that?”

“No?!” Piers exclaimed, utterly gob smacked.  “Never! Not bloody once!  You can’t just say that like it’s a rite of passage. Normal blokes don’ do that, Ann… Who the hell dreams about takin' advantage of others like that?”

Annais's lips formed a pout as she slumped back into her seat.  

“Don’t sulk, love.”

She looked away from him. He could tell she was actually upset by this.

“Ann, please,” he sighed.  “Don’t be like this.”

“You really won’t do it for me, Nez?” she asked, voice much smaller.  “Not even if I’m saying it’s fine?”

Piers sighed again and rubbed the bridge of his nose.  Rising from her seat, Annais walked over behind him and threw her arms around his neck.

“I’d warn you ahead of time when I’m not in the mood, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said. She kissed his cheek.  “And I promise Devito won’t be out and about to spook you.”

“Not worried about your Gengar… It’s just… I…” he mumbled, remaining stiff in her embrace.  His voice fell. “I don’ wanna cross a line…”

“You won’t, I know you won’t,” she assured him with a squeeze.  “Piers, this is something I’ve always fantasized about.  Like, forever…  But I never trusted anyone enough to tell them.  I trust you.  I love you. I know you won’t hurt me or do anything fucked up.”

Piers still couldn’t process it.  She kissed him one more time before straightening up.

“At least keep the key,” she told him.  “Just in case I’m in trouble or I need you to check on Cap.  Something like that.”

Piers nodded, staring at the key in his hands.  

“Should probably get you one for the flat too,” he said.  “You’re over there enough.”

With a laugh, she shrugged. “If you want.”

She turned on her heel and went to check on the pot of stew she was warming up for them.

“But uh… The offer is still there if you come to your senses,” she told him as she stirred.

“Or lose them,” he muttered.

“Or lose them. Whatever.”  Annais threw up her hand.  “But either way, I have a feeling you’ll come around if you get lonely enough.”



The key to Annais’s cottage danced between Piers’s fingers.  He hated to admit, he was considering it.  That conversation had been weeks ago.  Just like Annais warned him, she’d been busy since.  The League was gearing up for the mid-season, and she had appearances to make.  Appearances that kept her out late, that ate up most of her free time, that prevented her from seeing him.  Piers missed her.  Oh, he missed her terribly.  He wanted her.  And she wanted… He shut his eyes and shook his head… She wanted to wake up beside him when she didn’t go to bed with him, blissfully sore and full of his seed, as she so eloquently put it.

Piers clutched the key in his fist and stared at the ceiling.  Maybe it wasn’t so strange… Well, yeah… It was, if he was being honest.  There was no way to sugarcoat it.  Still, he tried to reason that it wasn’t so different than their little morning trysts. Just a little earlier, when she was a little sleepier… A lot sleepier…  Piers ran a palm down his face.

Try as he may, he knew he couldn’t go without her much longer.  A dull throb centered in his loins.  He gritted his teeth, aching for release.  It’d be quicker to go rub one out, but it wouldn’t be near as gratifying. There was just no pleasure in that without her.  He needed to be inside of her, to feel her body against his and the sweet satisfaction of her cunt milking his cock.  Anything else he tried would just leave him more dissatisfied than before, more desperate for her.

Despite his better judgment, Piers pulled himself out of bed.  He grabbed a hoodie from the closet and slid on some old sneakers.  He didn’t even bother changing out of his bed clothes. He needed to get this over with as soon as possible, to get it out of his system, and hers.  Just once wouldn’t hurt.  He could do it just once for her.

When he snuck into the living room, he didn’t anticipate Marnie and Morpeko to be watching the telly. This hour was far past her typical bedtime.  Still, he tried to slink past, hoping maybe she had fallen asleep on the couch.  He winced when she raised her head off the armrest.


Piers froze in place.

“Where ya sneakin’ off to?”

He turned back to her. “T’see Annais.”

“…Little late, innit?”

“She’s a busy girl,” he reasoned.  “Y’know how packed a champion's schedule can be.  Just got home an’ is finally going to have a little time tomorrow morning. We’ll do breakfast.”

Marnie laughed.

“Alright…” she said.  “Don’t suppose you'll be back soon, then?”

Piers shook his head.

“Lock the door behind yourself, will ya?  Morpeko won't let me get up.”

“Righto,” said Piers.  “Call me if y'need me.”

“Uh-huh.” She looked back at the television and raised a hand to wave him off.  “Enjoy your pyjama party.”

Piers chuckled as he slipped out the door.

Keys in hand, he locked the flat.  His thumb ran over the one to her cottage again and heaved a sigh.  It was late.  Pushing midnight.  And it’d be even later by the time he made it to Ballonlea.  She’d surely be asleep by then, if she wasn’t already.  They had their goodnight call nearly an hour ago.

Did he have the guts? It wasn’t too late just to give her another ring.  No, he couldn’t warn her.  She didn’t want to be warned.  God, there was something bad wrong with that girl.  There was something worse wrong with him for going along with it.  He began to walk the dark and lonely streets before his mind could get the better of him.  His brain was racing, hormones were high, thoughts were in a million different directions.  It wasn’t long before he was on the outskirts of Spikemuth, calling for a flying taxi.

One cigarette and a few excruciating minutes of internal debate later, a Corviknight landed before him.

“G'evenin',” said the cabbie.

“Evenin'.” Piers patted the beak of the Corviknight.  “Not too late to head to Ballonlea, I hope?”

“Not at all,” he said. “Just started my shift, in fact.  Wouldn’t believe the amount of folks who just fancy a midnight ride.”

Piers laughed and nodded to humor the cabbie, who opened the door to the carriage for him.  Crawling inside, he realized there was no turning back now.  He was really doing this.  He was actually heading over this late to… Maybe if he didn’t mentally declare his intentions, he wouldn’t feel so ashamed of himself.  It was a mere booty call.

But the midnight wind whipping his face woke him up just like a splash of cool water.  He couldn’t make this work for her if he didn’t accept it himself.  He was going to indulge his favorite girl in the world in one of her fantasies.  Like a twisted version of Sleeping Beauty, he was going to come for his one true love during her slumber.  Maybe it could be romantic once he got past the initial shock of the idea.  She did say she trusted him, and that’s why she was okay with him letting himself in. Nerves were reasonable when it came to a first time like this.

Distracted by himself, Piers didn’t even register how much time had passed.  He was being dropped off in front of the Ballonlea Pokémon Center before he knew it.  He thanked the cabbie and set off on the trail to Annais’s home.

The one thing he always remembered about Ballonlea from his own challenge days was how beautiful it was there.  Seeing it again was always just as awe-inspiring as the first time around. Shrouded in darkness and neon like Spikemuth, but so vastly different.  Towering trees instead of run-down buildings.  Yet the Glimwood Tangle made Ballonlea even darker than the darkest of Spikemuth nights.  Not a glimmer of moonlight or the faintest trace of a star made it past the thick treetops. This place always felt so surreal. Magic and mystery in the air; it was no surprise she stayed in a place like this.  It suited her, much like Spikemuth suited him.

Though they could not be seen, the chitter of Impidimps could be heard among the rustling grass. Piers held his key tightly.  The creatures would not hesitate to pick it off of him in the blink of an eye if given the chance.  That was the last thing he needed, to be stranded and randy in a village with less than 30 people.  If Annais didn’t answer, he wouldn’t be able to ask for help without everyone knowing his business.

Luckily, Piers found himself standing before her little cottage.  He removed his fist from his pocket.  The key was warm from the hold he had on it this whole time.  Hands shook as he brought it to the door. First, he worked the deadbolt, then the knob.  Once both were unlocked, he let himself inside.

Annais's old Stoutland greeted Piers, whimpering upon recognizing the man.

“’Ello there,” he said, allowing the dog to sniff his hand.  The Stoutland laid his snout in Piers’s palm and snorted sleepily. “Sorry to wake ya, Cap. Y'should go on back to bed, mate.”

Cap licked his palm before wandering back to the couch.  Piers locked the knob and deadbolt behind himself.  He wandered in the darkness to her bedroom door, suspicious of his shadows. Though she said he wouldn’t be out, Piers did fear that Gengar of hers.

Annais’s bedroom door was already cracked when he reached it.  He pushed the door open and looked inside.  No moonlight shone through her window, but the warm, yet dull orange hue of her salt lamp allowed him to see her.  He crossed the floor and stood beside her bed.  Slipping his feet out of his shoes, he crawled up on the mattress.

“It’s me,” he whispered, crawling beneath the blanket beside her.  Her bed was so much bigger than his.  It didn’t squeak as loud either.  Not to mention, she had a bedframe.  If they did move in together one day, this was one piece of furniture he absolutely looked forward to sharing.  

Annais briefly stirred when his arm draped over her, but didn’t wake.  Piers waited to make sure she was really asleep.  

“Ann…” he called to her, barely above a breath.  “I know you hear me.  Quit fakin’, ya tart.”

Piers watched her lips, awaiting them to curl into a smirk.  Instead, they remained as they were, just slightly parted, releasing slow, even breaths.  The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest nearly lulled him.  He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook it slightly.


This hideous pet name would send her into a fit if she were lucid, likely resulting in him getting her claws.  That was the true test of her consciousness.  No grimace. Not even the slightest twitch of her face.  And certainly, no swatting or swearing.

“Guess ya really are out…”

Piers knew sometimes Annais had trouble sleeping.  In a normal circumstance, she wouldn’t be so difficult to rouse.  And things had been so stressful lately, it was no secret to him that thoughts and anxieties would keep her awake if she didn’t do anything about them. She had to have taken something, and he almost felt worse upon realizing this.  But if she was really that far gone, why deny her further?  This is what she wanted, what she begged and pleaded for, after all.

Piers soothed her hair, nuzzling his cheek against hers.  Then, he kissed her, allowing his tongue to tease between her lips.  The bitter berry taste of the sleep-aid she drank was ever present.  A wicked fire blazed within him knowing she was truly out like a light.

His hand trailed down her soft, warm body.  The girl was like a furnace.  She radiated so much heat, probably why the cold-natured Piers was more comfortable around her.  It amused him that she was wearing her favorite shirt- that damn tank top she got from his gym.  She wore it so often it was a wonder it wasn’t threadbare by this point.  When he reached the bottom hem, he realized there was nothing underneath.  After a sharp inhale, his head shook.

“Naughty girl…” he laughed.  “You really were waiting for me.  You do this every night?  Hoping I stop by?”

Piers nestled beside her. He put his head on the pillow next to hers.  Her damp hair smelled so fresh and clean from the shower she must have taken either right before or immediately after her call with him.  If he wasn’t hard before, he certainly was in that moment.  Had he any qualms, they faded as his arousal began to kindle.  He slipped out of his pants.  As softly as possible, he shook them off his feet until they were abandoned between the sheets.  

“My love, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting…  I hope you understand…”

Piers’s fingers traced her jawline, down her neck.  He brushed over her breast, noticing how even in this state her nipple reacted beneath the thin fabric.  His hand went lower, down her belly, past the edge of the tank again, until it rested on her plush thigh.  He nudged it towards him, parting her legs.  The fingers danced back up, between her thighs.  His middle fingertip found her clit.  He traced slow circles around it, barely at first, but eventually applying a bit more pressure.

Annais sighed, and he tensed.  With hitched breath, he waited to ensure he hadn’t woken her.  Moments passed and he was able to breathe again.  His finger resumed the circular motion.

Adding another finger to the mix, he opted for more of a stroking gesture.  The fingers trailed downwards, causing his cock to ache.  She was so wet.  How could she be this wet?  It almost felt…

She had to have toyed with herself before bed.  One of her hands was thrown behind her head, the dominant one.  Out of curiosity, Piers brought his nose to the fingers.  He needed to confirm.

“Couldn’t wait for me?” he growled, nostrils flaring at the all too familiar smell.  Heat pooled in his lower abdomen.  His fingers trembled as he prodded her.  What a dirty girl…  And what a dirty boy he was for getting so turned on by the thought of her, dazed and groggy as her medicine began to take, playing with herself in lieu of having him with her.  “Thought you could do the job without me?”

Piers removed his fingers from her and drew her thigh closer to him.

“Y’knew, didn’cha?  Somehow… Y’knew I’d crack tonight.  Am I really that predictable?  Didja hear the strain in my voice as we spoke?”

Piers slid one of his legs between hers.  Poor thing felt like a rag doll as he hoisted a leg of hers behind his thigh to give him proper access.

“Shoulda left these out for me too…”  Piers pushed up her sleep shirt, exposing her breasts to the night. “… Since you’re such a bloody tease.”

Calloused fingers squeezed her tit, pinched her nipple before letting go and finding her waist. He was so hard it was nearly painful at this point.  He began to rub himself against her already lubricated cunt.

“Tch… Y’tell me this’s mine, then use it without me… Without my permission…”

Piers couldn’t drag this out.  He sheathed himself, slipping into the tight hole with little effort.  Screwing his eyes shut, he gave himself a minute to enjoy how good it felt to be inside her after weeks apart.  His breath quivered.  He swallowed before allowing his eyes to open again.

Asleep.  She was still sound asleep.  Such a peaceful sleep, too.  His little darling looked so serene.  And part of him wanted to fuck her out of it, however difficult or debauched that may be. The other wanted to appreciate her like this, to let his baby rest like she deserves.  Thoughts quarreled as palms met the pillow on either side of her head. His hair hung haphazardly, curtaining both of them.

“Bleedin’, fuckin’ brat.”

Each panted word was emphasized with a drawn out thrust.  Heavens…  He wished she were awake to hear him, but he supposed it wouldn’t be as scandalous then. He hoped his voice at least seeped into her subconscious, that it impregnated her with delightful dreams of the two of them.  He leaned down.  Trembling lips graced her jawline, peppering it with kisses as he continued rutting her.

“Annais, this what you wanted, my girl?” he asked her so sweetly.  “To rile me up ‘til I fucked you stupid?  Treat this exquisite cunt like a lifeless plaything?”

Piers bit his lip, overwhelmed by what was happening.  He could feel her body reacting to everything he’d done thus far.  Those silken walls of hers knew to grip him.  Her lips parted further, allowing the softest choked moan to escape.  Even her back arched slightly.  

“My God…  Annais…” he groaned.  Fists tightened, knuckled whitened as they gripped the pillow case. “What’re you making me do?  You’re gonna…  Make me cum in…”

Sore and full of his seed? If that’s what she wanted, that’s what’d she’d get.  He always sought out a reason to release in her.  Thankfully, she was a willing participant when it came to raw, sloppy, condom-less sex.  Without her awake to talk back and distract him, his own darker fantasies began to make an appearance.  Those thoughts he pushed away when he was with her, and only allowed himself to explore when he was going solo became much louder in the wake of her silence.

Just imagine, he told himself, if this is the way you finally get your baby from her.

Piers’s full body shuddered at that thought.  This alone was enough to make the poor boy snap.  He was so, so close to emptying inside her.  He wondered if he could keep it in her all night without making a mess, if her body would take it like it was designed to do.

“Been takin’ your pills, yeah?  …Maybe?” His voice was strained and husky. “Fuck… Hope so, love...  For your sake…”

He was beginning to work up a sweat, and not because of the warmth of the blankets.  He couldn’t remember the last time he fucked her so rough. He never said things like this to her. He was ashamed, afraid that such words would scare her off.  He wasn’t sure how long you’d have to be with someone before you mention you dream about the day you put a baby in them, but he felt like it still hadn’t been long enough. God, she was turning him into a filthy pervert.  

“Hope ya haven’t been too busy to forget…  Hope you’ve…”

Piers pressed his forehead against hers.  He was quickly losing himself; words were getting difficult to form.  Hands gripped her hips and lifted them to meet his as he grinded harder against her.  Maybe he should come clean with her too, he thought.  Maybe he should tell her this is what he has always fantasized about, since she trusted him enough with this.  Maybe she’d be into it too, hence the seed comment.  People who don’t want to get bred don’t call it that, he said to himself.  Even if she wasn’t, maybe she’d at least humor him, and he wouldn’t have to choke it down every time he fucked her.

“… You’ve been able to remember these things without me around to remind ya…  It’d be ah… A shame… Ah f…fuck… If I…”

All this was a dirty fantasy.  He knew the difference between reality and fiction.  They weren’t ready for a family yet; Piers would be the first to admit this. But the slightest inkling of her neglecting to take her birth control caused a very real reaction in him.  The idea of an accident prompted a particularly sharp snap of his hips.  One so hard, her head tossed to the side and brows furrowed.


Annais was waking.

“Oh, no, no…” Piers whispered, freezing in place.  His hand came up to stroke her hair.  “You’re dreamin’.  Ann… Annais, you’re dreamin’…”

Her eyelids attempted to open, but were so heavy they merely fluttered.


He never meant to wake her. If sleep was so hard to come by, he didn’t want to take it from her.  And this… what he was saying, what he was thinking… it needed to be told to her when she could understand.  He’d tell her everything soon enough, but not right now.

“You’re dreamin’,” he repeated again, softer.  His heart pounded in his ears.  “Dreamin’ of me… Dreamin’… Dreamin’ I was here with you.”

She nodded so slow it barely registered.  A slight smile formed on her lips.  Oh fuck, fuck.  She was so beautiful.  Fuck, he was going to cum soon.  He needed her to stay asleep while he did.

Hush my Annais, don’t you stir…” he desperately sang, slowly beginning to rock against her again.  “Nez is gonna catch ya a Fletchinder…”

Piers was really losing it now, singing a lullaby like this.  But the way her expression and body relaxed beneath him gave him confidence that it was working.

“An’ if that Fletchinder don’ sing… Nez is gonna buy ya… A diamond ring…”

He began having a hard time keeping his voice down, and a harder time getting the words out.  He was panting them out in time with his thrusts, which had gotten sharp and slow.

“I hope… ya like… that ring… so maybe… We can… get married an’… An’ have ah… b… a baby…”

Overwhelmed, Piers climaxed inside her with a shuddering groan.  He clutched her body tight as he did, burying his face in the sanctuary of her neck as he choked up.  His spasming hips involuntarily bucked against her with each spurt.

“Ann… I’m sorry…”  He kissed her neck as his orgasm wound down. He couldn’t recall the last time he came this hard.  Guilt crept in knowing she wasn’t fully there to enjoy it.  He used her.  It was what she wanted, but he still used her.  He masturbated with her body.  “I hope that was okay…  I hope…  You still love me…  I’m hope you’re dreamin’ the sweetest of dreams.”

He was knackered himself at this point, trembling from nerves and hormones.  He remained on top of her, within her, afraid of the mess he’d make if he moved.  Perhaps he could sleep like this, in this strange pretzel position he’d gotten himself into.  He closed his tired eyes and kissed her again.  He hoped she wouldn’t mind.  Maybe it would get easier with time… Yes, he couldn’t deny that part of him wanted to do it again.  That’s probably what she wanted, to get him addicted to this.  There was never a such thing as just once with her.



“Mm… Hm?  Piers?”

The sweet voice that woke him was laced with sleep.  He felt the weight of her snuggling against him.

“Oh, Nez!  I’m so glad…  I’ve missed you…”

Piers smiled, fighting with his heavy eyelids.  When they cracked open, he was greeted with her lovely green eyes staring down at him. He wasn’t sure when their positions had changed.  He had fallen into such a deep sleep after last night that he could have slept through anything… Er, almost anything, hopefully.

“Missed ya too,” he mumbled. “Didja sleep well, love?”


Piers’s eyes shot open and he frowned. “Really?”

“I’m kidding.” She pecked him on the lips.  “God, waking up never felt so good. Thank you.”

“Oh…”  He breathed a sigh of relief and even dared to laugh.  “Sweet dreams, I trust?”

Spicy dreams,” she giggled.  “You enjoy yourself for me?  Feels like you may have, considering this woke me up.”

Her warm fingers graced his bare, stiff cock under the sheets.

Piers scoffed in disbelief. “That woke you up?”

“What?  It was rubbing my thigh!”

“Of all the bloody things,” he groaned, throwing a pillow over his face.  “You’re unbelievable.”

“What?” Annais giggled. She lifted the corner of the pillow to look at him.  “I still have time before I have to be anywhere today, y’know.”

“Then, go back to sleep.”

“Aww, don’t be like that,” she whined.  “You got me worked up!”

Piers opened one eye and peeked at her, grin growing wide.

“Never said we couldn’t have our fun…”

“Oh my God!” Annais snatched the pillow and hit him with it.

“Kiddin’, kiddin’!” he laughed, holding his arms up to protect himself.  “But hey…”

“What?” she asked with tilted head, lowering the pillow.

“Remind me again to get ya a key for my place…  An’ I’ll share one of my fantasies with you.”