Pity Party


She did it.  That girl bloody did it.

Annais had bested Leon and became Galar's new champion, just like Piers knew she would.  Anyone who could defeat and capture Eternatus was surely in a league of their own.  The news was monumental.  Galar hadn’t anticipated this newcomer from some unknown region to save the day and overthrow their unbeatable champion.  If they hadn’t already learned, soon everyone would know how incredible that girl was, and Piers had the pleasure of saying he was one of her first fans.

Like every year, the Champion Cup was always followed by a Gala of sorts for the gym leaders, finalists, sponsors, and of course, the champion.  Usually, Piers found a way to skip out on these events, but Marnie wanted to go.  She deserved it, having made it to the semi-finals after all.  It was her first stab at the league challenge and she did swimmingly.  As much as Piers hated that song and dance, he wouldn’t rob her of a celebration. Sure, they’d have a proper one back home for her, but there was no harm in enjoying this one too.  The main plus was that there would be free drinks… and Annais.

Piers hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Annais since meeting her.  He wasn’t sure what it was about her that had him obsessed.  But Piers went ahead and warned himself that she would be far too popular tonight.  He mustn't get his hopes up about spending a considerable amount of time with her, if any at all.  So, free drinks it was.  Perhaps Marnie would realize how boring these affairs are and want to go home sooner rather than later.

Once there, Marnie ran off to talk to some of the chums she’d made along the way.  Piers was proud that she was finally coming out of her shell, even if that meant he was left to fend for himself.  This lounge in the corner suited him well enough.  Ritzy events weren’t his thing.  He tried to mingle, but just felt awkward about it. He had very little in common with the crowd tonight.  Instead, he’d snatch drinks and people-watch, maybe use the free time to try to come up with some new lyrics.

He’d lost count of how many of these little champagne glasses he had snagged.  The league must have been watering them down in anticipation of those like him, because he hadn’t felt a thing.  People-watching was proving to be boring, just as boring at staring down at his reflection in the glass, which he ultimately decided to do instead.


The sound of his name startled him.  He looked up from his cup and nearly dropped it upon catching eyes with Annais.  To say she cleaned up nice was an understatement. Not that she didn’t look astonishing in her gym clothes, but in that regal purple dress with that gaudy league crown upon her curly locks, she looked just like actual royalty.  He found himself speechless.

“Oh my God!  Hey!  I didn’t think you’d show up!” she giggled as she stepped closer to him.  “Marnie told me you came with her.  You weren’t hiding from me, were you?”

“’Course not.”  Piers stood to meet her.  His heart felt like someone was banging a drum right behind him. Perhaps he was beginning to feel the effects of those drinks.  Before he knew it, his arms were around her.  

“Oh!” Annais let out a little gasp of surprise as Piers embraced her before smiling and throwing her arms around him too.  She’d probably had no shortage of hugs tonight, but Piers hadn’t.  He hadn’t in a long time, really.  He didn’t even consider himself overly affectionate, but holding her like this felt special.  It was nice. She was warm.  

“Congrats,” he muttered. “Never doubted you’d walk away with it.”

“Thank you…”

It took Piers a minute to register that the congratulatory hug he gave lasted a wee longer than necessary and quickly let her go.  Both faces were bright red when they looked back at each other.  Since when was he a huggy drunk?

“You had these drinks?” he asked, diverting attention from what he just did.  “Need a second opinion.”

“Uh, yeah,” she replied.  “They taste… flat… If that’s what you’re asking.”

“That’s exactly what I’m askin’,” he said.  “Did they dilute them with water?  I’ve had juice stronger than this.  Had I known this’d be the year they skimp I woulda brought a flask.”

She giggled, motioning him closer and opening her bag.  Confused he looked down into her purse.

“Annais!” he laughed upon seeing the rainbow flask in the middle of her pokéballs.  “Naughty girl.”

“Shh!”  She closed her purse.  “Don’t tell anyone!  And maybe I’ll share.”

A smile spread across Piers's face.  He put a hand over his heart.  “Won’t tell a soul, love.”

“What do you say we get some fresh air?” she asked with a wink.

“I could go for a break from all this stuffiness,” he said.  “But should the gal of the hour go missing?  Might think I’m bein’ a bad influence.”

“They’ll be fine. Leon does a better job entertaining them anyway.”

Annais took his arm and drug him away from the corner he had been guarding all night.  The two slipped through the crowds of people until they approached a pair of French doors.  Annais glanced around before opening the door and slipping out with Piers in tow.

“Somethin’ tells me you do sneaky stuff like quite often,” Piers said as she walked to the balcony railing.  “I was right about you bein’ a bit of a punk too, yeah?”

She giggled.  “Trust me, I’m not that cool.  I just can’t stand gatherings like this,” she confessed. “So many people… My anxiety skyrockets.” She patted her purse.  “That’s why I needed a bit of liquid courage myself.”

“The more y’talk, the more I feel like we have in common,” he said.  “I try to avoid these things, but Marnie wanted to be here.”

“Well, I’m glad she dragged you along.”  Annais reached into her bag for the flask.  “I’d be miserable if I had to entertain all these strangers all night.”

Piers watched as she brought the flask to her lips and took a sip.  It was impolite to stare, but he couldn’t avert his eyes from her.

“Guess you’re thirsty?” she joked, passing the flask his way.

“Hah, guess so…” He thanked her with a tip of his head and took a swig himself before handing it back. “Shit, Ann… That’s the good stuff.  The hell is this?”

Annais giggled.  “Cinnamon whiskey.  It’s the best from back home.”

“I’ll have to remember that.”

“I can get you some… I have someone who imports things for me.”

Piers stared.  

“N-Not illegal, of course!” she said.  “You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to find snacks and drinks from back home in Galar… Everyone looked at me funny for even asking about this whiskey.  I’m picky, I refuse to drink anything else.”

“I see.”  He chuckled at her explanation.  “You drink often?”

She shook her head. “No, actually.  I used to be more of a party animal, if you could even call it that.  But I’ve grown out of it for the most part.  Still, there was no way in hell I’d make it through tonight sober.”

“Yeah, don’ blame you,” he said.  “Try not to do it around Marnie.  Don’ wanna set a poor example.  I’ll still go out for a few pints here an’ there, but I had enough hangovers to last me a lifetime…  Though, somethin’ tells me I’ll be regrettin’ tonight tomorrow.”

“That makes two of us,” she said, raising the flask as if she were toasting before partaking of it again. The flask ended up back in Piers’s hands.

“Cheers,” he said and had another swig.

“So, Marnie…” Annais asked. “I’ve been wondering, is she your only sibling?”

“Only anything.  She’s all I got left,” he blurted.  He found himself drinking some more.  “All I’ve had since about 13.  Our parents are gone, y’know.  I raised ‘er.”

“Oh…”  Annais’s voice got quiet.  “Piers, I…  I’m sorry…”

Usually, he wouldn’t tell these things to a stranger.  The alcohol must have removed his filter.  It had to be the alcohol, and not the fact that he felt he had some sort of bond with her despite this being their- what, third meeting?  It was his lowered inhibitions that made him comfortable with divulging such tragedy to her.  He ruined the mood, didn’t he?

“S’okay though.  We’ve managed,” said Piers.  He took one more mouthful of her whiskey and the thrust it into her hand. “Think she’s gonna be takin’ over the gym for me soon, since y’took that crown from her.”

Annais nodded, screwing the lid back onto the flask and putting it away.

“Oi, she’s not sore about it or anythin’, Ann.  So, don’t feel bad for her sake,” he said in her silence.  “Y’just proved to ‘er she’s gotta try harder.  She’s a good girl.  Little shy… She thinks you’re keen.  Y’should battle ‘er sometime.  Help ‘er grow.  She’d appreciate it.”

“Sure.  I’d love to,” Annais nodded.  “Since I’m going to be in Spikemuth anyway.”

Piers tilted his head. “You’re gonna be in Spikemuth?”

“Have you forgotten our promise so soon?” she asked with a frown.  “We owe each other a rematch.”

“Right, right!” he said. “You’ll ‘ave to forgive me, love. Not all there tonight.”

“It’s okay,” giggled Annais. “I’m barely ever all there.”

With a wistful sigh, she leaned against the banister and stared down at Wyndon.  And Piers stared at her.  He’d had far too much to drink; he was beginning to think a time like this would be a lovely time to lean over and kiss her.  Instead, he continued to stare.  Her toned legs in those heels, that beautiful dress, the way her hair cascaded down her back.  Her back… that there was something on it.


“Yes, Piers?”

He brushed her hair to the side to reveal more of her back.  “You’re tatted?”

“Oh…  Yeah.”  She stood up straight and held her hair up for him.  “See it?  It’s a Gengar and an Ekans.”

He whistled, admiring the art, and the curve of her neck, and the slope of her shoulders.

“Real fuckin’ badass from what I can see,” he complimented.  He wouldn’t mind seeing the lower half of it, but that would require her to be topless in front of him.  He didn’t foresee that happening any time soon.  Still, this intricate tattoo had him curious about what else one would find on her.  “Anything else I should know about?”

“A few piercings,” she said, dropping her hair, looking over her shoulder, and smirking.  “How about you?”

“Plenty,” he said.  “I’d show ya my ink, but I don’ think they want me takin’ my shirt off with all these runts present.”

“Not even since we’re alone?” she pouted.

“You’re trouble,” Piers told her, wagging his finger.  “I’m not going to fall for it.”

She burst into laughter. “Ah well, maybe another time.”

The French doors swung open, and Piers was glad he had the foresight not to take her up on her request. It’d look compromising for him to be stripping with the two of them alone like this.

“Annais!” Leon called, appearing in the entryway.  “I’ve been looking all over for you!”

“Sure you didn’t get lost on the way?” Piers joked.

“Hah!  There, there, Piers.  Good to see you joined us tonight!  Didn’t even know you were here.”

“Suppose I’ve been tryin’ to keep a low-profile,” said Piers, crossing his arms.  He was only slightly bitter that their conversation had been interrupted.

“What’s up, Lee?” Annais said.

“People only want to talk to the former champion for so long,” he laughed.  “Come help me out here.”

She scrunched her nose. “Do I have to?  I’ll pass back the crown if you handle it.”

Leon let out a loud laugh. “I’ve served my time long enough. C’mon, Ann.  I know the champion thing takes some getting used to, but I’ll hold your hand through it.”

Fiiine…”  She let out an exaggerated sigh.  She turned to Piers as she stepped towards Leon.  “Piers, you coming?”

“You two run along,” he said, turning around to look at the cityscape again.  “I’ll be a minute.”

“Oh, okay,” said Annais. “Um, just come find me when you’re done out here.”

Piers nodded as Leon whisked her away.  He heard the door shut and the night around him grew colder.

Elbows on the banister, Piers rested his head on his palms.  It was times like this, he wanted a cigarette.  If they weren’t so damn bad for his voice, he’d run to a Poké Mart to get a pack.  He wasn’t sure why his nerves were shot.  It must have been the crowd inside.  He took a deep, shaky breath.

He was unsure how long he stood there like that, but eventually he dragged himself back inside.  It was just too cold for him.  Inside wasn’t much better.  When did it get so chilly?  He did see Annais upon reentry, but she looked busy.  Some folks that looked like they could be sponsors were laughing with her and Leon.  It was fine; he really needed to sit down anyway.  His corner from before was still empty and that was the best place for him.

He tried not to watch her, or Leon, as they flitted around speaking to everyone.  He was glad she was able to overcome whatever social anxiety she had.  Her smile didn’t look forced, and Leon’s looked bigger than ever for someone who just had such a devastating loss.

Piers wasn’t sure why he was irritated all of a sudden.  Perhaps it was the music.  He could hear that some of the members of the band needed to tune their damn instruments. That must have been what was getting under his skin so bad he couldn’t watch the crowd anymore.  It had nothing to do with the pang of loneliness he felt. The floor looked particularly interesting; he found himself looking at it for a considerable amount of time.

“How’d I know I’d find you back here?”

What was it about that girl’s voice that sent shivers down his spine?  Possibly the fact that it caught him off guard, and had nothing to do with the fact that it was just so pleasing to hear her speak.

“Sorry,” Piers mumbled, breaking his staring contest with the floor.  “I saw you talkin’ and didn’t want to interrupt.”

“I wish you would’ve,” she said, sitting by his side.  Great, why was he hot all of a sudden?  Did they turn on the heat after all this time?

Annais sighed, and Piers could feel her sorrow as if it were bleeding over onto him.  

“What’s wrong, love?”

“They all seem to know each other so well… I feel like the foreigner just intruding.”

“I’m sure no one thinks of you like that,” Piers said.  “Maybe, if anything, they’re intimidated by your…” Your beauty, your kindness… “… Talent. What if they say somethin’ wrong and you send out Eternatus?”

Annais burst into laughter. “Well, Eternatus is at a research center so they can figure out if he can be safely released or should be kept in captivity.  I don’t like to keep Pokémon I know I’ll never use.”

“Cos he wasn’t shiny, innit?” he joked.  This statement caused her to swat at him, but she smiled just like he hoped she would.

“Anyway…  Thank you,” said Annais.  “I guess I am being too hard on myself.”

“We all struggle with it,” he assured her.  He wasn’t sure who all he meant by ‘we.’  He certainly struggled with it.  Not sure about everyone else.  Still, he didn’t want her to feel so bad.  Her dejection was making his own slipping mood worse.

“If it makes you feel better, I'll let ya in on a secret,” he whispered in another attempt to amuse her. Out of curiosity, Annais leaned closer. “They’re all shaggin' each other.”

“What?” exclaimed Annais.

“Yeah… You’d never know cos that cunt of a chairman banned league members from showin’ any PDA, but they’re all shaggin’ each other.”

“Wait, I didn’t know about no PDA.”

Piers cleared his throat.

“‘In accordance with keepin’ a family friendly image,’” Piers stated in a mocking voice.  “‘All public league figures must uphold a certain code of conduct.  Public displays of affection will be punishable by fine, suspension, or removal of their position.’ What a fuckin’ knob.  No one can kiss unless they’re kissin’ his ass.  Hope he rots.”

“Jesus,” Annais said. “I had no idea…  But I’m more impressed you have all that memorized.”

Piers snorted.  “Used to quote it at my shows to get a laugh.”

“Oh my God.  That’s incredible,” she giggled.  “Well, I need details.  I’m not in the know, I need you to tell me all the juicy gossip.  Who’s shagging who?”

Piers hummed.  His eyes scanned over the crowd.

“Milo an’ Nessa, for starters,” Piers said upon seeing the pair talking.  “They’ve been a thing for a while.”

“Really?” she gasped. “Oh wow… They make a cute couple though. Rivals to lovers?”

“Yeah, yeah, somethin’ like that.  Lessee… Who else?”  Piers tapped his chin.  “Ah, Ol’ man Kabu an’ Gordie’s mum knock the boots from time to time.”

Melony?” Annais whispered.  He confirmed with a nod.  “Ugh!  Lucky ass Kabu!”

Another snort came from Piers.  “Into MILFs, are we, Ann?”

“Well, duh… Who isn’t?”

“A true woman of culture, you are…” said Piers with a laugh.  “Leon an’ Sonia were at it for a while… I think they broke it off though cos Lee was always up Rose’s ass an’ Sonia has a good head on ‘er shoulders…”

“Oh, yeah.  I’ve been warned about that,” Annais said.  Piers furrowed his brows at her statement.  But before he could question her, she asked, “Anyone else?”

“Ah...  Well, Gordie has his fair share of conquests, most are outside of the league though.  And that Raihan, he shags everyone.”

“Yep.” This response caused Piers to frown.

“He hasn’t he got in your pants, has he?” Piers asked without thinking.

“What?  No!” Annais said.  Piers wondered if she could sense his relief.  He didn’t know why the idea of that bothered him so much.  “I can just tell.  He’s super flirty.”

“Nice way of sayin’ ‘horndog.’  Listen to this…”  Piers leaned in closer to her.  “When I first met the lad, this was over a decade back, mind you.  We first met on our challenge, yeah?  We decided to travel together, seein’ as we were just kids. Leon too, when he wasn’t around Sonia. Someone had to keep him from gettin’ lost along the way.  Anyway, those two practically adopted me, as I was wanderin’ around alone most the time.”

“Aww!” Annais cooed.

“Nah, nah…” Piers shook his head.  “This lad… Raihan, good guy.  Great guy. But you wouldn’t believe the bollocks he’d show us in our tent late at night.”

She tilted her head.  “Like what?”

“Y’ever see…” Piers scratched his chin.  “God, what’d he call it… Macro?”

“Macro Cosmos?”

“No, no…  Uh… Macro… I might not even have it right.  Don’ look it up though.”

Annais’s eyes went wide. “You don’t mean… Like… Macro macro?  Like…” She held her hands out to symbolize size.

Piers gave one nod and lowered his voice.  “This bloke was basically wankin’ to Dynamax.”

“Oh my God!”

“Thought it’d be cool t’share with us.  I’m thinkin’ to myself like, mate, I just want to see a gorgeous, heavin’ pair a’ tits… But like… reasonably human sized ones, y’know… Like…”  Piers caught himself about to gesture to her chest.  Thankfully, he wasn’t drunk enough to actually slip up like that, but the mere thought of it left him flustered.  Until that moment, he hadn’t paid much attention to how low cut Annais’s dress was.  God, her tits looked even more delicious than the last time he glanced at them back at the gym.  Probably because that god-awful league uniform wasn’t covering them up.  Either way, he was ashamed of himself for even going down that line of thought.  He cleared his throat.  “Y’get the picture…”

The giggles from Annais only served to embarrass him further.  Why did he find everything she did so cute?  His inebriated state must have turned him randy, and she was the only one around to project it onto.  That had to be why.

“Well,” Annais whispered. “What about you?”

Her light touch on his elbow sent shocks through him, leaving him dazed and confused.  Piers cocked his head.  “Hm?  What about me?”

“Oh c’mon, don’t play coy. Are you fucking anyone?”

Piers stared at her, face losing any color it may have had.  His brain short-circuited hearing her speak so vulgar.  He knew he wasn’t getting turned on at the sound of her voice saying such naughty things to him.

“Yes?  No?” she asked.  She bumped him with her shoulder.  “Meowth got your tongue?”

“I… Uh,” Piers stammered, averting his eyes.  “No…” He shook his head.  “Nah, I don’ like to get involved in their messes. Got too much goin’ on back at home.”

“Ah… I see.”

The pause in conversation was his opening to inquire about her.  Was she sleeping with anyone?  Did she even do that kind of thing?


“Yes, Piers?”

Piers froze.  Suddenly, he couldn’t bring himself to ask.  She was so gorgeous, so interesting, so funny, so gifted…  That wasn’t his bias showing, anyone would’ve been able to tell after meeting her.  She certainly had to have her fair share of suitors.  Hearing anything other than ‘no’ would crush him, and that was a risk he wasn’t prepared to take.  The alcohol had put him in a vulnerable state.  Even though he wouldn’t care sober, he believed that knowing she was with someone else would be enough to bring him to tears at this time.  The last thing he needed was to hear her to confirm his suspicions about Leon.  He’d seen the way Leon looked at her tonight.  He knew they were planning to have dinner just nights ago before all the Darkest Day nonsense happened.  Their chemistry during the finals was not lost on him.  They’d make a cute couple for sure, but he’d rather not know. Ignorance is bliss… or at least less painful than whatever the truth could be.

“Piers?”  Annais said, touching his leg.  “Are you okay?  You don’t look so good…”

Piers shook his head. He didn’t feel well.  In fact, he felt sick to his stomach.  He’d had too much to drink.  That had to be it.  Far too many drinks, that was all.  The thought of her being with someone else had nothing to do with the sudden wave of nausea that claimed him.

“Excuse me,” he muttered. He rose from his seat in search of the nearest restroom.

The Men’s Room was far away, too far away.  Yet by some heavenly act, he managed to make it inside and to a stall.  The moment his knees hit the tile floor, his stomach heaved. He clutched the toilet seat and began to gag.

What was wrong with him? He never got sick while drinking. It had to be that cheap champagne, or maybe that bloody cinnamon whiskey of hers.  It was so warm and sweet, just like her.  Too sweet, maybe.  A taste of heaven that burned like hell.  That’s surely why he was vomiting now.  It couldn’t be that those dark thoughts he experienced from time to time had reared their ugly head in the middle of what was up until that point a great night.  It was whatever he had to drink.

Piers retched until there was nothing left to choke up but bile.  Gritting his teeth, he rested his forehead on his fist.  Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, which quickly turned to sobs and more dry heaving.  It couldn’t be that he wanted to be with Annais so bad it physically hurt.  He didn’t even know her.  He hadn’t fallen deeper in love with her tonight.  That was ridiculous, absurd.  He was sloshed.  He wouldn’t be this much of an emotional wreck if he was sober.

He’d had enough tonight. He was going to regret it in the morning.  As soon as he could stand again, he was going to find Marnie and go back to Spikemuth where he belonged.  Things like this could be left to the champions.

He pulled sheet after sheet of toilet tissue off the roll to clean the spit, snot, and tears off his face. He didn’t need to embarrass himself any further tonight.  He blew his nose, flushed away the toilet paper and contents of his stomach, and rose to his feet.  He didn’t realize how weak he felt until that moment, so dizzy he had to reach for the divider to steady himself.  He managed to escape the stall and make it to the sink.  His bloody makeup had run, making him look even worse than before. He splashed water on his face, grabbed some paper towels, and tried to scrub away how gross he felt.

When he emerged from the bathroom, Annais was out there waiting for him.  He almost wanted to go hide back inside.

“Piers?  Are you good?” she asked.  Without being prompted, she began to rub his back.  “You had me worried.”

“Yeah,” he sniffed, stiffening at her touch.  The girl was too tender for her own good.  No telling how many people fell for her when she did things like this. Everyone who met her must have yearned to be the one to protect her and treasure her.  He shuddered again.  He needed to leave before he had an encore of what just happened moments before.  “You seen Marnie?”

“I, uh… I think I saw her by the punch last.  Wait, I think that’s her over near Allister and Hop,” she said.  She let her hand fall from his back.  “Are you getting ready to leave?”

Piers nodded.  He couldn’t bring himself to look at her lest he make a bigger fool of himself.

“Oh… That’s a shame.” He thought he heard disenchantment in her voice, but he was too hammered to trust himself.  “It was good hanging with you tonight.  I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah,” he said, fighting back both a smile and tears.  “See ya around, Ann.”

Time Skip Epilogue

But all’s well that ends well.  

Despite everything, Piers was together with Annais now, laughing and reminiscing of that night.

“Y’know… There were like three separate points that night where I thought your emo ass was going to kiss me,” Annais confessed, walking her fingers up his bare chest.  She hooked the pendant of his choker and sat up to look him directly in the eyes as he blushed.  “But then, you’d say something dumb or run off.  Way to make a girl feel wanted, Nez.”

“Sorry, love,” Piers said. He pulled her down before pressing his lips to hers three times in rapid succession to make up for the missed opportunities.  “Y’know, I support feminism- equal opportunities an’ all.  Y’coulda made a move too an’ I wouldn’t be sore.”

“Look, the alcohol only gave me enough confidence to outwardly flirt with you.  I was hoping you’d meet me the rest of the way.”

Piers laughed and hugged her tight, cherishing the intimate feel her bare breasts squeezed against his chest.  “Sorry, I missed that cue.  Guess that’s what happened when we’re both sozzled nervous wrecks.”

“I guess I forgive you.”  She kissed him again, allowing this one to linger before pulling away and looking down upon him with a half-lidded gaze.  Even now, in no dress, with no crown, she looked like a queen to him.  Perhaps even more of a queen than she did that night.

“Can’t believe you still wanted to be with me after that,” he admitted as his hands roamed her back, the raised skin of her tattoo passing beneath his fingertips.

“Who doesn’t dream of their Prince Charming getting so drunk at a boring ass social event that they disappear in the bathroom for twenty minutes?  I need that kind of excitement in my life.”

“You concern me, Ann,” said Piers.  “Twenty minutes though?  Doubt it was that long.”

“Twenty minutes.  I was tempted to go in there and check on you myself…  Or send Leon in there after you.”

“So glad you didn’t,” Piers winced.  “Probably would’ve fought the poor bloke on sight.”

Annais sat up.  “What?”

“I…” he gulped.  Even now, as false as it was, this was difficult for him to admit.  “I thought you were with him.”

Piers covered his face with his forearm to hide how from how silly that sounded now.  Annais quickly pried his arm away.

“I spent the entire night throwing myself at you… and you thought I was with Leon?  Do I have that kind of whore energy?”

“Absolutely not.  I just thought you were being nice t’me.”          

“And I’m the concerning one?  Jesus, Nez, we need to get you some affection.”

“Mmm… I think you’ve handled that by now.”  Arms wrapped around her and he squeezed her, prompting her to snuggle her face to his.  “I’ve been shown the error of my ways.”

“Leon thought we were together, you know…  He asked me after finding us on the balcony,” Annais teased.  “Marnie, too… And Hop, and Opal, and…”

“Enough.  I get it,” he groaned, pinching her lips.  She smacked him playfully and he let go.  “So, the whole region knew we were meant to be, I get it.  I’m daft.”

“You’re not daft,” she assured him.  “It worked out in the end, perhaps for the better.  So, are you going with me tonight or not?”

Piers groaned.  “Dunno if it’s a good idea.  I can hardly be around you without clinging to you like static.”

“Oh, c’mon,” she urged.  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I’ll make it worth your while if you do… Maybe we can spend 20 minutes in the bathroom together this time.”

“Alright, up you go,” he said, patting her.  “Let’s get a move on.”