Day 26: Boot Worship

“Oh, Nez!” Annais gasped when Piers pulled his new boots out of the box.  “Those are beautiful!”

“Yeah?” he chuckled.  “I quite fancy them.”

The smell of genuine black leather greeted the couple the moment they were out in the open.  There wasn’t a lot Piers splurged on, but boots were one of those things.  He didn’t get new pairs very often, so when he did, he refused to settle.  Over the years, he had accrued quite the collection.  His favorite pair would always be the white ones with the skull heels, but he liked to rotate so his favorite pair wouldn’t end up too worn.  These new ones were probably a new close-second.  They were gorgeous combat boots that came up past his shins and were adorned with studs and spikes.

“Put ‘em on!  I wanna see!”

Piers chuckled and sat down on the armchair to model them for his girlfriend.  Annais sat cross-legged at his feet.  He pulled them up his skinny calves one at a time before tightening and tying the shoestrings around his leg.  The top flaps of the boots hung over the string.  When he was done, he stuck a foot out for her to admire.

“God, I love them,” she complimented.  “We should break them in!”

“It’s gettin’ late, Ann. I don’ really wanna go stompin’ around town.”

“… That’s… not what I meant,” she said, holding his foot in her lap.  He raised a brow.

“What exactly did you mean then?”

“Nez…”  Annais looked at his feet, then back to catch his eyes. Leaning forward, she whispered, “I think you should step on me.”

Piers lightly shook his foot out of her hands and crossed his legs.  “Why would I do a thing like that?”

“… Cos it’d be hot?”  She shifted from her position to sit on her knees. “Please?”

“I didn’t know you were into feet,” Piers commented.  It struck him as odd she’d act this way now.  She never seemed to pay attention to his bare feet.

“I’m not, really,” she said. “This is… different.”

Piers stared at down at her, directly into her pleading eyes.

“Do you want me to hurt you again?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

She averted her eyes, holding her hands in her lap.  “I mean…  Maybe a little.”

“Annais…”  He sighed.  “Why are the things you ask me to do to you always borderline abuse, love?”

“What?” she asked, pouting. “No, no… I’m not asking you to kick the shit outta me.  Just grind your heel into me a little.  Hold my hair and make me kiss them.  They’re brand-new boots, so it’s not like they’re dirty.”

Piers didn’t know why the universe decided to hook him up with the most submissive and depraved woman in Galar, but he loved her.  Kinks and all.  She was always so genuine when she asked him these things.  That woman was his soft spot, so he put on his tough act.

“Like this?” he asked, bringing the rounded toe of his boot to tilt up her chin.  The color of her face answered that one for him.  He smirked, lowering his foot as he saw her brain short circuiting.  

“Hands behind your back.”

The hands that were folded in her lap now met behind her.  He tapped her knee, then nudged it.  He repeated the same for the other, resulting in her thighs being spread for him.

“Ann,” he said, tracing her inner thigh with the smooth leather of the tip.  She gulped, opening her legs a little wider for him.  “I feel like you just blurt out whatever randy idea you have. I oughta start makin’ you do every dirty thing that pops in my mind.”

“L…Like what?”

Piers realized he should’ve thought that threat through.  He felt so tame compared to her.

“I dunno,” he confessed. “Sure I’ll think of somethin’ someday. You’re really gettin’ me into the filthiest things I’d never thought of before.”

Her eyes were liable to pop out of her head when he brought his foot up beneath her skirt.  He rested his heel on her pelvis.  

“Ann…  You flatter me, y’know,” he said.  “It really is endearin’ that you just… are such a slut for me.”

He applied a bit of pressure as he said this, and watched as her thighs clenched around his boot.

“Don’ cum on my new boots, Ann.  Hate to have to punish you for ruinin’ ‘em.”

He emphasis his point by grinding his heel against her again.  When she gasped, he took his foot away.

“Hands and knees.”

She leaned forward, bringing her face to the ground between her palms.  Piers rose from the chair.  He slowly paced around her.  He really did admire how she was so obedient.  She had her bratty moments, but now was not one of them.

“Now, what did you say earlier?” he asked, crouching in front of her when he stopped by her head. “Hold your hair and make you kiss them?”

Annais felt like she was on fire.  Hearing him repeat back to her the ridiculous things she said made her feel like she was some irredeemably horny slut.  She didn’t have much time to process how absurd she could be before she felt him yank her by the back of her hair.

“Right then.  Kiss ‘em,” he commanded.

She planted her lips on the toe of one boot.  She mirrored this on the other.  She looked up at him for approval.

“Just what the fuck was that, love?”  Piers laughed and tightened his grip on her hair before smooshing her face against his shoe again.  “That’s not how you kiss me.  Do it again. Right this time.”

Annais was starting to feel humiliated now.  She felt extra exposed with her ass up in the air like this while her pussy felt like the dams had burst.  How was he always so good at the kinks he initially opposed?  She pressed her lips to his boot again, mouthing at it this time. She made sure he saw her drag her tongue across the tip before kissing it again.

“That’s more like it,” he purred.  With him crouched right in front of her as she worshipped his boots, she could see his jeans beginning to tent.  A smirk crossed her face as she turned her attention to the other foot.  She really was getting him into things he’d never consider before, and she knew he loved every minute of it.