Sharing First Times

“Song reminds me of my first time,” Piers admitted as he lay with his girlfriend listening to music in his room.

Annais laughed aloud. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.  Bloody embarrassin’.”

“Really?” She rolled onto her stomach.  “Tell me about it.”

“Y’know, I was a bloody miserable chap,” he started out.  “Just fuckin’ dreadful to be around.  My mates thought that if I got laid, it’d help cheer me up.  I was around 15 then, ‘bout to turn 16.  I was so bloody apathetic; I agreed if it’d get ‘em to leave me alone about it.  One of my mates had this older sister.  She was about 17 or so.  Don’ remember how old, exactly.  She wasn’t bad lookin’.  Just know she was older.  He guilted ‘er into sleepin’ with me.”

“His own sister?” Annais asked.

“Yeah.  Everyone in Spikemuth knew my bloody sob story.  It didn’t take ‘er much convincin’.  She was kinda a tart anyway,” Piers said.  “Anyway, he tells me he’s havin’ a party.  So, I asked my neighbors if Marn could stay with ‘em for the night.  This sweet, little ol’ couple.  They adored ‘er, so of course, they said yeah.  I go over to his place.  His pop’s at work.  Think his mum lived in Motostoke with ‘er new man.  So, that sister of his is in charge.  She orders pizza for everyone an’ tells my mates to watch out for the delivery guy.  She drags me to ‘er room an’ my mates are cheerin’.  I’m so bloody embarrassed cos everyone was in on it.  Still, she puts on the radio so they don’ hear us. Starts askin’ me if it’s my first time an’ I’m like ‘Yes, ma’am.’  So bloody paralyzed cos this girl is playin’ with my willy.  But I can see down ‘er shirt a bit as she’s touchin’ me an’ I… Y’know how I am with tits, Ann.”

“God,” Annais snorted. “Were they big?”

“Eh.”  Piers shrugged.  “Not bad.  Would’ve preferred bigger, but y’know.  Them bein’ my first pair so up close.”

“That’s fair.”

“So.  I got a proper stiffy now.  And she’s just.  Silent. It’s freakin’ me out.  An’ so I’m like ‘… Somethin’ wrong?’  Like, oh fuck.  That wasn’t supposed to happen?  An’ she’s like ‘Oi, anyone ever tell ya ya got a bloody massive knob?’ An’ I’m like… Oh?  Nah. Don’ really go ‘round showin’ my willy to everyone.  Anyway, she slips a johnny on me, takes ‘er knickers off, and is like ‘Right then, go ahead.’  An’ I’m just sittin’ there like go ahead an’ do what?  She’s all huffy now an’ makes me lay down an’ sits on it…  An’ that song was playin’ on the radio.  An’ I’m prayin’ it’s louder’n ‘er weird moanin’. That bloody noise didn’t sound natural, Ann.  Sounds like the birds when they’re gettin’ shanked in those movies you fancy.”

Just listening to Piers describe it had Annais cracking up.

“The whole time I’m wonderin’ if I can play with ‘er tits, but I’m too afraid to ask.  Must’ve saw me starin’, cos she took ‘er top off too an’ I got an eyeful as she did ‘er thing on me.  Didn’t last too long after that.  Just felt right gross when I was putting my trousers back on.  Didn’t stick around for pizza after the deed was done. Went right home an’ picked up Marnie an’ sat in the bath for a good hour or so.”

“That’s…  Wow,” Annais said.  She was fighting back giggles.  “I’m sorry, I guess.”

“That bloody girl told everyone about me,” Piers huffed.  “Everyone wanted to see my willy after that…  My mates, ‘er friends, girls I never seen before.  Only got worse as I got older an’ I, y’know, was full grown down there.  Really helped sell tickets though.”

Annais sighed.

“Can’t say the same for me. Everyone in Carolus thought I was cursed or something,” Annais said.  “No one wanted to kiss me or anything.”

“Aw, Ann…” Piers frowned. “A stunnin’ gal like you?  They didn’t deserve you anyway.”  He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her temple. “Wait…”


“But I wasn’t your first,” he said.

“Oh, no… No one in Carolus wanted me.  But I had some luck outside the region when I got a little older.”

Piers grinned.  “Didja?”


“Guessin’ your first was a little less shabby then?”

Annais let out a wistful sigh.  “I was on vacation in Alola about four years ago.  By myself, I’ll add.  This was my first time going abroad without family…  So, I was a little adventurous.  Oh!  This is the summer I got Quesalupa and Don Gato.”

“Very special summer indeed, meetin’ the true loves of your life,” Piers joked, bringing a laugh from Annais.

“Honestly,” she giggled. “Anyway, I spent some time at the beach, of course.  And there was this surfer.  I’ll admit, I was watching him most of the afternoon.  I had on sunglasses so I didn’t think he saw me, but after a while, he comes over and lays beside me… Complimenting me on my swimsuit and recognizing the brand.”

“Ah, some rich fuck.”

“I dunno, Nez,” she said with a frown.  “I never got those vibes.  Like, he didn’t look rich.  He may have acted rich, but if he was at one point, he didn’t seem to be anymore.”

Piers nodded.

“We talk for a bit,” Annais continued.  “He’s a charming man.  Not like, old.  But I think he was in his thirties or so.  I find he’s not a local at all, but was staying from Unova.  He asks why I’m here and I tell him I’m on vacation and looking to catch Pokémon.  He seems really into me.  He’s asking if I’ve been successful yet and I tell him about the Litten I got when I arrived. He seems impressed.  Tells me it’s going to grow up to be a strong dark type, his favorite.  It always stuck with me that he was a dark trainer… I guess I have a preference.”

Piers’s brows began furrowing as he listened, but he doesn’t interrupt.

“We spend the afternoon together.  The sun is setting and we’re walking the shore…  He picks this coin up out of the sand and tells me he’s going to flip it. If I call it right, I can do what I want.  If I don’t, I’ll have to go out for drinks with him.  I don’t remember if I picked heads or tails, but a Pokémon snatched the coin right out of the sky, so technically he wins because it’s neither. I’m not sore about it, because either way, I wanted to spend the evening with him.  He takes me to this secret casino, with free drinks.”

“Wait…”  Piers sat up, seemingly more interested in this story. “You said this was Alola?”

“Yeah!  I didn’t know they had casinos either.  Anyway, we’re here.  He’s encouraging me to play all these low stakes games, and with my luck and his skill we’re winning quite a bit, and getting even drunker all the while. The majority of the night was a blur but one thing led to another and we’re back at my hotel room.  We’re making out and he’s touching me, making me feel better than anyone ever had up until that point.  And I have to tell him that I’ve never done this before.  He was so sweet about it and took such good care of me, like a proper gentleman, but at the same time fucked like a scoundrel…”

Piers was silent as Annais took a moment to relive that night.  After a minute, he turned to her.

“You catch his name?” he asked.

“Huh?  N-no, I didn’t actually.  He just called himself G the whole time.  I didn’t care, he was hot as hell.”

“… What did he look like?”

Annais blushed and shook her head.

“Annais,” Piers said in his sweetest voice.  “What did he look like, dear?  I’m curious.”

“He… well, the main thing I remember were his piercing eyes.  Light blue. And he was pale, despite being a surfer. I don’t know how.  And he, uh…  Had black hair… With um, white streaks…”

“Oh my God.”

“What?  I know I have a type, Nez!  Don’t tease me.”

Piers groaned, getting a rise out of Annais.  “I can’t believe this,” he muttered.

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re jealous of some stranger I fucked once years before we met,” she said with a scoff. “You were the one who asked!  If you were gonna get so fucking jealous-…”

“‘M not jealous, Ann. Y’just described my uncle.”

Annais’s face went blank. “What?” she asked flatly.

“I think you shagged my Uncle Grimsley.”

“… He’s not your uncle,” she scoffed.  “He just calls himself that to the kids doing the island challenge.”

“Fuckin’ hell, that’s him!” Piers exclaimed.  “Ann, no, you don’t understand.  Grimsley was my mum’s baby bro.  Remember, I told ya my mum was from Unova, right?  And moved here when she met my pa?  That’s her brother.  Dark types run in the family.  The whole family knows Grims has a gamblin’ addiction.  And he always pulled the coin trick to get his way.  I fell for it all the time when I was a lad.”

Annais swallowed. Panic was setting in upon realizing that he wasn’t pulling her leg.  “This isn’t funny, Piers.  You’re making all that up.”

“Hold up… I’ll prove it.” Piers called out to his sister.  “Marnie!”

She sat up and gripped his arm.  “What are you doing?”

“Marnie, c’mere!”

“Piers!”  She clasped her hand over his mouth.  “Stop it!”

Her protests were too late, Marnie popped in the doorway.  Annais quickly withdrew her hand at the sight of his sister.

“What’s up?” Marnie asked.

“Oi, d’ya still have Uncle G as a friend?”

Marnie nodded. “Yeah, why?”

Annais’s face turned blood red.

“I think Ann knows ‘im,” Piers said.  “Mind pullin’ ‘im up really quick for ‘er?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

Marnie clicked on her phone a few times, then walked over to show them the screen.  Annais was silent, looking like she had seen a ghost.  There he was, that perfect stranger from so many years back.  Seeing him again, she couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance to Marnie, and to a lesser extent, Piers.

“That ‘im?” Piers asked, though he knew the answer.

“What’s wrong?” Marnie asked.  “Where d’ya know him from?”

“Ann met him in Alola.”

“We… went on a date once,” she mumbled.

“Oh my God!” Marnie laughed. “You went out with Uncle G?”

Mortified, Annais covered her face.  She slightly shook her head.

“He’s so much older than you, Ann…  I thought you were into younger guys.”

“Watch it, Marn,” Piers joked.  “’M not that much younger.”

“Either way, didn’t think you were his type,” Marnie added.  “Though I suppose he was on an’ off with that book girl for years...”

At this, Piers howled with laughter.  “I forgot about her!  Shauntal, was it?  I can totally see it now!”

“Didn’t you crush on ‘er too, bro?” asked Marnie.

Piers rubbed the back of his neck.  “Crushed on any bird who was nice to me with a nice rack at that age.”

“Kinda quiet, Ann. You alright?” Marnie asked, sliding her phone in her jacket pocket.  “Didn’ break your heart, did he?”

Piers quit laughing long enough to take a good look at his girlfriend.  His smile immediately faded.

“Oi, oi!  Don’ cry, Ann!”  Piers scooped her into his arms.  He shot Marnie a look that didn’t need an explanation.  His younger sister left the room and the two of them alone.  “Annais, love… Sorry to tease you like that…”  He kissed her head as he cradled her.  “My curiosity got the better of me, but that’s not an excuse.  I shouldn’t’ve done that.  I apologize.”

“You’re not mad, are you?” she whimpered.

“Mad?” Piers exclaimed. “‘Course not.  More amused than anythin’.  I can’t believe the odds.”

“It’s so embarrassing,” cried Annais.

“Aw, I assure you, love… It’s not near as awkward as you think,” Piers kissed her cheek.  “We never see him anymore.  It’s not like we have family get-togethers.  Y’know, I always thought he was so cool growin’ up. I could see what you saw in ‘im.”

Annais nodded, but remained silent.  

“You’re thinkin’,” he noted.  “What are you thinkin’ about?”

She wouldn’t lift her eyes to look at Piers.

“I was never in love with him,” she said quietly.  “You know that right?  I don’t want you to think that I’m with you because of the resemblance.”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” Piers laughed.  “Oh, Ann… The hell do you get these ideas?  No, ‘course not.  I know what we have is a once in a lifetime thing.  Besides, I’m far more handsome than ‘im.  Y’think, Ann?”

Annais snorted and nodded. “Very true…  Better in bed, too.”

“Better in bed?” he asked.  “Or just bigger?”

Her face went even redder than it was before.  “… Both.”