Night Time

Piers jolted awake at the sound of knocking, hand darting over his racing heart.  After taking a moment to reorient himself, he realized it was someone rapping on the entry door.  He looked over to his Obstagoon, who was still sleeping soundly despite the noise not letting up.

“Some guard Pokémon you are, mate,” mumbled Piers as he slipped out of the bed.  He dragged himself across the chilly flat, noticing that it was past one in the morning according to the clock on the stove.  A peek out of the peep-hole showed him the culprit.  Still half-asleep, he almost believed he was dreaming.  It took him a moment for him to react, another knock on the door caused him to quickly unlatch it and swing it open before she woke anyone else.  Annais greeted him with a flushed face and a shy wave.  All his irritation over being woken up melted away.

“Oh, Ann…” Piers scooped her into his arms.  The feel of her in his embrace proved it was no dream, as did the way he got slightly damp from her own drenched clothes.  He then held her at arm’s length to look her over.  “You’re soaked.”

“Sorry, I know…  Can I stay with you tonight?”

Piers nodded, opening the door wider to allow her in before locking it behind her.

With a yawn, he began making his way back to his bedroom as she trailed behind him.  “It’s so bloody late, love.”

“I know… I’m sorry,” she whispered in response.  “I should’ve called, but my battery’s dead.  I didn’t want to go into a Pokémon Center looking like this…  Not a cute look for the Champion.”

“‘S okay.”  He opened the bedroom door for her.  “You alright?  Not in trouble, are you?”

“Nope, no messes,” she confirmed.

“What’re you doin’ out so late?”

“… I was out catching Pokémon.”

“Ah… Of course.”  He chuckled and shook his head.  Typical behavior from Annais.  “In a rainstorm?”

“Well, some Pokémon only come out during thunderstorms,” she explained.  “It just… got a lot nastier than I was anticipating.  Camping out felt like a bad idea.”

“Y’ must be freezin’, Ann.  ‘M freezin’ lookin’ at you.  Hang tight, I might have somethin’ you can wear.”  Piers turned and began to rummage through his dresser in the dark.  Annais stood awkwardly in the middle of his room while he searched, not wishing to get anything wet.  While glancing around, she noticed the still-sleeping Obstagoon who took up most of his bed.

“So, this who you cuddle with when I’m not around?” she joked.

“Oi, don’ sound so jealous,” Piers said.  “Need a towel?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

He handed her a baggy band tee and a pair of his pajama pants before disappearing into the bathroom.

Annais stripped out of her wet clothes and hung them over the chair in the corner of the room.  The shirt fit fine; the pants were a little snug at the hips and way too long.  She opted to not wear them.  She’d bother him about a bigger pair in the morning if Marnie was home.  She’d be fine to walk around in her panties otherwise.  Either way, that was a morning problem; she just wanted to get cozy as soon as possible.  She sat her glasses on his end table and settled on the bed.

“Hi, Ziggy,” she whispered, snuggling closer to Piers’s Pokémon.  The blankets were warm from where Piers had been laying in them moments before.  The Obstagoon barely stirred, but nuzzled her.  She closed her eyes and buried her face in his soft fur, threatening to doze off until she heard Piers’s voice.

“Yeah, usually let the big guy sleep with me when it rains.  I can put ‘im in back in his ball, if y’ want.”

Annais lifted her head to see him standing at the edge of the bed.

“It’s fine.  He was here first and he’s sleeping so well.  I’d hate to bother him,” Annais said. 

“No qualms about wakin’ me though,” he said, crossing his arms and donning a smirk.  “See how it is.”

“Oh, hush.  You know you were excited to see me,” she replied.  She patted the space behind her.  “You coming?”

“I’ll try.  Might be cramped,” he laughed and joined Annais under the covers.

Cramped was an understatement.  Obstagoon occupied a good chunk of the bed, leaving Piers and Annais spooning on the remaining sliver of mattress.  Piers wasn’t in a complaining mood; he was glad to have a surprise visit from his girlfriend.  It was fortunate for her that she was able to wake him up from his deep sleep.

“Ann,” he sighed at that thought.  “What were you gonna do if I didn’t answer?”

“… Didn’t cross my mind,” she replied.  “I knew you’d answer.”

“Awful lotta faith in me,” he mumbled into her ear, holding her closer.

“Well, you answered, so I’d say it’s warranted.”

A soft chuckle fell from Piers.

“Zigs is gonna be chuffed when he sees you ‘ere in the mornin’,” he said.  “Don’ be upset if y’ wake up to a tongue bath.”

“Oh?” Annais responded, knowing Piers couldn’t see the grin on her face.  “From you or Ziggy?”

“Quit bein’ naughty.”  Piers pinched Annais, causing her to giggle.  “So, catch anythin’ tonight, love?  Out there for anythin’ specific?”

“I was looking for a Drampa,” she said. 

“Drampa,” he repeated.  “Oh, right…  The dragon, yeah?  Find one?”

She shook her head.

“Ah, well.  Maybe next time…”

“Have you ever seen one?” asked Annais.

“In person?  Nah.”

“Me either,” she said.  “I heard about them in Alola, but didn’t get a chance to see them before I left.  They sound like such sweet creatures.  I wanna meet one.”

“Yeah, I remember the stories from when I was a lad.  Too much of a city boy though.  Never played in the wild area.”

“Hey.”  Annais twisted around so she was now chest to chest with him.  “You should come with me next time.  Maybe we’ll both get to see one.”

“In the thunderstorm?” asked Piers.

“Pretty sure that’s the only way to see one in Galar…  Unless you’re a little kid.”

“You tryin’ to catch it?”

“Well, just to get data,” she said.  “Remember, I’m helping with the Pokédex?  I’d release it right after.  I really don’t have any use for a big babysitter right now.”

“So dedicated,” Piers said before yawning.  “Might can do a rain check if I have a show next time y’wanna go out…  Just to make sure you don’ get into a mess all alone in a storm.”

Annais pecked his lips in appreciation.  He returned this with a kiss of his own.

“Right then.  Think I’m goin’ back to sleep,” he said.  He closed his eyes and cozied up closer to her.  “Love you.”

“Love you too,” she replied.  “Goodnight, Nez.”

“Night, Ann.”

Piers was quick to drift back off, seemingly unaffected by the sleeping situation.  Annais wasn’t as lucky.  She was comfortable enough, if a little hot.  The rain tapping at the window above the bed wasn’t enough to lull her.  It could be worse, she thought.  She could be sleepless in a tent in the middle of a storm instead of bundled up with the man she loved… And his Pokémon.  She was still amused at the fact his Obstagoon was here.  Annais never realized that Piers allowed his Pokémon to sleep with him and would’ve killed to have seen what he looked like curled up beside the big softie.  She was willing to bet it started back when Ziggy was just a little Zigzagoon, but Piers was so sentimental that he never grew out of it.  She couldn’t blame him.  Ziggy was like a huge, warm teddy bear.

Instead of closing her eyes and attempting to get some sort of rest, she opted to watch over Piers as he dreamed.  With a wistful sigh, she appreciated the softness of his sharp features when they were relaxed like this.  His pale complexion was untouched by imperfections, illuminated by the hazy glow of Spikemuth’s neon lights which were diffracted by the rain and weakly peeking through his blinds.  She had to restrain herself from reaching up to trace his jaw, fearing even the most tender of touches would cause him to wake.  It was such a shame, considering how tempting and kissable his slightly parted pouty lips looked.

Annais’s eyelids fluttered shut, fearing that if she stared at him too long, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from bothering him.  This didn’t prove to be any better.  The familiar scent of being in his presence wafted around her, occupying her lungs and suffocating her with longing.  The weight of his arm that rested atop her and the firmness of his chest pressed against hers had her yearning for more contact.  Even listening to the slow and steady rhythm of his breathing had her holding her own breath.  Yet she had already interrupted his sleep once tonight.  She’d wait.  Even if she was driven further into to madness with each second that ticked by until the sun rose and stirred him, she’d be patient for him.

With a deep inhale and subsequent exhale, Annais tried to clear her mind.  She tried to just let go and join Piers in his dreams…  But now there was a wet nose now pressed to the back of her neck.  His Obstagoon had inched his muzzle against her in his sleep.  She couldn’t prevent the little laugh that escaped, wondering if Piers was accustomed to this.  She couldn’t judge him; her team was spoiled, too.  Despite the fact that the big bug wasn’t as plush as some of her other Pokémon, her trusty Golisopod would keep guard in her tent by resting draped over her sleeping bag while camping.  Her Stoutland was the watchdog of her home, sometimes joining her on the bed or couch if he sensed she was in a sullen mood and staying with her until she fell asleep.  Even though he had grown way too big to lay on her lap since his days as a Litten, her Incineroar acted as a living heating pad on days she needed it, curling against her to sooth cramps while she napped.  Her Gengar liked to feed on bad dreams and sometimes she’d wake to find he had broken out of his ball to hang out while she slept.  Even her own Obstagoon was a cuddler, too.  The difference was she had a bed that was double this size.  Her mind wandered like this for what felt like hours, ruminating on everything from Piers to her Pokémon to the fact that she should have plugged up her phone or took a shower before laying down.

A wet feeling on Annais’s cheek had her twisting in disgust, waking her from the slumber she hadn’t realized she fell into.  As she wiggled away from the source, she noticed the mattress had more space on it.  Opening her eyes revealed that the room was brighter now.  Piers’s Obstagoon was wishing her good morning by slobbering on her face and his owner was no longer beside her.

Eugh,” she groaned.  A hand came up to block his snout, resulting in her palm being licked instead.  “Morning, Ziggy.  Nice to see you too.”

“Oi, no fair, Zigs.  Leave my girl with you to make some tea an’ you take ‘er,” Annais heard Piers’s voice say from behind her.  The Obstagoon backed down, allowing Annais sat up to see that he was standing in the doorframe with his arms folded.  “‘M supposed to be the one kissin’ ‘er good morning.”

“Well?  What’s stopping you?” Annais teased.

These words forged a smirk on Piers’s lips.  He sauntered over to where she sat.  The moment his knee hit the mattress, his hand reached up to cradle her jaw.  His thumb traced her bottom lip, prompting it to part and her breathing to hitch before he closed the distance between their mouths.  She kissed back in earnest.

“You ‘ave any idea how nice it is to wake beside you when I had thought it was all a dream?” he whispered against her lips before kissing her once more.  “Or how bloody cute you look when you sleep, makin’ it so, so hard not to wake you?”

She grinned wide, knowing exactly how he felt.  As he went to part from her, her lips chased his begging for more kisses.

“Easy, Ann,” he warned, pressing his index finger to her lips.  He pried his loving gaze away from her to look at the dopey creature that was sitting beside them with a sigh.  “Ziggy, y’ready to go back into your ball, mate?”