Day 11: Somnophilia | Dirty Talk

As Annais lay sleeping, Piers slipped out of the covers.  He crossed the floor to her desk, taking the chair and lifting it so not to make noise as he brought it to the other side of the room.  He placed it in front of the bedroom door, below the knob, that he then locked.  No one was coming in this bedroom, not until he got what he needed.

Piers ended up back under the sheets with Annais.  His erection throbbed as he drew her sleeping body close to his.  He felt close to bursting from abstaining from his beloved. Today especially was pure torture. That little family cook-out he was forced to sit through was enough to drive a man insane.  The sight of Annais in her swimsuit was bad enough, so much of her beautiful body on display around others made him want to pull her to the side and protect her from their gaze, protect himself from his raging jealousy from having to share the view. 

But that wasn’t what made him snap tonight.  A few of Annais’s cousins had children.  Young children.  Babies and toddlers that found themselves drawn to his fiancée.  He spent the majority of the afternoon watching his woman holding other people’s kids, playing with them, showing them love.  It looked so natural on her.  It drove him crazy.  He wondered if she did it on purpose, if she knew what she was doing when she smiled at him with a baby on her hip.  That should have been his child she was holding.  One day, it would be his.

It was a topic that was heavy on his mind this trip, with her mother making no effort to conceal how ready she was to become a grandmother.  Piers had to bite his tongue to keep himself from agreeing with the woman, to keep himself from revealing how badly he longed to impregnate her daughter.  He knew Annais wanted to wait.  He knew they needed to get married first.  But he couldn’t control his emotions tonight.  The temptation was far too great this time.  He needed to feel what it’d be like to cum inside of her again.

The fact that they’d only had real sex one night over the past month probably did his mind no favors. He couldn’t hold out until the next week when they were back in the comfort of Spikemuth.  With his hands on her thighs, he guided her satin nightgown up until the hem was above her hips.  His fingers hooked the lacy little boy shorts she wore and drew them down to her knees.  

Piers pushed his own pajama pants down enough to free himself.  After stroking himself a few times, he grabbed Annais’s hips and adjusted her so he could line up with her entrance.  His full body shuddered upon easing into her.  Even in her sleep, she was so wet for him…  He had made sure of that, fingering her and teasing her clit through her panties the moment he was certain she had fallen into a deep sleep. Any qualms Piers may have had in the past regarding Annais’s love of somnophilia were far behind him.  Fucking her in her sleep was the most intimate thing imaginable.  The thought that she was so completely and utterly his that she didn’t care if she had a say in what he did to her made his heart swell with pride.  He knew she loved him, trusted him, and didn’t want to be with anyone else but him.  He’d even recently considered telling her she could do the same to him, but hadn’t got the nerve to let her know yet.  He’d give her permission when they returned home.  Tonight, he had one thing in mind- playing out the fantasy of starting their family.

Piers did his best to make as little noise as possible as he slowly rolled his hips against her.  The springs in this mattress were old, even breathing in their sleep caused them to squeak.  Piers had no idea how long Annais had this bed before moving to Galar. There was some perverse thrill from the thought of giving Annais children in her childhood bed, something so provocative about putting a baby in her while sharing a bed with stuffed toys she had since she was a baby.  He couldn’t help but glance over at the pile as he fucked her, wondering if any of them would be passed on to his son or daughter.  

His son or daughter

Piers bit his lip at the thought.  No offense, but their children would be so much cuter than the ones he saw today.  He could see it now, a tiny angel that resembled them both.  His mother’s genes were strong; Piers knew he’d pass them to their babies.  It was likely their child would share his poliosis. Whether they ended up with Annais’s red hair or Piers’s black, he expected a patch of white.  He had it.  His mother had it.  His mother’s brother.  Her father.  Marnie’s wasn’t as bold, but the fact she had an undercut disguised it entirely.  Both he and Annais had eyes of green, so he was certain they’d have green eyed babies.  Fuck, he couldn’t wait to see his beautiful wife holding one of his beautiful children. He wished this wasn’t mere fantasy.  He really wished he could knock her up tonight.  He’d love nothing more than to go back to Galar and watch her slowly blossom into a mother over the next few months.

Piers was getting worked up now.  His body was pouring sweat from doing this under the blankets to try to muffle the sounds of him rutting into her cunt.

Annais found herself drifting in and out of consciousness as Piers’s mouth and tongue lavished her neck. At first, she was confused by the tiny grunts and panting in her ear.  Though she was still trying to gain lucidity, soft moans escaped her lips.

“Shh…” Piers whispered. “Go back to sleep, Ann.”

“Wh… O-oh…”

“Shh…” Piers shushed her again, kissing her temple.  “If you’re not gonna go back to sleep, stay quiet, love.  Almost done.  Been needin’ this.”

Annais nodded, resting the side of her face back onto the pillow.  She hummed as he continued thrusting into her.

“Your cunt is so tight, Ann,” he said.  “It’s missin’ my cock stretchin’ it out, innit?”

Annais bobbed her head.

“Nn… Nez…” she mumbled.

“What is it, my love?” he whispered, lips brushing the shell of her ear.  

“Y’saw me…”  She was interrupted by a yawn before continuing. “…Didn’t you?”

Piers tilted his head. “Saw ya what, Ann?”

A huff of a laugh left her as she shook her head against the pillow.  “T…Teasing…”

Naughty,” he growled in her ear, quickening his pace.  “Naughty, naughty girl.  So, y’did do it on purpose?!”

Burying her face into the pillow, Annais giggled.

“Right then.  Y’got what y’wanted.  Y’riled me up.  I’m gonna get what I want now.”

Annais shook her head, trying to play coy, but not awake enough to fully commit.

“I’m gonna cum in ya, Ann,” snarled Piers directly into her hear.  “Gonna give ya a baby since ya wanna play so fuckin’ much.  You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?”

Giggling softly before yawning, she shook her head no again.

“Listen to you.  You can’t even say no,” he said.  “I have half the mind to do this over an’ over again tonight.  Just doze right back off an’ let me handle it.”

“Mmm… A-Ah…  Fuck, Nez, that feels so good…”

Piers clasped a hand over her mouth.  “Shh… You’re gettin’ too loud.  You want your nosy mum knowin’ I’m knockin’ you up in here?”

As best as she could, Annais shook her head again behind Piers’s hand.  

“Yeah, let’s keep it a secret,” he whispered.  He felt her trying to yawn again before snuggling closer while letting him continue fucking her.  “Ann, let’s surprise ‘em.  Let’s visit again in about 8 months when you’re ready to burst, then tell ‘em.  Tell ‘em their precious li’l grandbaby was made right here under their roof.”

She half-heartedly nodded.

“Oh?  You like that?  Like the thought of them knowin’ you can’t behave yourself around me?”

Piers must have been dirty talking to himself now.  He felt that Annais had begun to lightly snore again and dropped his hand from her mouth.   His thrusts were sharp and shallow now.  He couldn’t last much longer.  He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he finished up, unleashing what felt like weeks’ worth of cum inside of her.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he slowly pulled out of her and immediately cleaned her with the towel he had ready.  The last thing he needed was her mother to ask why they were having to wash the sheets.  He then snuck out of bed again, undoing all his preparations so not to look suspicious in the morning.  With the door unlocked and the chair back under the desk, he went to shower.