Go, Go Gadget Maintenance Mode

“Stay still,” Wynona said, trying to hold her wrench steady as the inspector fidgeted in front of her.

“Aha, sorry, sorry,” Gadget replied as pink dusted his cheeks.  “Guess I’m a bit ticklish.”

“… Ticklish?” she asked, a hint of amusement present in her tone.  She didn’t think these mechanical bits were sensitive to touch.  She decided to test this and brought a gloved hand closer to trace down the back strut, making him suck in a breath and sit straight up.  She couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his reaction.

“Wow, you really are sensitive,” she said with a laugh.  “That’s cute, but I can’t work on these things if you’re going to be squirming like that.  There’s got to be a way to put your gadgets on standby for a moment.”

“Oh, of course!  You should’ve just said something!” he said before clearing his throat.  “Go, Go Gadget Maintenance Mode!”

Wynona raised a brow at his confident declaration.  A whir of something inside of him was audible, but other than that, it didn’t look like anything had changed from where she was standing.  She wasn’t sure what she expected.  Some kind of beep, perhaps?  Maybe something in his eyes?  Either way, there was no such sign.  She waited a minute, then asked him.  “… Did it work?”

“Let’s see!”  His arm extended forward, grabbing a screwdriver off the bench.  “Guess not.  Hmm…  Go, Go Gadget Maintenance Mode.”

They both waited in silence for another moment after he spoke the command again.  He still had control of his hand, and was able to wiggle his fingers, make a fist, and wave.

“Yeah, I don’t think that did anything,” she said.

“Huh.  I swore that’s what Von Slickstein said the phrase was…”

“Are you sure it didn’t activate anything else?” she asked, looking him over.  “It’s not like your gadgets to just ignore you entirely.  I’m wondering if something else may have been triggered by the command.”

He stood there for a moment, looking down at his arms and legs.  Nothing visible had deployed.  He didn’t feel any different.

“I dunno,” he said.  His stomach growled at the same time, causing him to chuckle and rub his middle.  “Unless it activated my appetite!  What do you say we break for lunch, my dear?”

Wynona shrugged and sat her wrench to the side.

“Yeah, sure,” she said as she closed the panel on his back that she had been working in.  After tightening coils, lubing joints, and making various other adjustments since Penny left for school that morning, she could use a break.  It wasn't often that he had a day off, and she was trying to do everything she could while she had him.

Gadget grabbed his shirt off the bench and slid his arms into it.  While he did, she leaned back to watch as he got dressed.  Damn, he was a handsome man.  The fact that he was part bionic didn’t bother her in the slightest.  In fact, it might have been more of a turn on.  It was kind of intimate to be able to open him up and tune his gadgets for him.  If only he wasn’t so darn chaste!

Since everything happened with MAD a few months before, she had been living with Gadget and his niece— downstairs, in the guest bedroom.  Despite this, she was certain that her relationship with Gadget was in fact romantic.  He would kiss her when he got home from work or throw an arm over her shoulder to pull her closer when they watched TV.  He would call her pet names and hover near her, talking her ear off as she went around the house doing chores.  He’d hold Wynona’s hand in public and gleefully introduce her as his partner whenever the opportunity arose.  Both he and Penny now referred to her as Penny's aunt, for crying out loud!  Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like their relationship was going to progress beyond that.  Gadget was old fashioned and modest, so much so that Wynona was hesitant to outright ask him, not wanting to be come across as too forward or uncouth and have him lose interest in her altogether.  More than that, she also hadn’t the slightest idea what he had down there, if anything.  As often as he’d let her work on his body, she still hadn’t caught a glimpse below the belt.  She’d hate to proposition him only to make things awkward because he isn’t, uh… equipped.  It wasn’t a deal breaker either way at this point; she was in way too deep.  Still, the curiosity drove her mad at times, no pun intended.

Wynona shook her head and tore her eyes away from Gadget as he finished buttoning his top and fixing his suspenders and tie.  He was always so properly dressed, even in the comfort of his own home. 

“What are you in the mood for?” she asked as he slipped on his trench coat.

“Hmm… Not much.  Perhaps just a sandwich,” he said.  “You?”

“Yeah, I could go for a sandwich.”

Gadget finished buttoning up his coat, then pat her on the back and guided her inside from the garage.  The two walked into the kitchen together, where she went straight for the fridge.  Gadget watched as she began to pull out various meats, cheeses, condiments, and veggies.  She went right to work chopping up the vegetables, leaving him standing there with his hands in his pockets.

“Anything I can help you with, dear?” asked Gadget.

“Nope.  I got it covered,” she said.  “You want the usual?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.  She nodded and continued prepping the food.  After awkwardly standing around for another minute, he resigned himself to sitting at the table and watching her.  She worked with precision, chopping the tomatoes and lettuce so effortlessly before grabbing slices of bread and slathering them with mayonnaise.  It was always mesmerizing to him to watch her work, but he found such a simple task absolutely enthralling today.

What a lovely woman,’ Gadget thought to himself, a goofy smile crossing his face as he propped his head up with his hand.  He considered himself fortunate to have the affections of such a wonderful young lady, and it was taking all that he had to sit back and let her work uninterrupted.  Whether it was fixing a meal or working on intricate machinery, she was incredible with her hands.  Truth be told, he could hardly wait for after lunch so that he could have them on him again.  The longer he watched her, the warmer the room became.  It was gradual, as if someone were turning up the heat one degree at a time.  He shifted in his seat as sweat began to creep down the back of his neck.

Gadget panted after a moment.  “Little, ah… s-stuffy in here all of a sudden.  Don’t you think, Nona?”

“Stuffy?” she repeated before she scoffed defensively.  “Well, I didn’t touch the thermostat, if that’s what you’re asking!”

“No, no,” he said, shaking his head.  He knew that she hadn’t done anything with it.  His eyes had been glued to her the entire time they were inside, after all.  “Just… commenting.”

“Oh,” Wynona said.  “Well, no.  It’s comfortable in here to me.”

“Ah.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “Must be me, then…”

A hand emerged from his hat, holding a tiny portable fan that blew in his face.  He closed his eyes and sighed, relishing the temporary relief the slightest bit of air circulation provided.  This didn’t any sense.  His body suddenly felt like it was on fire.  His cheeks burned; beads of perspiration trickled from his brow.  Worst of all, there was an uncomfortable stiffness in his trousers.  That didn’t just happen whenever the temperature rose.  As embarrassing and juvenile as it was, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d felt it around her.  It was unfortunately becoming a common occurrence; one that was thankfully concealed by his trusty coat the majority of the time.  However, this time it felt unbearable.  The sound of her giggle only stoked the flames.

“What’s so funny?” he mumbled, slightly self-conscious that she might could tell that something was wrong.

“If you’re that hot, why not take off your coat?” she suggested with a laugh.

“No!” he blurted out in a panic, eyes shooting open and hand darting out defensively.  She stiffened, startled by his sudden exclamation.  Aware of his outburst, his face tinted even redder.  “Aha, I mean… t-that isn’t necessary.  You know I always wear my coat, dear.  That can’t be it.”

“C’mon, Gadget,” she said while folding her arms in front of her chest.  “You look like you’re about to overheat.  Your face is flushed.”

“I’m fine,” he muttered.  The undertone of frustration was starting to present itself as his body temperature continued to rise.  The hand holding the fan retreated into his hat before he took it off and began to manually cool himself with it.  The hair that had been hidden beneath was damp and plastered to his forehead, which he wiped with the back of his free arm before looking over at her.  “You’re sure you’re not even a little warm?”

Wynona shook her head.  He couldn’t help but admire the way her hair swayed from that subtle gesture, how it hung past her shoulders, against her chest…  He swallowed thickly when he registered that his eyes had fixed themselves on her bosom, but even now that he was aware of this fact, he couldn’t tear his gaze away.  His lips parted as he admired the size and shape of her breasts.  Though he had tried to be a gentleman around her, he still prided himself on being a rather perceptive man, considering his line of work.  One didn’t have to be a detective of his caliber to deduce that they had to be huge.  Any man with eyes could tell that by just a glance at her, and he’d done far more than glance at this point.  They were quite prominent despite the baggy sweatshirts that oft covered them.  He just wanted to reach out and—

Gadget’s neck extended mid-thought, sending his head colliding with the ceiling.  The rest of his body followed as his neck retracted, launching him upwards before he fell back onto the ground with a thud.

“Gadget!” Wynona exclaimed.  She rushed to his side to help him sit up.  “Are you alright?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” he said, shaking the bits of plaster out of his hair.  He reached for his hat and tossed it back on his head.  He then offered her a sheepish smile.  “Nothing at all to worry about.  I-I think I’m gonna go check that thermostat.”

Wynona nodded, watching as he scrambled up without accepting her hand and disappeared into the hall.

“What’s gotten into him?” she said to herself.  Her mind went back to moments before.  Her guess was it had something to do with the “maintenance mode” he attempted to activate.  Something else had happened instead, and she needed to figure out what it could be.  She looked over, glancing at the clock on the wall.  It was about a quarter past noon.  Penny would be at lunch right now...  She hated to bother her while she was at school, but she had no idea if what was going on with the girl’s uncle was a major issue or not.  She glanced around to make sure that Gadget wasn’t around before stepping back into the garage and pushing up her sleeve.  She pressed a button on her watch and didn’t have to wait long before she saw Penny appear on the watch’s screen.

“Hi, Aunt Wynnie!”

Though she supposed she had been with the girl’s uncle long enough to earn that unofficial title, she was still getting used to Penny referring to her as her “aunt.”  She didn’t have the time to dwell on that, though.  She needed to get an answer before Gadget came looking for her.

“Hey, Pen,” she said.  “Sorry to bug you, but your uncle wouldn’t happen to have a manual for his gadgets laying around here, would he?”

“There should be one in the same drawer with the cookbooks,” said Penny before her face shifted from cheerful to concerned.  “Why?  Is something wrong?”

“No, no.  Just giving him a hand with some routine maintenance today and wanted to check on something,” Wynona responded, not wanting Penny to worry.

“Oh, okay!” she said, looking relieved.  Wynona noticed her look to the side and her someone else’s voice whispering before Penny nodded and looked back at the screen.  “Um, while I have you, do you think I can go play with Kayla after school?  I promise I’ll be home by dinner.”

“Yeah, sure.  Go ahead,” Wynona said, thinking it’d buy them some extra time to fix whatever could have been messed up.  “I’ll let Gadget know.”

“Thanks!  You’re the best!”

Wynona chuckled and shook her head.  “See ya later.”

After the communication ended, she stepped back into the house.  Gadget was back at the table when she entered the kitchen, resting his head in his hands, but he straightened up upon hearing her footsteps.  He forced a smile, attempting to look casual.  His behavior was suspicious to her, but she didn’t bother commenting on it.

“Thermostat’s still set to 70,” Gadget announced.  “That can't be right!  Think it could be busted?”

“I doubt it,” Wynona replied as she walked straight to the drawer that Penny had mentioned.  She crouched down to begin sifting through the contents inside; the sight caused Gadget’s eyes to nearly bulge out of his head.

Wowsers…” he uttered below his breath as he craned his neck to get a better view of her rear end.  He gripped the edge of the table and swallowed hard.  He feigned interest in her search.  “Whatcha looking for in there?  Change of plans for lunch?”

“Mm… Kinda,” she said before pulling out the decently-sized book she had been seeking and straightened up.  She walked over to where he was sitting and sat the manual on the table.  He tried not to look right at her as she stood by his chair, but could see her chest now eye level with him in his peripheral vision.  He forced himself to focus on what she was looking at.  After glancing at the pages that she was skimming through, it struck him what she had grabbed.

“That’s not a cookbook,” commented Gadget.  “What are you doing with that?”

“Trying to figure out what you may have accidentally activated earlier,” Wynona said. 

She continued flipping, humming as she went along.  The list of functions was in alphabetical order.  Alarm, Arms, Binoculars, Bouquet (her favorite), Brella, Camera, Can Opener, Coat, Comb, Copter…  Though she was looking for something in particular, it was interesting seeing what all was available. 

“Goodness,” she laughed in disbelief.  “Who knew you had this many gadgets?”

His chest puffed with pride.  “Why, of course!  Inspector Gadget is ready for any and everything, my dear!”

She made a mental note that she wanted to read through the whole thing at some point, but needed to focus.  Upon approaching the “M” section, she stopped to give it a better read.  Her eyes widened.  She blinked rapidly before holding the book closer so she could make certain she was seeing that right.

“Oh, my God,” she blurted out before she was able to stop herself.  "Any and everything, indeed."

“What is it?”

She let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose with her free hand.  Now, her own cheeks were burning.

“We have got to upgrade that voice activation system of yours,” she mumbled. 

“Huh?  What makes you say that?” he asked.

“The fact that it seems to have misregistered ‘maintenance mode’ as ‘mating mode.’”

Gadget balked, moving his head to see at the page for himself, then scanning it.

Magnets, Magnifying Glass, Maintenance Mode, Mallet, Mating Mode

Just like her, he blinked upon seeing that on the page.  Looking again, he read through the full entry.

Mating mode:  Implemented to assist in the absence of biological functions necessary for copulation and reproduction.  Activation will result in a state of arousal, heightened attraction, sensitivity, and ability to inseminate.  Activate with caution.  Gadgets™ may run hot if excess energy is not burned through physical activity, which could result in malfunctions or damage; not advisable to activate until all parties present, consented, and ready to proceed.  Length of activation varies.  Activation may result in conception, though not guaranteed; use contraception as necessary.  For recreational use only.  User discretion advised.”

“Th-That’s ridiculous!” he exclaimed. “Since when do I have a silly gadget like that?”

Wynona looked over at him, noting the look of mortification claiming his features.  She offered him a sympathetic frown.

“You didn’t know you had it?”

“Of course not!” Gadget insisted.  The inclusion of such a gadget baffled him, as he had no… dysfunctions, so to speak.  “How do I switch it off?”

She skimmed through the text again before shaking her head.

“Just says length of activation varies,” she said. 

A stifling silence grew in the kitchen as both minds tried to come to terms with this new development.  The effects of this command were really beginning to become unbearable for Gadget, especially with her standing so close to him like that.  After a moment, Wynona closed the manual and placed it down on the table.  After a glimpse at the clock on the wall, she faced him.

“… Maybe this is a bad time to mention that Penny is going to a friend’s house after school and won’t be home until dinner?” she said.

He furrowed his brows, grateful she relayed the message, but questioning why she would bring it up at a time like this.

“Ah,” he replied.  “Um, good to know.”

Wynona sighed at this noncommittal response.  What she was implying wasn’t clicking.  Though she hated to be so bawdy in front of him, she couldn’t let him continue to suffer.

“Come on, Gadget,” she said, placing a hand on his back and rubbing.  “Won’t you let me help you?”

Her touch felt good.  Too good.  What he wouldn’t give to have that kind of contact below his belt…  He berated himself for thinking that and tried to physically shake the thought out of his head.

“I appreciate it, but don’t think this is one that can just be manually deactivated, Nona,” he sighed, resting his head in his hands again.

She rolled her eyes at how dense he could be before saying, “That’s not what I’m talking about, babe.  And I think you know it.”

The sultry purr of her words sent a jolt straight to his groin and had him finally looking up at her, only to catch her smoldering gaze and the slight smirk on her face.  She was doing things to him in that moment that he didn’t think could be done.  He was so hot and bothered that he felt like steam was about to start pouring out of his ears, but he tried to maintain his mannerly composure.  He swallowed hard before a strained “You’re sure?” slipped out of his mouth faster than he could think better of it. 

“Positive,” she said, hand sliding further down his back.  “I want to.  I’ve… wanted to, for a long time now.  If you’ll have m—”

Gadget was up to his feet and scooping her off hers before she could finish her thought.  The confirmation that she had wanted to be intimate with him was all he needed to hear.  She squealed with delight, tossing her arms around his neck as he headed upstairs.  He kept her close, using one of his gadget-arms to open and lock the bedroom door rather than loosening his hold on her in the slightest.  Yet even as eager as he was, he placed her on his modest bed with the greatest of care.  She propped herself up when he took a step back and watched as four hands made quick work of the buttons of his trench coat.  The moment it was opened, her jaw dropped.  Now, his insistence on keeping that heavy coat on made a lot more sense; it had been hiding a very obvious bulge.  That answered her question of whether or not he had anything down there.  He unfastened the cuffs of his sleeves next.  The sight of him rolling them up to his elbows was one of the sexiest things she’s ever seen him do. 

“Now, Wynona,” he said, voice startling her out of her gawking.  “I expect you to promise me something.”

“Y-Yes, sir?” she replied.  It was rare that she saw such a serious side of him, and that both scared and excited her. 

The bed dipped as his knee met the mattress.  He settled by her side, pulling her close.  She felt whatever was in his pants press against her thigh as his lips brushed her ear, breath fanning the skin as he spoke.

“Tell me if I get a little too, ah… excited,” he whispered.  “Last thing I wanna do is hurt you, doll.”

She nodded, secretly thrilled by the prospect of him getting rough with her.

“Promise,” she managed to say.

Gadget’s lips were on hers the moment that one word left them.  Every kiss they had shared up until that point had been short, sweet, and perfectly innocent, so when his tongue entered her mouth, her eyes shot wide open.  Once she got over the initial shock, she melted against him, coiled her arms around his neck and reciprocated just as enthusiastically.  His hands wandered down, settling on her ass before he adjusted her position so that she was in his lap without breaking the kiss.  She felt that stiffness in his pants right beneath her now, and couldn’t help but grind down against it to get a feel of what she’d be working with.  The hand still on her bottom squeezed it in turn and held her in place, encouraging her behavior.

Hands emerged from his hat again as the foreplay grew heated.  One tangled in her hair, pressing her mouth closer to his.  Another rubbed her back, while the third held her chin.  The sensation of feeling him everywhere at once caused her to moan into his mouth.  While the three gadget-hands continued caressing her, his other hands slid up to rest on her hips.  They didn’t stop there, smoothing up the curve of her waist and pushing her top up in the process.  They gripped the fabric when they made it to her chest, and he broke the kiss so he could pull it over her head.  She leaned back slightly, using this moment to catch her breath.  Gadget’s eyes fixed on her chest as the gadget-arms retreated, admiring it as it rose and fell with every deep breath.  Her breasts overflowed from the cups of her bra.  Their subtle movement hypnotized him.

Wowsers,” he breathed as trembling hands reached up to cup them.  Feeling the heft of them in his palms was almost enough to be his breaking point.  He lifted his eyes to meet hers.  “Miss Wynona, you are gorgeous.”

She grinned from the compliment, ecstatic with the effect her body had on him after months of uncertainty of whether or not he found her not just cute or beautiful, but sexy.  He may not have said that exact word, but the hungry look in his eyes and the desperation in his voice confirmed the true intent.

While he was distracted by her chest, she brought her hands to his to loosen his tie.  Once she got it undone, she left it to hang while she began to unbutton his shirt.  She took her time, knowing his breath was baited as her hands roamed further down his body.  After reaching the last button before whatever was left tucked in his pants, she directed her attention to his suspenders, which she almost didn’t want to take off.  She loved seeing him in them, but she knew they had to go if she wanted to get in his pants.

She plucked the buttons, one at a time.  When all four were undone, she brushed the suspenders off his shoulders, then pulled his dress shirt out so she could finish that job.  His shirt was soon pushed off as well, leaving him in a thin tank top.  Before she could discard that, Gadget’s impatience got the best of him.  In the blink of an eye, their positions were flipped.  As soon as Wynona was on the mattress beneath him, he was reaching for the fly of her jeans while his own strained around his arousal.  He stood on his knees between her legs as he tugged the denim down.  After they were pulled past her feet, he tossed them onto the floor with the other discarded articles.  When presented with the sight of his beloved partner in nothing but her bra and panties on his bed, beneath him with her hair fanned out around her on his pillow, he froze.  The glazed over, near reverent look in his eyes as they raked over her body made her blush and squirm.  He reached for the button of his pants without prying his eyes away.  The pull of a zipper filled the room, and she could not keep her eyes from flicking downward.

“It’s still too darn hot in here,” Gadget commented, letting the pants drop.  She bobbed her head in response, finally feeling the effects of this heat that he had been dealing with all afternoon.  His boxers soon followed, pooling at his knees with his pants and leaving her speechless.  Much like the rest of him, his cock looked perfectly human, with a heavy emphasis on the perfect.  It was nice, long, and thick, making her thighs clench in anticipation.  She had every reason to suspect that, just like the rest of him, he was packing some serious enhancements beneath the surface.

Gadget didn’t even bother kicking his bottoms off.  He was more concerned with ridding her of her panties.  He quickly guided them down her shapely legs and threw them over his shoulder before placing his hands back on her hips and planting his lips on hers again.  Gloved hands moved lower to grip her thighs, parting them and holding them in place as the tip of his cock teased her entrance.  He broke the kiss as he unceremoniously pressed it into her, burying a shuddering moan against her neck.  He’d never done anything like this before, nothing that involved another person.  The sensations welling up in him were frankly overwhelming.

Just before Wynona was about to speak up out of concern, instincts took over.  His fingers dug into her thighs and pushed them back to hold her in place.

“G-Gadget!” she squeaked, not expecting something so bold from a man who seemed like he was about to nut the moment he penetrated her.  He lifted his head to reveal a confident look in his eyes and smirk on his face.  Whatever she planned on saying got caught in her throat.  She couldn’t deny the effect it had on her if she wanted to; the way her body squeezed him rendered words unnecessary.  She gave a nod, giving him permission to proceed with whatever he had planned.

What followed had Wynona second-guessing her suspicion that this was his first romp.  After a few experimental thrusts to make sure she was comfortable, he shifted into a relentless pace, one that unveiled the true depths of his desperation this afternoon and months of mounting need.  The headboard rattled and the old bed frame creaked to the rhythm that was far too precise for a normal man, especially a man as typically clumsy as him.  The mechanical stamina he exhibited had her squealing in delight as her toes curled and heels dug into the small of his back.  It was subtle, but her body was so sensitive that she could feel the faint thrum of her new favorite gadget each time he drove it deep inside of her.  This more than made up for the long dry spell of hers that preceded this afternoon.

Meanwhile, the thoughts rattling around Gadget’s head were much more scattered than usual.  They could only be described as primitive.  Though much of his body was a marvel of modern science, it was driven by a man with the most basic of desires.  As he continued drilling into her, those thoughts of his fell past his lips as he uttered them against her neck.  The majority of them were just her name, but praise about how good she felt and how much he loved her were generously peppered in between groans and grunts.  It was fortunate they were alone, because he was somehow even more vocal than she had always imagined.  That, and the slick, gratuitous sounds of their union seemed embarrassingly loud, even if they did make the situation that much hotter.

Wynona was teetering on the edge, struggling to maintain composure through the railing she was receiving.  Though she didn’t want this to end, holding off was starting to seem futile.  There was no way she could outlast him, not at this pace… Or could she?  He was always so eager to please, perhaps his release was just a command away.

“Gadget,” she mustered the strength to pant out.  “Gadget, babe…”

He hummed in acknowledgement without breaking his concentration.

“Cum…” she breathed.  “Cum… Cum for me, Gadget.”

His hips stilled at once, and her eyes rolled back as she felt the swell of his cock just as it erupted on cue.  A long, drawn-out groan escaped him as his hips triggered her release with a final, involuntary buck.  She rode out the throbs of pleasure as they ebbed away.  A stillness soon came over the room, which was silent save for their labored breathing.  After a bout like that, only one word came to Wynona’s mind.

“… Wowsers,” she said, prompting Gadget to chuckle as he rolled over to rest on the side of her.

“You can say that again,” he replied before leaning over to steal a kiss.  He lifted his eyes to look at the alarm on his nightstand before meeting hers again.  “Say, what are the odds of finishing that lunch we started and having the time to do that again?”

Wynona laughed and nodded.  The mention of their forgotten lunch had her thinking back to what started this all.  In hindsight, it seemed that he did activate his appetite earlier, just a different one that he realized.