Day 9: Pet Play

Piers had let it slip. He didn’t mean to; he was distracted while writing.  She’d asked him a question, something to get his attention.  He didn’t even know what she said, but he had responded with sultry “Yes, kitten?” as he had done in previous relationships rather than the typical “Yes, Annais?”.  She initially froze at this pet name, then stammered and grew flustered as he looked up at her.  She didn’t ask again.  Instead, she walked off into his bedroom.

It wasn’t intentional, but Piers was thoroughly amused with the result.  He followed her, creeping into his room to find her hiding beneath his blankets.

“You like that, doncha?” Piers teased as he stood beside his bed.  “Wish I knew sooner.”

“Fuck off…” she mumbled.

The girl was bad at conveying her emotions.  She must have been embarrassed at how much that little reply turned her on.  Piers chuckled to himself as he lifted the blanket to peek at her.  Teasing her was so much fun when she got into a mood like this.

“Aw…  What’s wrong, kitten?”

Annais shot him what was supposed to be a venomous glance, but was far less intimidating than she intended.  

“Don’t fucking call me that.”

“How about pussycat?”

She groaned, covering her face with her forearm.

“No?  Well, you shouldn’t’ve let that cat outta the bag,” he joked.  He held his hand out for her.  “Pspspsp… Here, kitty, kitty.”

She knocked it away.

“God, quit.”

“Fine, fine,” he said, straightening up.  “Take a little cat nap then while I finish up.  Just wanted to see what you needed.”

Annais rolled her eyes, face burning as she snatched the blanket back down over her and turned away from him.  He exited the room, switching off the light as he left and walked back to the living room. Piers settled down at the edge of the couch again, still smiling as he resumed working on his lyrics.

Minutes passed, and he heard the faint spray of the shower from the other room.  Piers figured Annais was probably trying to get him ready for bed when she came to him earlier.  He looked at the clock on the wall.  It wasn’t terribly late, but she had been up early that morning for league business.

A dozen or so minutes later, the faucet shut off.  Piers was chewing on the end of his pencil, re-reading his draft when he felt as if he was being watched.  Out of the corner of his eye, he located the source.  From the edge of the hallway, Annais peeked at him.  He smirked at her playfulness, but didn’t raise his eyes.  He waited for her to say something.  She never did.

“Stalkin’ me now?” he asked, still not glancing up from his notebook.

“Are you coming to bed?”

Piers shook his head. “In a bit, love.  In the middle of somethin’ right now.”

Annais sighed and joined him on the couch.

“You can go on to sleep if you’re tired,” he said.  “It might be a while for me.”

She didn’t respond. She settled on the couch beside him, laying her head on his thigh.  His hand landed on her head, stroking her hair as he continued proofreading.  This gentle gesture helped her doze off.  With his free hand, Piers continued to scribble all over his notebook.

The next time he viewed the clock, he was surprised how much time had slipped away.  Annais was still napping beside him, silently snoring.  He frowned at how uncomfortable her position looked.

“Ann…  Annais…  Y’ awake, kitten?”

Annais was awake.  Well, she was awake now, but she couldn’t lift her head, open her eyes, or do anything to acknowledge Piers other than softly groan and snuggle closer against his hip.  She was so exhausted; she couldn’t even protest that god-awful pet name he teased her with and he knew it.  

“You should go on to bed,” Piers said to her.  “It’s late. I know you’re tired.  You’re going to be sore in the morning if you sleep all curled up like this.”

“You coming too?” she whispered.

“No, not yet,” he said. “But I’ll join you when I’m done.”

Annais shook her head, unwilling to move without him.  Sighing in defeat, Piers sat his pen down on the end table atop his notebook.  It wasn’t like he could accomplish anything decent tonight anyway; her antics had gotten another song repeating in his mind.  His trimmed nails lightly scratched at the back of her scalp and he began to hum it.  She practically purred and cozied closer to him.  Intentional or not, she was making herself such an easy target.

“That’s not your new song,” she yawned when she finally noticed his humming.  She recognized it.  It was painfully familiar, but she was half-asleep and having a hard time placing it.  Her nose scrunched in confusion.  “What is that?”

Pussycat, pussycat, I’ve got flowers-…”

“Oh, no…”

An’ lots of hours to spend with you…”

“Nez, stop,” she grumbled in protest.

So, go an’ powder your cute little pussycat nose.”

He tapped her nose as he sang this, causing her to weakly swat at him.  Laughing, he pulled her into his lap.  She whined a little, but let him hold her.

Pussycat, pussycat, I love you,” he sang, holding her waist and swaying her.  “Yes, I do!

“You’re not acting like it…”

You an’ your pussycat nose!  Sing with me, Ann!”

“What’s new pussycat,” she sighed, hands coming up to cover her face.

Whoa-oh-oh oh… What’s new pussycat?”

Annais decided to humor him. “Whoa-oh-oh, oh oh…”  She couldn’t help but giggle.  He was ridiculous, and she loved it.

Piers kissed her neck, holding her closer.

Pussycat, pussycat, you’re so thrillin’,” he whispered into her ear.  “An’ I’m so willin’ to care for you…”

Annais couldn’t deny the provocative spin he had put on these lyrics raised goosebumps.  She squirmed in his lap as his hot breath graced her skin.

So go an’ make up your big little pussycat eyes.”

He mouthed at her clavicle from over her shoulder.  His hand came up to cup and squeeze her breast.

“Nez,” she breathed.  “I really think we should go to bed.”

His sister wasn’t home, but she could be at any moment.  The last thing either of them needed was her to walk in on something like this.

Piers flipped his notebook shut and switched off the end table’s lamp.  He then helped Annais get to her feet.  His arm held her waist, and he brought hers to hold his.  She clung to him as they shuffled down the dark hall. Opening the door to his bedroom, he led her in and to the bed.  He threw back the blankets for her.  After she settled on the mattress, he began to ready himself to join her.  He was still humming as he stripped off his day clothes and threw on something more comfortable.  He nestled by her side, arms returning to her and pulling her into his chest.  He kissed behind her ear.

Pussycat, pussycat, you’re delicious…”  His lips ghosted the sensitive skin of that area, causing her to sigh and melt in his embrace.  “An’ if my wishes can all come true…”

He guided her back against the mattress, hovering over her.

“You’ll soon be kissing my sweet little pussycat lips,” she finished for him with a coy smile.  He cracked the widest grin at her participation and lowered his mouth upon hers.  Hands brushed under her nightgown and located her hips, gripping them and rubbing light circles with his thumbs.  In turn, she threw her arms around his neck, inviting him closer and deepening the kiss.  A bout of slow, soft, and sensual lovemaking followed, allowing Piers to get sleepy enough for a cat nap of his own.