Day 27: Cockwarming

The world was without a doubt a cold and hard place.  Winter was no less bitter, coming ruthlessly early this year.  The snow blanketing the ground was as thick as the Glimwood Tangle, somehow making its way through the thicket to coat the quiet cottages of Ballonlea and top the caps of the bioluminescent toadstools.  

Yet all of this was forgotten within the walls of Annais's cozy cottage.  In her presence, everything was right in the world.  Within the fireplace, logs were ablaze.  If this wasn’t enough, the couple had bundled up together in the corner of Annais’s sectional sofa.  Piers felt softness in his heart.  He felt the warmth of her love within his chest and all around him.

But especially on his lap.

Tonight, Piers somehow managed to convince Annais to watch something that didn’t involve blood and guts. The holidays were just around the corner and he had to admit, he was feeling nostalgic.  He wanted to watch some of his old favorites.  She agreed to his movie marathon and surprisingly didn’t protest the content like he had anticipated.

At one point, she left to use the restroom.  When she returned, he threw back the blanket for her to rejoin him.  Instead of lounging against him as she had been doing, she crawled on his lap with her arms tucked under him and her face on his chest.  He smiled and tossed the cover back over her, amused since his chest was far less pillowy than hers.  Piers figured she had finally gotten bored with his selection, or perhaps it was just getting late.  A yawn from her confirmed to him it was the latter.

“Sleepy?” he asked. His hand came up to stroke her hair.  When she nodded, he asked, “Wanna go to bed?”

She shook her head against him.  “Nuh-uh, it’s freezing in there,” she mumbled, accentuating her point with a shiver.  “And we've worked so hard warming this spot.”

He let out a tiny laugh, unable to argue with her there.  The toasty heat from the hearth didn’t reach the bedroom.  He was relieved, as he was enjoying the current arrangement.  The couch was large and soft enough that he wouldn’t be opposed to spending the rest of the night on it, especially if she were on top of him like this.  As long as she was comfortable, he was too.

Piers held her, rubbing the small of her back as he turned his attention back to the TV.  To be honest, he’d lost interest in the film. He couldn’t shift his focus from the woman in his arms.  He pressed his lips against the top of her head, burying his nose in her curls in the process.  When he breathed, he inhaled the clean smell of her hair.  A content sigh escaped him, and he kissed her head again as a reward for being so lovely.

Every so often, she’d make some kind of movement, adjusting herself to get more comfortable and rubbing against him in the process.  He didn’t know if she realized she what she was doing.  He looked at her as she laid atop him.  Her eyes were shut.  Her countenance showed no signs of play.  She looked so serene.  The teasing must have been inadvertent.  Intentional or not, he still felt a familiar warmth pool within him due to her motions. He stared back at the screen, hoping it would just go away.  It was late. She was beginning to fall asleep. That could wait for another time.

“Nez,” she whispered. He felt her hips slightly grind against his budding erection.  This one was deliberate.  A smirk now graced her lips.

“Sorry,” he said with an apologetic squeeze.  “You can ignore it, love.  I know you’re tired.  I don’ wanna bother you.”

“You can still put it in me, y'know,” she sleepily giggled.  She now opened her eyes to look up at him.  “I’ll keep it warm.”

Piers took a moment to consider her offer.  Even if he had thought about saying no, he couldn’t hide his body’s delight at this idea. With the television’s dim glow, Annais could see the rosy tint of his cheeks at the suggestion.  She felt the twitch as more blood rushed further south.

“Sure?” he asked.  There was no denying he wanted it, but not if it was going to put her out.  “Not gonna keep you up?”

She shook her head.  “No more than having you poking me.”

He chuckled, then gave her the go ahead via a nod.

With a yawn, she lifted herself off of him, just enough so she could access between his legs.  She unbuttoned the fly of his pajama pants, and reached inside to fish out his cock.  Piers’s hand joined hers to assist, pushing down his briefs so she could guide him through the fly.  Her nightgown had already ridden up to her hips, so she pulled her panties to the side and effortlessly lowered herself onto him before easing back down into the position she had previously been in.

“How’s that?” asked Annais.

If he was being perfectly honest, it felt like home.  It was so domestic, so natural.  The intimacy of this act felt far greater than anything he’d ever experienced.  It was as though their bodies were destined to conjoin just like this.  It was pure bliss.  It was everything he ever wanted, yet nothing he could have ever dreamed of.  So simple, yet so profoundly perfect.  Just having her in his embrace with his cock so cozily nestling inside of her was indescribable. But if he had to choose one word to sum it up?

“Divine,” he said with a light chuckle.

She hummed, allowing her eyes to flutter shut again.

Piers watched Annais instead of the movie now.  He was mesmerized by the subtle flare of her nostrils as she breathed and the way her face relaxed as she most certainly drifted off to sleep.  He reached for the remote and lowered the volume.  The crackle of the fire could now be heard over the movie’s audio track.  This was soon joined by the soft, delicate snores of Annais.  Piers found himself fighting back a yawn of his own.