Day 5 - Foodplay (+Leather)

“And this one…”

Ignis plucked another crostini from the platter and offered it to Landica.  He was tasked with preparing appetizers for the following evening, and wanted to try out a few new recipes first.  Always a good sport, she had agreed to taste test for him, perhaps because he always made it worth her while.  Though his intentions had initially been innocent when he asked for her input, these sessions often took a turn for the intimate when he fed her like this, and neither complained. 

He gazed at her, carefully observing her reaction.  One thing about her, he could always count on her honest opinion.


She savored the taste as she slowly chewed, then swallowed.  He’d scolded her before (though he’d claim it wasn’t scolding) about eating without giving herself a moment to enjoy the flavor.  So, she was trying to be more mindful of that, especially since she was supposed to be giving feedback.  With the taste fresh on her tongue, she considered her words.  She wasn’t as eloquent as him, but she tried her best to give an engaged review.

“That one was good,” she said.  “Better than the last.  What was it?”

“I figured it would be more your speed,” he said.  “Almond Bacon Cheese.”

“What kind of cheese?”

Ignis couldn’t help but chuckle.  The last few had featured goat cheese, which she was still on the fence about.  Her palete was not as refined as someone who would have been raised in the Crown City.

“Ah, this one’s simple,” he assured her.  “Just Monterrey Jack.”

“I see…  Well, I liked it.  That one’s a keeper for sure.  I prefer the smoky and savory flavor to the sweet fruity ones,” she told him.  After a beat, she tacked on, “N-Not that the others aren’t good.  I’m sure others will love them.  Just…”

“Just you happen to be a picky eater,” he cut in before she could formulate her defense.  Though he said it so matter-of-factly, he meant no malice.  The amusement was evident from his smirk and the twinkle in his eye.

“Sorry, Iggs,” Landica said with a sheepish smile.  She’d be the first to admit she was picky.  “If it makes you feel better, you’re kind of bringing me out of it…  Slowly.”

Dreadfully slow.”

At this, she sucked her teeth and crossed her arms.

“Oh, c’mon…  Not that slow.  Give me some credit here.”

“My sincerest apologies, Lane,” he said.  “Quips aside, I appreciate your insight.  I assure you that your valiant efforts are not going unseen…”

The saying that opposites attract couldn’t be more realistic.  In spite of it all, he didn’t mind that she was a little harder to please when it came to food.  It was a fun challenge and made it feel more rewarding when he did prepare something she enjoyed.

“Would you care for another?”

After she responded with a nod, he reached for another of that same type of crostini.  He brought the appetizer to her lips, which she dutifully opened so he could slip the bite-sized morsel between them.  Gloved fingertips lingered on her lower lip, tracing the curve of it as she chewed.  Though he was not the one doing the taste test here, he couldn’t help but long to taste her.  He watched her, waiting until he knew she was done with her food before leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips.  While he could taste the smoky bacon and tang of mayonnaise from the snack she’d just had, the prominent flavor was the minty lip balm that she so often wore.