Day 16: Dubcon / CNC
As dinner continued, Annais found herself incredibly drowsy. She was having a hard time keeping her head up, and an even harder time focusing on Piers as he sat in front of her. He kept speaking to her, but she couldn’t understand a single word of it. Confusion was prevalent, but something amidst the brain fog knew exactly what was happening.
She’d been drugged.
Piers must have slipped something in the drink he poured for her, or the food he had fixed. A big, dopey smile crossed her face.
This had been discussed beforehand, extensively. Piers was no stranger to Annais’s quirks at this point. Now that they were married, he seemed more willing to indulge in her darker fantasies. He knew his beautiful wife had seen far too many horror movies. He knew she read way too much erotica. If it made her happy, kept her satisfied, and he was one hundred percent certain it wasn’t going to cause her any damage, he’d have a part in it.
Tonight, they were safe and alone at home. They’d done their research together, found some organic ingredients that would cause the desired result without any lasting effects. Annais wanted to be completely surprised, but Piers felt that blurred the lines far too much for his own comfort. They came to a compromise. Piers would tell her that he was planning to do it sometime within the next few days, but wouldn’t specify when exactly. Annais would be giddy with anticipation.
Piers had made dinner tonight. He usually cooked for them, so this raised no alarms. He was eating the same meal she was, and she thought nothing of it. One moment, she was chatting with Piers like normal. The next, the world around her slowed to a crawl. She tried to push through it, but her motor skills were dulled. She kept clumsily dropping her fork until she just couldn’t hold it any longer.
“Ann,” Piers frowned, sitting his own down. “You’re making a mess. Let me help.”
He rose from his chair and walked over to her. He pulled the utensil from her limp hand.
“Be sure to eat all your mash. I made it special for you,” he said, scooping up a forkful and bringing it to her lips. When she failed to open her mouth for him (not out of disobedience, but lack of control), he gripped her by her chin and coaxed it open. This continued, and after a few bites the mashed potatoes made her feel all warm inside. Her clothes felt itchy as they brushed her skin, but her limbs felt too heavy to remove them.
“Feelin’ it yet?” he asked, mouth pressed against her ear. He pinched one of her hardened nipples, causing her to gasp. That was the only response she was able to provide, but it told Piers enough. “You must be. Just a little more.”
He spoon-fed her another bite, wiped her chin with the napkin, then brought the glass of wine to her lips. The mashed potatoes were seasoned with an aphrodisiac. He also stirred something into her drink to make her lethargic. The combination turned her into a horny, stupid mess.
Setting the wine glass back down, he began to grope her. Annais may have appeared to be completely out of it, but she could feel everything he was doing to her. Every touch was amplified by the drugs in her system. He palmed her breasts, going out of his way to stimulate her nipples. She wanted to press her chest against his palm, but couldn’t will herself to move at all. That thought quickly faded, and she just sat in the chair bobbing her head as he kneaded her tits.
“Ann,” Piers said. “We should get you to bed.”
Piers took her plate, then his own, then disappeared. Annais didn’t know what happened to him, and was so sad he was gone. She began to cry. She didn’t want him to leave her. He returned as soon as he left, wandering over to her side to check on her again.
“Ah… Miss me that much, silly girl?” he asked, using his sleeve to wipe away her tears. He took that slow blink as a yes. “C’mon. Up we go.”
He helped her out of her chair, and she swayed the moment she was on her feet. Piers had to help support her full weight. He tried to walk her to their stairs, but that resulted in him dragging her while she dragged her feet. With a sigh, he picked her up.
“Y’need me, doncha, Ann?” he said. “You’d be hopeless without me. Don’ worry. I’m taking care of you.”
It was a long walk to the top of the stairs, but he got her to their bedroom without dropping her or sending them both tumbling. He laid her on the bed, immediately climbing between her legs to grind against her.
“Ann… I seasoned my food a bit too.”
Her lips parted upon feeling his erection against her clothed sex. Just that little bit of stimulation had her eyes crossing in pleasure.
“No wine,” he said, fisting her hair. “I want to be able to enjoy every single thing I’m going to do to you… An’ I don’ intend to go easy on you.”
He began to strip her, fighting the clothes off of her limp and uncooperative body.
“You’re makin’ this harder for me, Ann,” he growled.
No response. He peeled away her panties, pleasantly surprised to find she was soaked.
“This little cunt is already dripping…” He thrust his fingers inside of her pliant hole, and she immediately clenched around them. “You can’t even talk or feed yourself or walk on your own, yet your cunt still works. It still begs an’ does what it should. You’re really just a hole, aren’t you, love? Just a mindless hole… Just a hole for me to pump full of cum.”
Annais wasn’t even lucid enough to process his (playful) insults. Like he said, the only thing functional about her appeared to be between her legs. All she was really aware of was how good her body felt. Everything in her system paired with the delightful sensation of his fingers working her had her cumming almost instantly. A pleasurable buzz claimed her whole body.
“Already?” Piers scoffed in disbelief. “I didn’t say you could do that, Ann…” He flicked her clit, earning a half-hearted moan. “But if you like them so much, I wonder how many of these I can give you.”
He crawled off the bed, opening her nightstand and retrieving a vibrator. He pressed the button, ensuring it had juice before cutting it off and getting back between her legs. He stuck the bulb of the vibrator to her swollen clit and powered it on again. This sent a jolt of unimaginable pleasure through her. He switched patterns and watched her glassy eyes for some sort of indicator that she was getting closer. They didn’t give her away, but her hips did manage to jerk up on their own before sending her into another orgasm.
Piers smiled wickedly, not removing the vibrator from her, forcing her to ride one climax into the next. As much fun as it would be to string her on like this until he lost count of how many times he made her cum, the drugs in his own system were making the throbbing of his cock unbearable.