Day 10 - Face Sitting

It was worth it.

Maybe he was loopy from the pain medication, but even as he lay in the hospital bed, he thought that letting Cilissa sit on his face was so fuckin’ worth it.

The evening started out like any other night at the Shady House.  His girl had come over for the weekend.  If they had any weed, they’d have been smoking it.  It was all right though; Plumeria had gone off to take care of that.  After a week of not being together, neither of them could keep their hands off each other the moment they were alone.  One thing led to another, and soon Cilissa was above Guzma, holding against the frame of his bed while grinding against his tongue.

Guzma was in heaven.  There was nothing in this world he loved better than going down on his girl, except having her on his face while he ate her out.  He ate that sweet pussy of hers like a man starved.  As his fingers dug into her thick thighs, he devoured her, ravished her.  All of her pleasure was licked and lapped up by his tongue, not letting a single drop go to waste.

Cilissa dare say he was more enthusiastic about this than her.  If she had time to suck him off after he got done with her, she’d certainly return the favor.  She couldn’t much focus on that though.  It was hard to string thoughts together when she felt his tongue piercing against her clit.  Guzma was amazing.  Too good, actually.  He had tongue-fucked her to such a climactic white-out orgasm, she didn’t realize something was wrong until she sat back onto his chest to catch her breath.  It was then she noticed he wasn’t moving.  When he didn’t wake up, she began to freak the fuck out.

It was damn near impossible trying to remain calm enough to call an ambulance while trying to get her pants back on and clean him up enough so that it wouldn’t be painfully obvious what had happened.  The operator sighed when she heard it was for Po Town, but said that help was on the way.

She had to run downstairs and enlist the help of some grunts, because there was no way in hell the paramedics would be able to navigate the disaster that was the Shady House to make it to Guzma’s room.  Shame washed over her seeing how upset the guys were and knowing it was her fault.  She couldn’t tell them what happened.  All she said was that she’d explain later.  If something happened to Guzma, she would never be able to face anyone ever again.

It was the longest few hours of her life as she rode with him to the emergency room, then sat in the waiting room until they let her go back and see him.  As she recounted everything that led up to her sitting in this hospital room beside Guzma, Cilissa was mortified with herself.  All that panic; all that fear was finally setting in.  Guzma may have considered it a badge of honor, but her nerves were shot.  Now that all was said and done, the waterworks would hold back no more.

“Hey, hey!  ‘S not your fault, babygirl,” he assured her.

“It literally is,” she cried.  “I could’ve killed you!”

Guzma laughed at this.  If his neck wasn’t in a brace, he probably would have shaken it.

“Well, ya boy would've died doin' what he loves most,” he said with the goofiest grin.  “Can’t think of a better way to go.”

“How about not go at all?”

Her face dropped to her hands.  She had seated the chair so close to his hospital bed that he was able to reach over and grab her wrist.  She let him take her hand, and he gave it a squeeze.

“Aw, quit cryin', Cils,” he said.  “Don’t worry about what could have happened.  The important part is that all that shit is said and done.  Big Bad Guzma just needs to kick back and relax a few weeks.  How about make it up to me by stayin’ with me for a few weeks, hm?”

Cilissa opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get any words out, there was a rap at the door.

“Yeah?  Whozzit?” Guzma called out.  The sound of his voice was all the confirmation Plumeria needed before she flung open the door.

“Guzma!” she exclaimed when she stepped into the room.  “You big dummies!”

“Damn.  Nice to see you too, bitch,” Guzma grumbled.  “No, ‘shit, Boss!  You okay?’”

“I got every right to bitch, bitch,” she said.  “I get home from getting your weed and the numskulls are clamoring that your dumb ass got hauled off in an ambulance.  You had the kids scared to death, dude.  What the fuck did you do?”

“Just broke my neck,” he replied.

“Yeah, I can see the brace isn’t on your foot, jackass,” the other woman said.  “How did you break your neck?  I wasn’t even gone an hour!”

Guzma cleared his throat.  Cilissa shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose the moment she saw his smirk forming.

“Mm…  Let’s just say… Cat got my tongue.”

Plumeria opened her mouth to speak, but then her face blanked as realization set in.

“Nuh-uh,” she said, looking from Guzma to Cilissa and back.  “No way…”

Without moving her hand, a solemn nod came from Cilissa’s direction.  Guzma began to cackle.  After scrubbing her face, Plumeria crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Seriously?  Of all the dumbass ways you’ve landed yourself in the ER over the years…” she started, before she could no longer hold it in.  Her tone shifted, a smile cracked, and she began to laugh.  “This has got to be the coolest one.  Eating pussy?  I’m almost jealous.”

“Hah!  See, Cils?  Told ya it’s no biggie.”

Cilissa sighed and ran her hands down her face before slumping into the chair again.

“Thanks for encouraging him,” she mumbled with a slight laugh.

Plumeria managed to recollect herself and walked over to rub Cilissa’s shoulder. 

“Sorry, sis,” she said before bringing her arms around her.  “I know you had to be scared to death.  I know I was, and I wasn’t even there.”

“Thanks, Plumes,” said Cilissa as she returned the embrace.

“Told ‘er it ain’t the first time I’ve ended up in the ER, and I doubt it’ll be the last.”

Plumeria rolled her eyes as she let go of Cilissa.

“You’re getting too old for this bullshit, Guz,” she said.  “You need to set a better example for the grunts.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said.  “Guess you’re right…”

“God, speaking of the grunts,” said Cilissa.  “They’re going to ask what happened.  What are we gonna tell them?”

“What d’ya mean?  I’m gonna tell ‘em your ass is to die for!”