Day 09: Medical Play

Annais awoke to a groan and felt the body of her lover rolling away from her side.

“Fuck,” he breathed, groaning again before throwing a pillow over his face.

“You okay?” Annais asked.  Piers shook his head under the pillow.

“Feel like ‘m on my fuckin’ death bed.”

Saying he had a lot to drink the night before was an understatement.  Annais did too, and was surprised she wasn’t nearly as hungover as he him.  In fact, she felt great.  Playful, even.  It was such a shame that Piers didn’t feel good… But she had a plan.

She carefully slipped out of her bed, tiptoed over to her closet, and stepped inside.  She flipped through all the dresses and tops she had on hangers, trying to find what she was looking for before her hand touched the bubblegum pink fabric of her nurse’s costume.  She quickly stripped out of her bedclothes and into the dress and apron.  It was far more revealing than the ones nurses at the Pokémon Centers wore.  She threw the hat on top of her messy bedhead.  Good enough.

She peeked out of the closet.  Piers had fell back asleep with the pillow still over his face.  She was able to walk out of the bedroom without being seen.  She wandered to the kitchen to grab some ibuprofen and a glass of water before heading back to her room.

“Good morning, Mr. Sterling!” she chirped when she approached the bed again.  “I’ve brought your medication.”

“Ann?”  He lifted the pillow and his head to look at her, then dropped it back down.  “What in the bleedin’ hell are you wearin’?”

“I’m going to nurse you back to health!” she said.  “Here, take these.”

Piers grabbed the ibuprofen from her and tossed them in his mouth before reaching for the cup.  He took a good look at her outfit before shaking his head.

“Why d’ya even have that?” he asked.

“It was a Halloween costume,” she replied.  She cocked a hip.  “What’s wrong?  Don’t like it?”

He handed her the cup back and laid down again, throwing his forearm over his eyes.  “S’cute.”

“Hey, no sir… You gotta finish the glass,” said Annais, pulling his arm away.  “You’re likely dehydrated.”

Piers grumbled before sitting up and accepting the cup again.  “How’re you so bloody cheery when you drank as much as me.”

“Guess I’m not a lightweight.”

Piers gulped down the rest of the water and sat the cup on her nightstand.  He laid down on his side, facing away from her.  “Your bedside manner is rubbish.”

Laughing, she seated herself behind him and began to rub his back.

“Well, can I get you some breakfast, Mr. Sterling?” she asked as sweet as she could.  “Getting something in your system would probably help.”

“You’re actin’ more like a bloody maid or somethin’.”

“Is that a no?”

“If I eat, I’m gonna get sick all over your bed.”

“Well, can I help you with a bath?  I’m sure you’re all achy.”

Piers sighed.

“Y’know… I guess that does sound nice.  Sure.”

Giddy, Annais hopped to her feet and sashayed to the bathroom.

“Wait… Ann?”

She paused right in front of the bathroom door and looked over her shoulder at the sound of his voice.

“Yes, sir?”

Piers rolled back onto his back.

“As gross as I feel, I really don’ wanna get out of bed,” he mumbled.  One of his eyes had cracked open to look at her, and she saw him fighting off a smirk as he continued.  “…There a nurse ‘round here willin’ to give me a sponge bath instead?”

Annais was beaming now.  She responded with an eager nod.  “Yes, of course, sir!  I’ll be right back.”

When she disappeared into the other room, Piers smiled to himself in spite of his blinding headache.  He had almost dozed off again when he heard her humming beside him.  Peeking at her, he saw she had returned with a rag and a bowl of water.

“Back already?” he asked with a small laugh.  “You don’ have other patients to take care of?”

“Nope.  My priority is my favorite patient.  Now, let me know if it’s too hot,” she said when she brought the rag to his face.  “…Or too cold.”

“Nah,” he said.  “Feels perfect.”

“Good.  Just relax, and I’ll take care of you.”

She began by dabbing at his cheeks and forehead.  It had to be purely psychological, but that gentle touch of the warm cloth did relieve some of the tension.  After his face was all clean, she dipped the rag again to prevent it from losing too much heat.

Annais continued to stand beside his side of the bed, gently venturing lower with the rag.  She was cheeky enough to lift his arms and wipe beneath them, tickling him as she did.  Piers was definitely feeling more awake now, and it was brutally honest when she pulled the sheets further down to get to the rest of his body.

“I think that could use a wash too,” Piers said.  Annais hummed, conveniently smoothing below his navel and right above his waistband instead.  “Li’l further south, love…”

“The doctor doesn’t want you getting too excited,” she teased.

Piers feigned impatience with a huff.

“Well, I’ll make sure we sue ‘im for malpractice if I die.”

Annais snorted, causing him to crack up too.

“… Mr. Sterling,” she managed to say through her giggles.  “I don’t think anyone died from your, uh… condition.”

“Yeah, an’ I don’ wanna be the first,” Piers retorted.  He threw his wrist over his forehead.  “I’m growin’ lightheaded.  Think I’m losin’ blood, love.”

Still laughing, she shook her head as she placed the rag into the bowl of water. 

“I’d hate to lose my favorite patient,” she said.  “I’m going to rid you of these, okay?”

Piers lifted his hips to remove them himself, but she brushed his hands away.

“No, no.  Don’t strain yourself,” she said.  “I’m taking care of you, remember?”

“Right then.  Fair enough.”

She pushed his sweatpants down enough for his erection to spring free, then reached for her rag again.  After wringing it out, she was kind enough to bring it to his cock.  The gentle stroking of the pleasantly warm, moist rag down his length had Piers melting back against the pillow and sighing blissfully.

Her touch was so good as she continued, Piers felt if she kept that up, he’d make a real mess.  He’d prefer to do that inside of her.

“You work so hard, doncha, Nurse Ann?” he asked.  His hand had ended up under the skirt of her uniform and was smoothing up her ass.  “On your feet all day, I bet.” 

Annais pulled the rag away and tilted her head.

“Why not take a little seat?” he said, gesturing at his lap.  “Such a good nurse.  I think you earned it.”

She laughed and tucked one of her curls behind her ear.  “Are you sure?”

“Promise.  I won’t rat my favorite nurse out.”

The rag was tossed back into the bowl and she crawled up in the bed with him.  She straddled him, placing her hands on his bare chest.  A little groan escaped him the moment she seated herself on his cock.  That warm, wet rag was nothing compared to how divine her cunt felt around him.  When she began to rock her hips, he felt like he was in heaven.

“Remember, I’m taking care of you, alright?”

“No complaints here, love,” he said.  “I trust you’ll make me better.”