Day 23: Sado/Maso
Annais glanced over her shoulder back to him. Piers sighed as he looked over her.
“Y’should really cover up.”
Piers didn’t have anything against her outfit. He wasn’t trying to get her to dress a certain type of way. It wasn’t that he thought she’d be cold, nor was this his possessiveness speaking. He was concerned about what lie beneath. In this skirt, her legs were on full display. Even with the fishnets, it was plain to see the cuts and bruises that marred the fair skin of her ass and thighs. Dark and painful-looking cuts and bruises that he put on her at her request.
Galar didn’t know their champion was a masochist. Piers preferred to keep it that way. He knew how nasty rumors could be; he’d been the butt of a few of them. They worked hard to keep her reputation intact. He didn’t want anyone to think she was being abused. He especially didn’t want her to have to reveal what she enjoys in private. What Annais did after she walked out of a stadium was no one’s business but her own. He wasn’t going to deny his girlfriend pleasure just because she was a public figure. It was his duty to keep her satisfied, even if that meant erotic corporal punishment.
The Pokémon League was the furthest thing from her mind when she begged Piers to be extra rough with her. She wasn’t thinking about what she was going to wear to her next match when she was bent over his lap the night before, getting spanked and then flogged ‘til her ass was raw. To be fair, it never crossed his thoughts either as he administered the pain she craved. Piers thought about how she pleaded and cried and squirmed in his lap. He also thought about how wet her cunt was as he pumped his fingers inside of her while alternating between caressing and smacking her bum. As he fucked her, all he could think about was how incredible it felt to be inside of her after working her up so much. He was more focused on how hot her skin felt to the touch as he rubbed lotion on the reddened, tender flesh than whatever consequences may follow what they’d done.
She tilted her skirt up, getting a good look at the back of her legs in the mirror. She giggled and shook her head as she did. Her thighs looked like galaxy-print- the bruises were various shades of purple and blue, with a hint of red still in the mix. They were far too big and plentiful to blame on an accident.
“Nez,” she said, rubbing a palm along her sore thigh. “This is a work of art. We should at least get a picture of it before I have to change.”
Piers didn’t understand it. It was fun last night, but he felt guilty as he looked at how badly he hurt her this morning. He took good care of her afterwards- gave her a bath, put ice on her legs. But the girl could barely sit down today. He noticed her wince as she lowered herself onto one of the chairs in the kitchen for breakfast. He had to remind himself it was exactly what she wanted; she liked this. Their safe word was never uttered. There were times last night where he paused to ask her if he was being too rough, and she only begged him to go harder. If he had to guess, seeing her legs looking like that was making her ache for another round.
She walked over to him with her phone, already on the camera application.
“Here,” she said with a giggle. She turned around and presented herself to him. “Go on so I can find something else.”
Piers frowned as he looked at the phone in his hands.
“Who’s gonna see this?” he asked.
“No one,” she assured him. “Well… Maybe Raihan, so I can brag. No one else though. I wanna keep it for myself… Maybe to tease you with, next time I want it.”
With a sigh, a shake of his head, and a smile, he lifted the phone. She bent over slightly while holding up her skirt to give him a good view. Her thighs were squeezed together, he noted. Yup, she was completely turned on again. When he got what he believed was a good shot, he pinched her thigh, causing her jolt upright.
“Ouch!” she swatted at his hand as he giggled. “That hurt!”
“Don’ tell me you didn’t like it.”
“… Shut up!” She snatched the phone from him to take a look. Biting her lip, she went to hide it so she didn’t show it to anyone accidentally. The phone was then sat down onto the nightstand.
“Well, what am I gonna wear now?” she asked, slightly pouting. “My jeans are too tight and gonna irritate the skin.”
“Tights?” he replied. “Somethin’ opaque an’ maybe a li’l soft.”
She nodded, walking to her dresser to look for some.
“… How long ‘til those go away?” he asked.
“Completely?” she asked. “Like a week. Maybe two.” She smiled wide as she shimmied her fishnets down her legs. “Then, we can do it again!”
“Oh, Ann…” He was frowning once more. “You’re gonna have to cover up that long?”
“What, that’s only like… maybe four matches? If I go shopping, I can use that as an excuse.”
“What about if you come over?” he said. “I don’ want Marnie to think I’m treatin’ you wrong.”
Annais walked over to him. She cupped his face and gave him a kiss.
“Quit worrying so much,” she said. “Besides, she doesn’t know about… That? I knew about BDSM when I was her age.”
“Cos you’re a weirdo, Ann. Someone should’ve monitored your computer access a little better.” Piers sighed, folding his arms. “Even if my sister somehow knows about kinky stuff… I highly doubt she’d enjoy knowing her brother does it to the woman she thinks hung the stars in the sky.”
Annais snorted.
“Fine. I’ll steal your pajama pants when I’m over,” she said as she pulled up the replacement tights. “Say I forgot my own. How do these look?”
She turned around again and Piers looked.
“Better,” he said.