Rain Time

It started out innocent enough.

It was a dreary afternoon. Annais was out catching Pokémon, but decided to seek shelter when it became clear that a storm was going to pick up.  Sure, she could have waited it out in a Pokémon Center, but she found herself in Spikemuth, welcomed to sit the storm out with Piers.

The two of them ended up in his room, out of habit.  There just wasn’t much entertainment-wise in the little living room area unless they wanted to watch TV.  She lounged in his bed beside him, listening to some of his old favorite vinyl records. Some she was familiar with, some she had never heard, but all of them were great.  She loved when he shared things like this with her.  Sometimes, she was able to pick up little bits that inspired his own music.

The last album in particular was a little softer, a little more romantic in nature.  The rain outside picked up as it played, battering the windowpane just enough for it to be noticeable.  She cozied up closer to him at the sound of thunder.  The atmosphere was perfect.  Everything just fell into place, and so Piers gave her a kiss. A kiss she returned, of course. Which lead to another.  Little smooches as they laid side by side soon proved that they were not enough.  Piers shifted so he was leaning over her to deepen the kiss.  Before either knew it, he on top of her.  Her arms were around his neck and legs hooked behind his back. His hips rocked against hers, rubbing her just right.  She could feel his erection growing as he rutted against her, causing her to grow wet from the friction.  The sound of his hot and heavy breath between smacks of their lips was more prominent than the weather or the music.  Only one thing could distract her from him.

Piers!  Ya home?”

His sister.

Piers froze, looking down at her with eyes blown.  Annais put a finger in front of her mouth.

“Yeah, Marn?” he hesitantly called back.

“’M back.  I brought dinner, too.”

“Ah, be right there in a min.”  Piers closed his eyes and his head fell.

“I didn’t know,” he whispered to Annais.  “I thought she was at a friend’s tonight.”

“It’s fine but… What are we going to do about this?” she whispered, finger tracing the outline of his arousal.  He knocked her hand away.

“Quit makin’ it worse, for starters.”  He crawled off her and got to his feet.  His eyes scanned his room, and settled on a discarded pile of clothes.  She sat up and watched in confusion as he sifted through the pile.

“Weird time to do laundry,” joked Annais.

“Har har,” he grumbled sarcastically.  He lifted a flannel from the pile and tied it around his waist, allowing the baggy sleeves to hang in front of his crotch.  He cut eyes to the full-length mirror that hung on his closet door, then over to her. “Eh?  Think that does it?”

She snorted, thinking there had to be a less obvious way.  The flannel didn’t quite match the sweatpants and t-shirt combo, but she knew they didn’t have much time to argue.

“Good enough I guess.”

Annais got up from the bed herself, smoothed down her hair and clothes, and approached the door.  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as Piers stepped right behind her.

“We’ll get back to this…” His breath raked over her as he reached around her for the door knob.  She gulped as goosebumps rose on her skin, but wasn’t allowed to respond as he ushered her out the door.  

Annais hoped she and Piers didn’t look as guilty as she felt when he walked into the living room and she walked in behind him.

“Oh, hey,” Marnie said upon seeing Annais.  She looked to her brother with a smirk.  “Had I known you had guests, I woulda brought another.”

“Had I known you were bringin’ pizza I woulda told you,” Piers said, lifting the lid of the box that sat on the table and looking inside.

“S’okay though, we always have leftovers anyway.  Help yourself, then.”

“Thanks Marnie,” Annais said.  This wasn’t quite the appetite she had, but she’d never turn down pizza.  “You carried this through that nasty weather?”

“Yeah,” Piers chimed in. “What were you thinkin’?  It’s rough out there, sis.”

“It wasn’t too far,” said Marnie.  “An’ I had an umbrella.  It only really got bad when I was at the end of the block.  So, what were you two doin’?”

Piers conveniently took a bite of his slice, leaving Annais to answer Marnie.

“Listening to music,” she said, which wasn’t a lie.  The music had stopped by now, making it a little less than believable.

“She didn’t want to get caught in the rain,” Piers confessed.  “So, I let her hang out here.”

“Are you stayin’ the night?” his sister asked.

Annais tried not to choke on the pizza.  Marnie wasn’t usually this nosy.  “Oh… Um…”

“Storm isn’t gonna calm down any now that it’s started,” Marnie commented.

“She’s right,” Piers said, grinning a bit as he gave the crust of his pizza to his sister’s Morpeko. “It’d be kinda daft of you to sit out the drizzle and leave in the tempest.”

“Yeah,” Marnie added on. “Plus, if ya leave, we can’t watch the exhibition matches together.”

“Do what?” Piers flatly asked.

“Oh, you know. There’s one tonight.  Raihan versus…”  She tapped her chin.  “Don’ remember, actually.  But there’s one, an’ we should watch it.  It’s starting soon.  Might already be on.”

Piers’s grin had faded into a frown.  “Didn’t know you watched those things anymore.”

“Usually, I don’t,” Marnie shrugged, picking up the box of pizza and leading it to the living room. “But I figured since we have the champion herself here, we might as well watch the competition.  Maybe she can point out things that will help me next time I’m in one.”

Annais wasn’t sure if Marnie was trying to tease the both of them, or if this is genuinely something she wanted.  Personally, she really couldn’t wait to get back to what they were doing.  Yet it seemed that the two of them had already roused his sister’s suspicions.  What was she going to tell her?  ‘Nah, thanks for dinner, but I think we’ll pass so I can go get fucked silly by your brother…’ She couldn’t say that.  Plus, it’d be fun edging Piers for a little bit.  That would definitely get her in trouble later on and make for a more interesting evening.

“Sure,” Annais said. “I’m curious who Raihan is up against. Aren’t you, Piers?”

She could tell he was pouting as he shoved the pizza into his mouth and nodded.  He moped over to the couch and flopped down on the far end. Marnie sat the pizza on the coffee table and picked up the remote.  The rarely used TV cut to the exact channel.

“Bede?” Annais said. She curled up beside Piers on the sofa. “This should be interesting.”

Marnie ended up on the armchair with Morpeko on her shoulder.  “Isn’t going to last long.”

“What makes you think that?” asked Annais.

“Dragon is weak to fairy,” said Marnie.  “Right?”

“True,” Annais said. “But the majority of their Pokémon aren’t strictly one type.  Like what if Bede sends out Mawile and Rai sends out Flygon?  Dragon is weak to fairy, but steel is weak to ground.  Bede might have the overall type advantage, but Rai’s not gonna go down without a fight.”

Piers had begun to laugh before Annais even finished speaking.  She looked over at him, annoyed.


“You’re such a nerd,” he said.  Annais scoffed, but before she could say anything, he added, “Who’s your money on, love?”


“Think so?” Marnie asked.

“Oh, for sure.  He’s not an underdog by any means.  He’s a lot more disciplined.  Bede’s certainly calmed down since becoming a gym leader, but he still tends to be brash.”

“I agree,” said Piers.

“Oh, you’re just sayin’ that cos she did,” Marnie said to Piers.  He just rolled his shoulders indifferently to her accusation.

The match began.  Like clockwork, Raihan dominated the field with a sandstorm.  

“These guys really need to learn to switch up their strategies,” Annais said while reaching forward to grab another slice of pizza from the box.  

“As if you don’ start most matches off with a First Impression,” muttered Piers.

Most matches,” Annais reiterated.  “Not every match.  I just always use it against you cos I know you’re not going to start with your Toxtricity.”

As she was taking a bite, Piers leaned over and opened his mouth.  She held the slice so he could have a bite of it too, and he thanked her with a quick peck on the lips.

“Y’two are gross, y’know that?”

Annais cracked up, throwing a hand over her mouth so she didn’t accidentally laugh up half-chewed pizza. She didn’t even think about what the two of them had done while doing it, sharing like that was second nature. They always did it when they were alone.

“You regrettin’ your hand in all this?” asked Piers.  “Sorry, sis. No takebacks, you’re stuck with Ann now.”

“Nah, she might as well be my own sis now.  Just wish I didn’t have to see y’feedin’ each other like baby birds.”

“Oh my God!” Annais cackled. “We weren’t spitting pizza into each other’s mouths, Marnie!”

Marnie rolled her eyes. “Probably would be if I wasn’t sittin’ here.”

“Well…”  Piers brought his face up close to Annais’s once more. “Shall we, Ann?”

“Get your own slice.” Annais’s palm smooshed the side of Piers’s cheek as she pushed him away with a giggle.  He sighed in resignation, then leaned across her to reach for the pizza box.  Whether on purpose or not, the boner he was still trying to hide brushed Annais’s lap as he did this.  Though it didn’t seem visible, Annais grew hyper-aware of it again. Marnie had already called them gross; she didn’t want her to see anything worse.

“Hey Marn,” Annais said after quickly finishing the rest of her pizza.  She pointed at the blanket that was folded in a basket beside Marnie’s chair.  “Could you hand me that blanket?  I’m freezing.”

“Sorry someone won’t cut up the thermostat,” Marnie said and tossed it her way.  

“No reason to cut on the heat when blankets are cheaper,” mumbled Piers.  He took it upon himself to get under the cover Annais had draped over herself, just like she knew he would.  He threw an arm over her shoulder and drew her close while he ate his slice.

Now this was too tempting. Annais snuggled closer to him to make the most of the blanket’s size.  Though she knew she shouldn’t, her hand rested on his leg.  Testing the waters, she grazed her fingertips along his inner thigh.  It was very slight, but Piers shook his head, not looking away from the TV.  Annais took no heed; her fingers began to dance a little further up.

Piers finished with his food about the time Raihan’s Flygon successfully took out Bede’s first, Mawile, just like Annais had predicted.  After tossing his crust in the box and wiping his hands with a napkin, he got a bit more comfortable.  His other arm wound up beneath the blanket.  But when it did, bony fingers gripped Annais’s wrist, stopping the wayward hand that had gotten dangerously close.  Piers’s iron-clad hold prevented Annais from moving her arm at all.  She couldn’t struggle or whine that the grip was too tight without making it known that she was trying to grope him.  She opted to rest her head on his shoulder and limp her wrist, hoping he would take it as surrender.  It appeared to work, as the hold he had on her loosened a bit, but he didn’t let her go entirely.  Piers guided her hand between his parted legs, under the sleeves of the flannel shirt. She froze upon feeling the heat of his arousal through the fabric of his pants.  

Piers smiled to himself. He had taken control back and caught Annais completely off guard.  He eased off of her wrist and brought his hand atop hers, lacing their fingers. Together, he moved their hands, rubbing her palm against his erection in slow, agonizing circles.  Annais squeezed her thighs, silently fighting back tears. She craved for him to play with her like he was making her play with him.

“Oi, Ann…”

Marnie’s voice brought her back to reality.  She lifted her head off Piers’s shoulder and looked to where his sister sat in the arm chair. “Hm?”

“Y’know, that reminds me, I always wondered about your Pokémon.”

“Huh?” Annais was completely lost, like she missed something that led to this.  “What about them?

“You payin’ attention? She’s talkin’ about your shinies,” Piers said.  His answer was so nonchalant, as if he wasn’t forcing her hand to service him as they spoke. Annais was jealous.  How could he always stay so much more collected than her?  Looking to the screen, she saw Bede had called out his Rapidash, who looked way different than her own green and yellow one, Sprite.  “Right, Marn?”

Marnie shrugged.  “If that’s what they’re called.  How’d you get the off-colored ones?”

“Why?” asked Annais, perking up.  The topic of shinies always piqued her interest.  Hers were her pride and joy.  “You wanting to get one?”

“Nah, just curious.  Been meanin’ to ask why your Grimmsnarl’s different than mine forever now.”

“Oh, well…”  She paused to chuckle, knowing that Piers was going to give her a hard time about this like he always did.  “I bought them...  Most of them…”

Right on cue, Piers scoffed.  “Imagine havin’ that kinda money to blow on somethin’ purely cosmetic.”

“Oh, shut up!” said Annais. “They’re my babies!”

“Too good to go out an’ catch ‘em like the rest of us,” he tutted and shook his head.  He didn’t have anything against her Pokémon, but he loved teasing her about spending extra money on something so trivial.  It was harmless and all in good fun, because Annais could dish it out too.

“God, don’t listen to him,” she said.  “He’s just jealous that I like them more than him.”

“You’re right,” he sighed melodramatically.  “Dunno how I’m ever gonna marry ya with that big bug of yours around bein’ your number one man.”

Annais snorted and rolled her eyes.  She turned her attention back to Marnie.

“Marn, did I ever tell you my mom owns a Pokémon nursery?” she asked his sister.  Marnie shook her head.  “Well, she does.  She’s been running the nursery longer than I’ve been alive.  I grew up around all sorts of Pokémon.  And every so often, an egg would hatch that looked different from the rest.”

Marnie tilted her head. “Why?”

“No one knows why,” said Annais.  “Like he said, it’s honestly just a cosmetic difference.  Nothing genetically special about them, other than their appearance. They’re not better at battling by default or more powerful.  A shiny isn’t even more likely to breed more shinies.  It’s so strange…  If being a professor wasn’t so boring, I’d consider becoming one to study the shiny phenomenon.”

“Professor Amaryllis…” mused Piers.  “You sure it’s too boring?  That’s got a nice ring to it, love.”

“If you like it so much, how ‘bout you take my last name and become a professor?” Annais said, earning a laugh from Marnie.  Annais had to admit she was proud of herself for keeping it together despite Piers trying to throw her off.  Not only was he interrupting her, but he was still using her like a puppet.  “Anyway, way off topic.  You ever see my Stoutland?”  

“Oh.  Cap, right?” asked Marnie.  She carried on the conversation like normal.  It appeared she had no idea what her brother was up to, and Annais was thankful.

“Yeah… He was my first one. I’ve had him forever.  Mom was breeding Lillipups at the time and let me keep him,” Annais revealed.  She felt especially embarrassed talking about breeding when her boyfriend was in a mood like this.  It was no small task not to think about how his manhood was twitching under her palm.  At any minute, she believed Piers would make an innuendo that would cause her to come undone.  Or that he’d definitely bring it back up when they were alone.

“After him, I was just fascinated with them,” Annais continued in spite of her brain trying to derail her thoughts.  “If I found a Pokémon I really wanted, I’d shop around for someone breeding a shiny. They’re a bit hard to come by cos they’re rare.  But since Mom has connections with other breeders, they’re really not near as expensive as your brother seems to think.”

“That so?” Piers teased. “Remind me how much you paid for Nos again, love?”

“Nos doesn’t count! He’s priceless!”  Annais bumped against him with her shoulder, but also gave him a squeeze as she said this.  Piers tightened his lips and shot her the dirtiest glance.  “Galarian Zigzagoons are in high demand.  Zigzagoons from other regions are completely different.”

“What?  Really?” asked Marnie.  “Never seen one.  Didn’t know there were other ones.”

“Yeah, the common ones in most other regions are like… a light brown.  And as far as we know they can’t evolve into Obstagoons like Nos.”

“Didn’t know that last bit,” Piers said.  “Everything’s bigger in Galar, huh?”

Marnie appeared to be too busy with her phone now to hear that comment from her brother, but Annais heard it loud and clear.  She just chose not to honor it with a response.

“Oh, they’re kinda cute…” Marnie turned the phone around to show her brother the picture she had found, who nodded in acknowledgment.

“They’re super sweet too. I had one back home.  Loads more docile than Galarian ones,” said Annais. Her head once again rested on Piers’s shoulder.  Sighing, she resumed willingly caressing him. “Don’t know why the Galar ones are so belligerent.”

“Somethin’ tells me you like ‘em that way,” said Piers.

“… Yeah,” she admitted. “Guess I do have a soft spot for the rowdy ones.”

Piers chuckled; a bit of pink dusted his cheeks.  Whatever budding moment was short lived.

“Ugh, there you two go again,” Marnie groaned.  “Flirtin’ an’ holdin’ hands under the blanket like a couple a’ lovebirds.”

“Oi, mind your business,” Piers protested.  His cheeks had gotten a full-blown red.  He clutched Annais’s hand again to keep it from moving.  “But uh, speakin’ of rowdy shinies… She didn’t buy that Gengar of hers, Marn.”

Piers’s deflection worked, because Marnie was now interested in that story.

“Did your mum breed that one too?” she asked, directing her attention back to Annais.

“No,” Annais laughed. “He, uh… just started following me around one night.”

“C’mon, Ann,” Piers coaxed. “Y’can’t give ‘er the tip of that story an’ nothin’ more.  Tell ‘er the rest.”

Annais sat up and shook her head.  “Weren’t we supposed to be watching this match?  I’m starting to think you just like listening to me ramble.”

“Oh, y’shoulda known that by now.  He never shuts up about your ‘sexy accent’ when he’s watchin’ your interviews,” said Marnie.  Piers stiffened and shot his sister an embarrassed glance, causing Annais to laugh aloud.  It was no secret that Piers enjoyed her voice, but the interview bit was news to Annais.  She didn’t have time to tease him about it before Marnie added, “Now, tell me about this Gengar.”

“’S a good story,” Piers mumbled.  This time it was his turn to rest his head on her shoulder.

“Alright,” Annais said. She cleared her throat for emphasis. “So, I was exploring an abandoned mall once…”

“Trespassin’,” Piers butted in.

“Shh!  I was… in an abandoned mall,” she continued, trying not to let him throw her off.  “Honestly, I was looking for a Woobat.  My cousin wanted one, and I know they’re usually found in caves, but we didn’t have any… Next best thing, I figured, since it had to be dark and dank in there after a decade or so of being uninhabited…

“It’s a late night in early autumn.  The nights were getting cooler, but it was still pretty damn hot.  I’ve got a bag full of dusk balls and I’m ready to get this Woobat for my cuz...  But all I’m seeing are Zubats.  Like every two steps, I’m getting swarmed by fucking Zubats.  I’m letting my team battle.  I didn’t get to use the ones who were with me at my gym, so I figured the extra training wouldn’t hurt ‘em.  But Lord, that was overkill.  After about an hour, my Pokémon are getting tired and I’m starting to get pissed.”

“Still impressed you put up with that for an hour,” said Piers.

“Hah, yeah… Me too, but my cuz REALLY wanted that Woobat,” Annais said.  “I wanted to surprise her.  It’d kill me to go back empty handed.”

“Sounds familiar,” said Marnie.  Out of the corner of her eye, Annais could see Piers blushing again.  Both girls looked at him and he buried his face in Annais’s neck to hide.

“Carry on, Ann,” he mumbled.

With a shrug and a laugh, she continued.

“So, yeah, I have like 2 repels on me, and I’m thinking about using one just so we can make it back outside to call it a night.  As I’m digging in my bag, I feel this chill beside me.  Like I said, it’s still like pretty warm at night this time of year. But I’m freezing now, so this is weird as hell.  Confused, I look up.  There are no more Zubats around.  It’s like they all disappeared… Or were scared off.  I have my repel in hand, but I don’t want to waste it just yet.  I decide to see how far I can get without using it.  

“I’m walking slowly when all I want to do is run.  This place is so run down, you have to watch your step.  But… my flashlight cuts out.  Worst timing, right?  Even with the old skylight and cracks in the ceiling, it’s pitch black.  I’m lowkey freaking out, feeling like I’m about to get swarmed again.  Then, I swear I hear chuckling behind me.  I don’t look back, cos I’m sure I’m losing my mind now.  I call out Don Gato, hoping his flames could light the way to the exit.  He was just a Torracat then… If he was an Incineroar, I definitely would’ve made him carry me out because I was panicking.”

A crack of thunder interrupted the story, causing Marnie to jump in her seat a bit and Morpeko to tumble into her lap.  Piers and Annais burst into laughter, much to Marnie’s dismay.

Not funny!”

“C’mon,” said Piers. “’S a little funny.”

“Sorry, Marn,” Annais said, managing to fight back giggles.  It took her a moment, but she was eventually able to carry on.  “Anyway, we’re stalking to the exit.  I’m super paranoid that the Zubats have just disappeared.  And I feel like I’m being watched.  Even ol’ Señor Gato is being a bit of a scaredy cat and hanging close to my leg.  It gets even colder, my hair stands on edge, and I hear a tinkling noise behind me. Like, right behind me.  I freeze where I stand and glance over my shoulder.  That’s when I see this huge Gengar just hovering behind me.  Its little hand keeps swatting at my backpack and causing it to giggle.  I realize this massive purple asshole is playing with the charms that I have hanging off my bag.”

Marnie threw a hand over her mouth.  “My goodness…”

“Right?  But I gotta admit, I was relieved.  He was keeping the Zubats away and wasn’t trying to attack, so I didn’t bother him.  I figured he’d get bored and fly off eventually…  But he didn’t.  After he got tired of my charms, he floated up and started walking beside me.  I heard before that Gengar can get lonely, so I started talking to him.  I asked him if he was the one that killed my flashlight.  He chuckled and the damn thing cut back on.  He even made the light flicker a few times for good measure.”

“What a cheeky bastard,” laughed Piers.

“Yeah.  It wasn’t long before I made it to the mall entrance, called back Don Gato, and waved goodbye to the Gengar.  But when I squeezed through the boards to get outside, that damn Gengar was waiting on the other side.  ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ I asked him… And he pointed to the pokéballs I had on my belt.  I was like ‘You wanna come with me?’ and he chattered and nodded.  Then I was like ‘Are you gonna behave?’ and gave me the biggest grin, put his arms behind him, and shook his head ‘no.’  At that exact moment the fat bastard stole my heart.  I couldn’t just leave him.  That’s how I ended up with Mr. Denny Devito.”

“Aww, that’s kinda sweet,” Marnie said.  “An’ he was a shiny one to boot.  What’re the odds?”

“Y’know, honestly, I didn’t even realize he was shiny for a while.  The colors are so similar, it’s hard to tell.  But I’m thinking the shiny charm on my backpack must have got his attention,” said Annais.  “Since getting the charm, he’s the only one I’ve managed to catch in the wild… Or I guess he caught me.”

“An’ now the bugger tickles my feet in the middle of the night if I crash over at Ann’s,” Piers joked.

“I warn you to wear socks,” said Annais.  “He likes toes and doesn’t like boys, especially ones who steal my attention.”

Marnie, must have felt another flirtatious quip coming, because she said, “Speaking of attention… Who’s even winning at this point?”

“Dunno, you distracted me.” Annais shrugged.

“Bede’s down 4 Pokémon,” said Piers.  “Raihan two.”

“Bede’s on his last Pokémon?” asked Annais.

“Yeah, appears he’s waitin’ for the best opportunity to dynamax.  Oop… spoke too soon, he’s dynamaxin’.”

All eyes were on the screen as the Hatterene grew to massive proportions and shifted into its Gigantimax form.

“Bloody disgustin’,” Piers grumbled.

Bede called for a G-Max Smite on Raihan’s Torkoal.  Right before the move made contact, thunder rattled the room and the lights went out.

Annais looked around. “Aww, what?!”

“Alright, you let Devito out?” Marnie joked.

She laughed aloud at this, then shook her head.  “Not that I know of.”

The three waited around for the lights to come back.

“Are they coming back on?” asked Annais.

“Probably not for a while,” said Piers.  “They’re notoriously lousy at bringin’ the power back on.  Might be a few hours.”

“Well, guess there’s nothin’ else to do tonight,” Marnie sighed.  “Me an’ Morpeko are going to bed.  Guess we’ll know in the mornin’ if your predictions were right, Ann.”

“Guess so,” said Annais. “Goodnight, Marn!”

“G’night, sis.”

“Night.  Enjoy your little sleepover, then.”

Though they couldn’t see, they heard Marnie walk away and shut her bedroom door.

“You’re in for it now, Ann,” Piers growled into her ear, letting go of her hand.  “Get up.”

Annais flipped off the blanket and rose to her feet.

“I’m going to get a candle an’ matches,” whispered Piers.  The lust in his voice had Annais wanting to cry.  “You wait for me in the bedroom.”

Annais did as she was told as Piers himself stood, grabbed the leftover pizza, and walked into the kitchen.  Feeling her way through the dark, she found his bedroom.  She stood awkwardly in his room, unsure of what was going to happen next. Moments later, Piers arrived with two lit candles in hand.  He placed both on the dresser.  The dim light was enough to illuminate the room, and gave it sort of a romantic glow. Piers then went back to the door.

“Now,” he said, clicking the lock on the knob.  He turned and stepped closer to her.  “Where were we?”

Annais reached down, tugging on one of the sleeves of the flannel that still hung to his hips.  It wasn’t enough to pull it loose, so Piers untied it himself and let it drop to the ground.  That old shirt was the only thing keeping him decent.  The tent in his sweats was obscene with the flannel no longer there to pin his rock-hard cock down.  A dark grey spot had formed thanks to the precum that was steadily leaking.

Piers was swift, pinning her against the wall while she was distracted.  Their lips locked as she fondled him through his pants.  His hips bucked against her palm.  His own moan was muffled against her mouth.  In the heat of it all, Annais broke away.

“Marnie…”  Piers could hear the hesitation in Annais’s voice.  “Does she know about, uh…?”

“About?” Piers tilted his head.

“Y’know… uh…”  Annais rubbed her palm against Piers again.

“About the Delibirds and the Ribombees?” Piers asked softly.  Annais nodded, prompting him to continue.  “Yeah.  She’s old enough.  What kinda guardian would I be if I let her figure that out on her own?”

Even in the soft light, Piers saw Annais’s face flush to a red so bright it would rival her hair. “So, she most certainly knows…”

“Well, she’s smart, an’ we’ve been together a while.”

Annais groaned.

“Piers… Should we… do this?” she asked, drawing her hand away from his crotch.  The two of them hadn’t ever had sex when they weren’t alone in the flat.  Even with all the teasing earlier, second thoughts began to creep into her mind. Piers was pretty vocal, and always encouraged her to make some noise for him.  She didn’t know how well this would work out.

“Normally, I’d hold off, but I can’t not do it now.”  His voice was husky with desire.  He leaned forward, strategically pressing his cock against her.  Annais closed her eyes in a desperate attempt not to think about it. “’Specially after that stunt you pulled out there.  Nearly had me cummin’ over a Pokémon battle.”

Piers kissed her again, this time grinding his hips to hers so she could feel how hard she had gotten him. Annais knew the both of them were past the point of turning back.  

“I need you so bad,” he pleaded against her lips, tracing her jawline with his knuckle.  With a shaky breath, she cracked open her eyes again to be greeted by Piers’s feral gaze transfixed on her.  “Don’ make me handle this alone, love.  I feel like I’m gonna burst.  Y’know, I’d prefer to do it in you.”

“God,” she breathed, tantalized by the idea.  “I need you too, Nez.”

“That’s right, I know you do…” Another lazy, sloppy kiss was placed upon her lips.  When he kissed her like that, all she could think of was him doing the same beneath her thighs.  But something told her they were too far gone for that kind of foreplay.

“You gotta be quiet. No, silent,” he whispered.  “Can you do that for me?”

“I thought you liked my sexy voice,” she teased.

A soft growl rose from Piers as he buried his face in her neck.

“Don’ pull that right now,” he said.  The coolness of his teeth raking her skin as he spoke offset the heat of his breath.  “She already suspects.  We can’t make this more awkward.  Understand me?”

Annais bobbed her head.

“Get on the floor.”

“The floor?” repeated Annais.

“That old bed is far too squeaky,” he replied, pulling a pillow off his bed and tossing it onto the rug on the floor.  “Get comfortable.”

Annais lowered herself onto the floor beside his mattress.  She began to lay back, but Piers stopped her.

“Nah,” he said.  “Other way, Ann.  Y’should know you’re gettin’ fucked like a whore for what you did out there.”

Annais grumbled, but got onto her knees with her face and chest against his pillow.

“You were the one who started it…”

“Well, I’ll be the one to finish it, too.  An’ you’ll like it,” Piers sunk down to his knees behind her.  She felt his cold fingers brushing against her hipbones beneath her skirt.  “An’ you’ll keep that pretty mouth of yours shut so I can do it.  Understood?”


He hooked the elastic of her panties and fishnets, dragging them down to her knees.

“Bet you were waitin' on this,” he said quietly.  She shuddered at his touch between her legs. “Fuck, you were… I can feel it, love.  You wanted me to do this out there, around others. You’re such a tart.”

Annais did her best not to whine as feather light fingertips circled her clit.  Biting her lip, she looked back at him.  Pleading eyes spoke to him for her.

“Lucky you, I’m in no mood to play around.”  He withdrew his fingers, wiping the tips on her thigh before reaching for his own pants.  “You did enough of that for both of us.”

Piers pushed away his sweatpants and shoved his cock into her without warning. Annais bit her lip at the sudden intrusion.  He certainly wasn’t in a mood to drag this out, as he began to hammer into her with fast, even strokes.

Annais buried her face into the pillow, clutching it and attempting to muffle any noises that he fucked out of her.  Though she tried to keep it in, she whimpered a little too loud for Piers’s liking. She just couldn’t help herself. Piers’s hand snaked between her face and the pillow to clasp over her mouth.

“Shh!  Can’t have my sister hearin’ ya.  She’s tryin’ to sleep,” he scolded.  He reached up to his nightstand and flung open the drawer with his free hand.  He dug around for a moment, then his hand emerged with something.  The hand from her mouth moved to allow him to shove a piece of cloth between her lips and tie it behind her head.  One of his bandannas… He was gagging her!  This was degrading and yet…

“Oi, take it ya like bein’ gagged?” Piers teased upon feeling her clench around him.  Ever defiant, she shook her head.  Piers snapped his hips against her for good measure. The moan that came from her was almost lost behind the fabric.  “Good to know.”

Whatever.  Now she didn’t much have to worry about the sounds she made.  Piers resumed thrusting into her.  With Annais gagged and Piers with the resolve of a saint, the only noises now were the rolling thunder, his steady breathing in her ear, and the moist, obscene sounds of their bodies coupling.

“Ah, fuck…  That’s still kinda noisy, innit?” he paused, whispering in her ear.  “Maybe I should take this nice an' slow.”

Annais whined around her gag and shook her head, but he feigned that he could not hear her.  The pace he slowed to was agonizing.  She could feel as he dragged every inch of his cock out of her and then slowly back in.  Her senses were so overwhelmed that she was on the brink of tears.  This teasing was far too much.  

“Somethin’ wrong, Ann?” Piers cooed.  “Not enjoyin’ yourself?”

With a shake of her head, she confirmed she wasn’t.  

“Ah, me neither.  I wanna fuck you proper.”

Still inserted, Piers removed a hand from her waist and reached over to his bed.  He managed to yank his comforter off the mattress and draped it over their bodies.

“Maybe this will muffle the lewd sounds of your cunt,” he said.

Annais wasn’t sure how effective this was, but she wasn’t going to complain, not with his fingers digging into her shoulders and his cock drilling into her core again.  Her whole body buzzed in ecstasy.  Her gag was wet from her drooling as he fucked her relentlessly.

“’M close, love,” he rasped, erratically thrusting into her.  “Fuck, what a good girl.  You take it so well, so deep.  Just a little more…  We’re almost there, beautiful.”

Annais’s back arched at Piers’s praise and orgasm washed through her.  This caused Piers's hips to still upon feeling his lover’s climax, triggering his own.  He buried his face between her shoulder blades, shuddering and mouthing the skin as he came.

Piers turned her over onto her back.  He removed her gag and replaced the cloth with his mouth, kissing her deeply as he held her close.

“Christ, you talk too much,” Annais whispered.  “I bet Marn heard every fucking thing you said.”

“Sorry,” he said. “Maybe y’should gag me next time.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Not nearly as much as you did.”

Annais huffed and turned away from him, stifling a yawn as she did.

“Knackered?” he asked. She responded with a nod and Piers clutched her.  “Well, doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to take a shower, so we might as well call it a night down here so not to mess the bed.  Comfortable enough?”

Just as she was about to nod, there was a snicker and the lights flickered back on.

“Wait.”  Annais sat straight up.  “Devito?”

The Gengar revealed himself with a cackle, floated over, and gave Annais a hug.  Piers threw the pillow over his head.

“Don’ tell me that bloody thing was in here the whole time.”