Day 1: Double Penetration


With his elbow on the bar and his head propped up by his fist, Piers cut tired eyes over to his companion.  “What, Rai?”

“Man, we go way back!” Raihan pouted.  “We’ve always been friends, right?  Did our challenge together?  Became gym leaders together?  Bucked the system together?”

Piers stared at the foam at the top of his pint as it dissipated, sighing before bringing it to his lips.

“You know, if you were into it, I’d invite you to hang with me and Lee,” Raihan continued as Piers chugged his beer to try to drown out that this conversation was happening.  At the sound of Leon’s name, he dropped the empty glass back on the counter.

“Speakin’ of, what does he have to say about all this, then?”

Raihan beamed.  “He can’t say much.  We invite Sonia sometimes cos of him.”

Piers blinked a few times. He never considered that Sonia would agree to such an act.  She always seemed like such an innocent thing, but you never know what people are like behind closed doors.

“… He’d do it too if he had the chance.”

Hearing this caused Piers’s perpetually furrowed brows to knit harder.

“What, so you all want a go at my woman?”

Raihan’s hands shot up in front of his chest defensively.

“No, no!  Not just her!  I wouldn’t mind a go at you too!  Both of you are hot!  You know this!”

Piers’s expression did not change.  This flattery went nowhere with him.

“We’re not strangers to each other, mate!  We’ve fooled around before!  You’re a class lay!”

Piers rubbed the bridge of his nose and shrugged off the man’s arm that had landed on his shoulder in a display of comradery.

“Rai, dunno about yours, but my relationship is pretty serious.  If this were anyone else, y’know I’d consider.  But this is the girl I wanna marry, the girl I wanna spend the whole rest of my life with.  This isn’t just some open to the public fling.”

“Serious couples do stuff like this all the time to keep the passion alive!  Ever hear of swingers?”

“We’ve no lack of passion, mate.”  Piers took Raihan’s pint without asking and downed the rest of it.  He believed he deserved it for having to entertain this conversation so long.  “Gonna write this one off as us both bein’ pissed.”

“Fine, write it off. But if you ever change your mind, come to me first.  I’d write you off as my best mate if I found out you two went to Leon… Or that psychic lad Annais is so chummy with.”

Piers grimaced at the thought of Avery weaseling his way into their dynamic and had to shake it out of his mind.  Raihan would be a far better choice, should it ever come to it.  “Duly noted.”  He dug out his wallet, but Raihan stopped him.  

“Nah, mate.  It’s on me.”

“Tryin’ to wine an’ dine me isn’t the way in our pants, Rai.”

Raihan shrugged. “Won’t hurt though.”


Piers was no Leon, but Wyndon was so big and he was so sloshed that it took him a bit to find his way back to the Rose of the Rondelands.  He shouldn’t have turned down Raihan’s offer to walk him back, but felt if the subject was pressed any further, he wouldn’t be as cordial.  Once he reached Annais’s suite, he collapsed on the large bed and shut his eyes.  Not that the memory foam mattress he sunk into wasn’t nice, but he wished he was back at home on his shoddy box spring mattress instead.  There was more comfort in familiarity.  He heard the hiss of the shower in the other room stop and smiled to himself.  Annais would soon be beside him.

Moments later, the bathroom door opened and Annais appeared in one of the hotel’s fluffy cotton robes with a towel upon her head.

“Aww, if you were back, you should’ve joined me,” she laughed upon seeing Piers sprawled out on the bed.  “Have fun at the pub?”

“More fun than you had with the sponsors, I’m sure.”

Annais rolled her eyes as she continued towel-drying her hair.  “Like, why did they have to meet after the Star Tournament?  Can’t they have a meeting during business hours like normal people?”

“You’re a busy girl, Ann,” Piers reasoned.  “Probably figured they’d getcha while they could.”

She shrugged, draping the towel back over the rod before making her way to Piers’s side.

“What’d Raihan have to say tonight?  Upset we beat him again?”

Piers did not respond at first.  He stared at the ceiling above.  Soon, the face of his lover appeared in his view.

“Too many drinks, huh?” she laughed as she leaned over him.

“Nah,” Piers said.  “Rai seemed to be off the shits though.  Kept goin’ on about wantin’ to have a threesome with me an’ you.  He would not bloody let it go.  Acts like it’s somethin’ him an’ Lee are always up to.”

Annais’s eyes went wide. “He wants to have a threesome with us?”

“Yeah.  Figured since we’re all in Wyndon and Lee ran back home to Potswick with his bro after the tourney, he’d try to spend the night with us.”

“… What’d you say, Nez?”

“Told ‘im we’re in a serious relationship,” he said so flatly.

“Oh.”  Annais turned away from him with arms crossed.

Piers sat up.  “We are in a serious relationship, right?”

“What?”  She spun back around.  “Yeah!  Duh.  Of course, we are, silly!”

“Why’d you say it like that then?” he asked with a frown.

“Say what?”

“‘Oh,’” Piers mimicked her.

Annais rubbed her elbow. Turning pink and averting her eyes, she asked, “… You don’t think it’d be fun to have a threesome with him?”

“Wait.”  Had Piers’s face not already been so white, it may have paled.  “… You’re into that?”

“I mean, I’ve never had a threesome before, but I think it’d be fun,” she said, scratching her neck as she grew increasingly flushed at the idea.  “Why?  You don’t like threesomes?”

With a heavy exhale, Piers flopped back down.

“Nah, used to bloody love threesomes,” he admitted.  “Just… always did them with mere acquaintances or strangers.  Y’know, groupies an’ band mates.”

“And you didn’t consider it’d be even better with two people who know you best?”

“I dunno, Ann.”  Piers’s hands came up to scrub his face.  “Guess I thought that was somethin’ couples didn’t do if they really loved each other.  Didn’t want to muddy things.”

“Aww, Nez…” She sat by his side.  Once he felt her fingers thread through his hair, he relaxed.  “I’m not worried about anything happening to us because he joined us one time,” she continued.  “Like you said, we’re in a serious relationship.  And I know he’s not the type to try to drive us apart or get attached. You two go way back.  He knows you’re happy and isn’t trying to start, or end, anything.  He just wants us all to have a good time...  And is probably a little lonely since Leon is usually so busy and is finally having a chance to go visit back home.”

Piers sighed and turned his head to her.

“… Did you want me to invite him over?  Think he said he got a suite up here tonight too.”

She didn’t even have to answer.  The way her face lit up had him reaching for his phone.


“Piersy!” Raihan exclaimed when Piers opened the door to the suite.  “You came to your senses sooner than expected, mate!”

“You can thank Ann. She’s never had one, wanted to try it,” Piers mumbled.  “Didja sprint over here?  Felt like I didn’t even get the words out my bloody mouth before you knocked.”

“Not all of us walk as slow as you.  Told you I’m right down the hall,” he said, pointing in the direction of where he was staying.  “You know they put all us league people on the same floor.  Give us the star treatment.”

“Didn’t know, cos I usually go straight home.”

Piers went to allow him in, but hesitated and held a hand up to stop him.

“What’s up?” Raihan asked. “Cold feet?”

“Nah… Two rules before things go further.”

“So, the anarchist has rules?” laughed Raihan.  “Thought you broke them.”

“Well, consider it a request.  Nah…  A demand.  One, cut your phone off.  No pictures. I trust you won’t post this kind of thing anywhere, but stuff gets leaked all the time.  I don’ care what happens to us, but we can’t tank Ann’s reputation.”

“Alright.  I can do that,” he said, pulling his phone from his back pocket and powering it down.  “Rule two?”

“Don’t kiss Annais,” Piers said.  

Raihan laughed, but not a hint of jest was present in Piers’s expression.

“Neck down is okay; but if your lips touch hers, the whole thing’s off.  Nothin’ personal, I just get too bloody jealous.”

Crossing his arms, Raihan frowned.  “Aw, mate. If you’re uncomfortable with this-…”

“Nah,” Piers cut him off.  “Don’ mind the rest, really.  We’ll have a rockin’ night.  Lookin’ forward to it.  Just… that. I can’t see that.”  Piers sighed, looking away and tugging at his choker.  “Already told Ann I get a little sick thinkin’ about it. It’s… too intimate, I suppose. Sorry if it soils things, mate.”

“Nah, that’s fair.  Appreciate you being open about it,” Raihan said with a sympathetic nod.  A wild grin soon claimed his face.  “How about you?”

“What about me?”

“Can I kiss you?”

Piers scowled and turned his head as he held the door open and allowed him entry.  “… Ask Ann.”

“Annais!” Raihan exclaimed when he walked into the room.  Piers rolled his eyes as he closed and locked the door behind them.

“Raihan!” Annais chirped back from the bed.  “Don’t mind my face.  I was getting out of the shower when he told me.”

“Ann, you got nothing to worry about.  I’d be more startled to see the rebel without his makeup.” he said, seating himself at the foot of the bed while he tilted his head in the direction of Piers.  

“Lucky you,” Piers chuckled as he ended up on the bed next to Annais.  “Didn’t have a chance to wash up.”

Raihan chuckled the looked back at Annais.  “First threesome, huh?”

She nodded her head.

“We’ll take care of you,” he assured her.


Annais had never felt so full in her entire life.  These men were fucking her cross-eyed.  Piers’s cock alone was enough to satisfy her, but the feel of Raihan fucking her ass at the same time pushed her to the point of deliria.  It had been so long since the last time she tried anal, seeing as it wasn’t something Piers enjoyed.  Good thing Raihan knew what he was doing.  He was great at it and enjoyed it- a dangerous combination.  He was able to prep her and ease her into things before he and Piers fucked her in a frenzy.  The two had partnered together before and their teamwork from the field carried over into the bedroom as they cored her out in tandem.  

She didn’t have many thoughts; they were getting pounded out of her.  But she vaguely wondered if they could feel each other through the thin inner wall between her holes.  It couldn’t be too dissimilar to frotting at that point.  The boys really seemed to enjoy it, seeing as they couldn’t ignore each other.  As Raihan’s strong arms around her waist guided her body up and down their lengths, Piers had a firm grip on his jaw so he could forcefully kiss him.  

She didn’t mind if Piers and Raihan kissed.  (Yes, Raihan did ask.  He was serious.)  In fact, she encouraged it.  It was so arousing watching her boyfriend’s split tongue tease Raihan’s and explore his mouth over her shoulder.  She liked being pressed between their chests as they made out.  But they didn’t ignore her in favor of each other for long. Piers must have noticed her longing stare at their melded mouths.  He broke apart from Raihan, hand departing his jaw to bury in Annais’s still-damp curls. His mouth met hers next as Raihan descended on her neck and shoulders.  Piers kissed her with less force than he had kissed Raihan, but she could feel how possessive he was being by how strong the hold was that he had on her roots.  The way her holes clenched from this gesture was not lost on Piers.

“Enjoyin’ yourself as much as we are?” he panted against her lips.  “‘S for you, after all.”

Annais bobbed her head wordlessly.  Even with Raihan’s forearm supporting them, her chest ached from the way her tits bounced with each lift and drop of her onto their cocks.  She didn’t know if she’d last much longer like this.