Day 2 - Oral

The well-guarded tension in Vergil’s body relaxed the moment he felt the welcoming warmth of her mouth enveloping the head of his erection.  The death grip he had on the armrests eased with the comfort of moist heat surrounding his sensitive, dreadfully neglected cock.  His head fell back, his eyes drifted shut, and his tightly-drawn lips parted as he drew in a breath.  It had been a long time.  Too long, if he was being frank, since the last time he’d permitted himself the guilty pleasure of a moment of vulnerability.

He tried not to think of this as such.  A mantra that he was the one in charge here was on repeat in his head, constantly assuring himself that the power was still in his hands.  She was the one on her knees, after all.  This resolve faltered with the shiver that ran down his spine when her tongue traced the throbbing veins up his shaft.  It was almost enough to make a gasp slip past those lips of his, but even in this moment, he managed to cling to a shred of composure.

“You are… delightful…”

His voice was more strained and throatier than he hoped as he threaded his fingers through the tresses that escaped her ponytail.  Though it was apparent she needed no direction, his hand did rest on her head and attempt to guide her back and forth along his length.

“And my brother… Tch, what a fool,” Vergil began, pausing only to bite back a groan as the tip of his cock kissed the back of her throat.  After another deep breath, he continued, “I… assumed even he would be wise enough to make a move on a woman of your… caliber.”

His eyes had opened before uttering that last word, taking a second to justify his attraction to the woman in front of him before finalizing his approval.  The perspiration that beaded on her focused brow rolled down the bridge of her nose, causing her glasses to slip further away from her eyes as she bobbed her head.  With his thumb, Vergil pushed the spectacles back where they belonged without having to untangle his fingers from her hair.  He was soon rewarded by those emerald eyes flicking up in appreciation to meet his gaze.  One corner of his mouth pulled up in a smirk as he noted that those pouty lips of hers looked much more attractive with his cock settled between them.  Indeed, Dante was a fool for hiring a woman with a mouth like this and only utilizing it to answer phone calls, and Vergil felt just as foolish for taking so long to notice her.

The woman had been around for months at this point.  As Devil May Cry drummed up more business, Dante felt like he could justify handing the boring work off to someone “better qualified.”  Thus, this woman was hired on as an administrative assistant, a mere secretary.  For the longest time, Vergil perceived her as such and nothing more.  Any time he visited the office of his younger brother, the secretary would be there, working diligently.  She kept herself busy vetting out and responding to the clients through calls, emails, and walk-ins, making sure the bills were paid and the lights stayed on, and even tidied up a bit.  Their first encounter, she had attempted to be cordial to Vergil, which only earned her an arrogant dismissal.  The girl learned quickly after a reassuring joke from her boss about his prickly twin, and she paid no mind to him from that day forth.  It wasn’t often that Vergil showed his face in Devil May Cry, but when he did, she no longer went out of her way to acknowledge him.

Vergil soon realized that being ignored irritated him more than being bothered, especially when he noticed how warm she was towards everyone else during his brief visits.  Despite her workload, she would always greet anyone who walked in, or spare a moment to chat with his brother and son or their colleagues.  The same courtesy was never extended to Vergil.  She’d only speak if spoken to, and her answers were always professionally curt.  She was never outright rude to him, which he would have preferred.  At least if she was a bitch, it would give a reason to justify his increasing distaste of her.  She irked him to the point those feelings lingered no matter where he found himself.  He felt compelled to visit DMC more often.  It never failed that she would be there, and it never failed that she’d give him the lukewarm shoulder.

He watched her carefully each time he saw her.  He could admit that she was attractive, if in an unconventional way.  She was a bit homely and dressed modestly in comparison to the other women that Dante kept in his company.  Yet even the conservative neckline of her dress could not obscure Vergil’s view of her ample bosom from certain angles, such as if she was leaning forward filling out paperwork.  The rest of her was just as shapely, which he noticed much to his chagrin.  Vergil cared little about curves and physique, but half of him was still a human man, and half of him could not deny the allure of a voluptuous woman.  He couldn’t place her age.  If he had to wager, she was just a few years older than Nero, but she behaved much older than she looked.  She had an air of maturity, and a bit of a maternal personality.  He refused to admit it, but he envied the way she treated Dante and Nero.  She was always so kind to them, so patient.  She took no nonsense from her boss, but did everything in her ability to make sure all his needs were met.  It made him sick to witness this woman dote on his brother.  Hatred brewed inside Vergil as her willful disregard of him conjured up ancient feelings of inadequacy and neglect.  He was perplexed by this resentment towards her, especially upon considering how he was the one who told her to leave him alone in the first place.

This all came to a head one late Friday afternoon…  Earlier this very evening, in fact.  The sun was setting as Vergil stood in front of Devil May Cry.  The breeze whipped the tails of his coat behind him as the mist of the impending rain began to settle on him.  He stared at the door, unsure of the exact reasoning that summoned him to this place.  He knew that Dante would not be around.  He’d heard his brother mention some gathering an acquaintance of his was having.  He wagered she’d be there, and she’d be there alone.  It filled him with a sense of… something.  He wasn’t sure what he felt, but he knew he needed to see her.  He needed to speak with her.  He needed to put an end to this.  After brushing his damp hair back out of his eyes, he pushed inside.

The woman was there, just like he had predicted.  Her initial look of ennui was not lost on him, even as she quickly composed herself to greet her guest.  He noticed her expression fall the moment that she laid eyes on him.  If he was being honest, her reaction to him wounded his ego, but he’d suffered worse and survived.  This, too, he would survive.  He’d not only survive, but come out triumphant.

“Evening,” she said before turning her attention back to the computer.

Vergil did not grant her a verbal response.  The air between them grew thick with tension.  The only sounds being the clicking of her keys and the scuff of his boots as he stepped closer added an additional layer of unease to the atmosphere.  He stopped short of her desk and looked down at her.  This dress left everything to the imagination, covering her chest completely and tying around the neck.  This did little to discourage him from looking.  The stretch of the fabric pulled taut over her sizable breasts was just as, if not more alluring to him than, visible cleavage.

Vergil soon realized he was leering, then glanced away.  He cleared his throat in an attempt to get her attention, but she either was so focused she did not recognize the sound or was flat out ignoring him.  He squared his jaw, permitting her another moment to acknowledge him before he spoke up.

“You there.”

She continued typing away on the computer, her eyes not breaking away from the monitor.  With his brother not around to stop him, Vergil decided to end this once and for all.

“Woman,” he growled.  “I am speaking to you.”

She acknowledged him with a roll of her eyes before speaking.

“I don’t answer to ‘you there’ or ‘woman.’”

Vergil expelled the air from his lungs in exasperation.

“Well, what do you answer to?”

“My name.”

“Which is?”

She tapped the nameplate that sat in front of her computer before her hand returned to the keyboard.  Vergil’s icy eyes narrowed as he looked at it.

Diva Youngblood

World’s Greatest Secretary

“Diva,” he stated.  A brow quirked in amusement.  “Is that really your name?”

She nodded, making him scoff.  Now that he thought about it, he had heard her called that before, but he thought it was a nickname of sorts.

“How fitting,” he mused.  “You certainly act like one.”

“Funny you say that.  Most people claim the opposite.”

“You go out of your way to charm most people.  Perhaps I am the only person who sees you for what you truly are.”

She shrugged, not distracted from her work.  Vergil’s face was burning now with a cocktail of infuriation and something else that was a little harder to place.  Her insufferable indifference towards him was causing his blood to boil, and he felt it all over.  From the tips of his fingers, to his chest, even in his loins, heat spread and tingled.  He shut his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath to center himself before proceeding.

“Miss Diva…”

Vergil’s tone was more level now, calm and lacking the bite from moments before.

“May I help you?” she responded, voice dripping with saccharine sweetness.

His lip twitched.  His fist clenched at his side.

“You can start by looking me in the eyes when you speak to me.  I’ve witnessed how pleasant you are towards others.  I refuse to accept that you lack basic manners,” he said.  Though terse, there was still no malice in his tone.  She raised her eyes to meet his.  The deep aubergine hue of her hair perfectly complimented her green eyes that he’d never before had the pleasure of seeing.  He found himself mesmerized by them.

“Yes, Vergil?”

Now that he had her attention, he didn’t know what to do with it.  He still wasn’t entirely sure what brought him to Devil May Cry this evening.  He said nothing else as he looked down at her.  Words caught in his throat.  In turn, the exasperation in her own expression melted as she noticed his reaction.  Her face softened and she tilted her head.

“What is it?” she asked in that soft, concerned tone he’d heard her use with others but never towards him.  “Did you need Dante?”

The sound of his brother’s name snapped him out of his fugue and his frown deepened.

“Never mind him.  Why are you here at this hour?”

She stiffened.

“I just have a few things I’d like to finish so it won’t be waiting for me on Monday.”

He could hear how defensive she sounded.  The glimpse of sympathy she’d shown him was gone, and she was back on her guard once again.

“A young woman like you shouldn’t be working this late on a Friday evening.  Have you nothing better to do?” he blurted out like a bumbling fool before he had a chance to realize what he was saying.  She seemed to be just as caught off guard.  Those eyes widened behind the thick frames of her glasses.

“Excuse me?”

“Your work ethic is commendable, but I cannot help but have my doubts.  There is nothing pressing at this establishment to require the amount of overtime you put in.  There must be some ulterior motive…  My brother, perhaps?” asked Vergil through gritted teeth.  “Are you… intimate with Dante?  Is that why all your time is spent here?  Are you only keeping yourself busy, waiting for him to return?”

They were simple questions.  A yes or no would suffice.  Yet her pretty face contorted in confusion as if she didn’t understand.  The two of them stared at each other for a beat until she cracked a smirk.

“What do you mean by a young woman like me?”

“You know exactly what I mean,” he said, annoyed that she was obviously playing coy.  “A woman in her prime should not be wasting away in an office, yet it appears that is exactly what you do.  I’ve never heard you mention family.  There are no pictures on your desk.  It is almost a pity.  You have qualities that would make you an… adequate wife or mother.  It’s a shame to waste them on my brother, professionally or personally.”

Her face was etched with disbelief.  Silence hung heavy in the air between them before she shook her head.

“Wait… Wait…  Hold on,” she said, holding a hand up.  Her face grew serious, but there was still a hint of amusement on her features.  “Vergil, are you… Is this your way of hitting on me?”

“No,” he said, a little too quickly.  He was internally cursing the heat that rose to his cheeks.  “Of course not.  I’m merely… curious, I suppose.”

“Right,” she said.  Her expression shifted back to a neutral one once more.  All mirth from before had dissipated.  “Well, if you’ll excuse me.  I’ve got work to finish so I can go home at some point tonight.”

With this, Diva turned back to her computer resumed the email she had been working on.  Vergil stood there, attempting to read her face for any signs of the answer.  When he realized her poker face was too strong, he spoke up.

“You failed to answer my question, Miss Diva.”

“And you failed to give me a reason as to why you care to know.  I don’t get paid to flirt with you.”

Vergil was fuming at her remark.  His palms came down on the desk before he leaned forward, gripping the sides of it with both hands.

“And yet that doesn’t prevent you from flirting with anyone else who steps in these doors,” he seethed.  “Dante will not dock your pay for speaking with me.  Tell me, are you seeing him or not?”

This had got her attention again.  Her eyes twinkled with mischief and she wore a grin as she leaned on the desk.

“I just figured it out.  You’re jealous.”

“Pfft.”  Vergil straightened up to fold his arms in front of his chest.  “I have nothing to be jealous of if you’re not seeing that buffoon.”

He regretted his wording the moment it slipped past his lips.  That “if” statement was unnecessary and should not have been tacked on.  He didn’t even have a chance to hope she didn’t catch it before she quipped back.

“And if I am?”

The pain of actual blades being jabbed through his chest had never caused as much physical pain as her response to his question.  His response was a simple one, soft compared to much of the conversation.

“Then tell me now and spare my pride.”

Diva’s impish front dissipated upon hearing this.  Though his eyes remained cold and his face stern, his words came out akin to a plea to her.  She looked down at the desktop for a moment, silent before pushing her chair back, getting up, and walking around the desk to meet him.  When she stood before him, she only came up to his chest.  Vergil was used to keeping his distance and never noticed how petite she was in comparison.  Yet in spite of their size difference, she still exuded a dominant aura that he could have found intimidating if he wasn’t so stunned by her audacity to stand up to him.

“Don’t toy with me, Vergil,” she said.  Her eyes pierced into his, and he could feel the fire behind them igniting a flame in the pit of his abdomen.  “I’m positive neither of us enjoy this game.  Quit wasting our time and spit it out.”

Vergil grit his teeth.  This woman was getting under his skin in a way none had done before.  He had slept with a couple of women since his youth, but none had given them half the trouble this one did.  For better or worse, none of them managed to keep his attention as long as she had either.  Perhaps there was something different about her.  It seemed there was more to this Diva than meets the eye.  It pained him to admit that she may have had some sort of power over him.  At recognizing this, Vergil swallowed his pride and spoke.

“I… find you intriguing.”

She waited a beat for him to continue.  When he didn’t, she spoke up. 

“… And?”

“And?” he scoffed.  She was impossible!  What else did she want?  Why was he wasting his time with her?  He was not going to grovel like a dog for anyone, let alone a woman.  “In spite of myself, I am intrigued by you.  What more is there to state?”

“I find you attractive too, but I’m not acting like a brat about it.  What’s your endgame here?”

“I’m not—” he began, but cut himself off with a growl of frustration.  He turned away from her to spare himself the humiliation that would certainly accompany his flushed cheeks should she notice them.  “You’re a child if you cannot read between the lines.”

“And you’re a child if you won’t man up and tell me what your intention is.”

“I refuse to spell it out.  I’ve said more than enough already,” he said.  “You’re a smart girl.  Figure it out.”

“And I refuse to indulge you in something you won’t state,” she retorted without missing a beat.  “You’re a big boy.  Use your words.”

Another irritated growl followed, and he was tempted to walk out the door.  Instead, he turned around and gripped her shoulders.  She froze the moment he laid his hands on her.  He saw the fear in her eyes.  He could take it no longer.  When he shut his eyes to shut her out, his body reacted on his behalf, closing the gap between the two of them and pressing his lips to hers.  She stiffened in his hold, but he couldn’t relent, no matter how much he begged himself to tear away.  He eventually felt the weight of her falling against him and the warmth of her willing mouth melding against his.  It was all the encouragement he needed to hold her close and deepen the kiss.  She was much more compliant than he would have ever anticipated. 

All too soon, she broke away.  Her chest heaved as she caught her breath.  Adrenaline coursed through Vergil.

“Does that answer your question?” he said, his signature arrogance returning.

Her fingers brushed her lips as she processed the kiss they just shared.  She didn’t say a word.  She looked stunned, leaving Vergil to wonder if he was too hasty with his advances.  Creeping regret caused his smirk to vanish.

“If not…  I just… want you to know…”  He paused to mull over his words.  All this was new to him, and he wasn’t sure what needed to be said to convey his feelings.  “… That I do not despise you.  And I hope that you do not despise me.”

A soft laugh fell from her lips.  She shook her head then met his eyes.  “I’ll take it…  And for the record, I’m not involved with Dante, nor do I have any interest in him.”

The corner of his mouth pulled upwards.  With a devilish sparkle in his eye, he spoke.

“Then you will be my woman.”

There was visible delight on Diva’s features, but she quickly masked this and crossed her arms.

“I get no choice in the matter?”

Vergil grumbled, averting his eyes before shaking his head.

“… Will you be my woman?”

“Of course.”

An air of awkwardness hung around them as he tried to navigate what to do after a moment like they just shared.  As much as he wanted to insist that she quit fooling around with his brother's dirty work and spend the evening with him, he had a feeling she wouldn’t appreciate demands from him.  Reluctantly, he continued.  “Well, I… suppose I will let you get back to your work.”

“It's nothing that can’t wait until Monday,” she said.  “Like you said, I shouldn’t be wasting away up here, right?”

“It would be a shame, yes.”

She looked up at him with a smile, reached for his hand, and held it.  He glanced her dainty hand linked with his, then met her eyes.  He wasn’t certain what such a gesture meant from her, but he did relish the warmth it sent coursing through his veins.

“Care to walk me home?”

He studied her for a moment, ensuring that she wasn’t just toying with him.  His eventual response was a cautious half-nod.

“Good,” she said, squeezing his hand before letting it go.  “Let me grab my things and lock up.”


That was earlier.  One thing led to another, and he found himself here, in her quarters.  Things had happened so fast the moment that they were alone.  Somewhere between her flirty glances and teasing touches, he had gotten sufficiently aroused.  Though he didn’t intend to act on his desire for her so soon, he quickly found himself seated with her between his legs.

“Relax, Vergil,” she had requested as she reached for the fly of his trousers.  He glowered at her, not easing his posture in the slightest, causing her to let out a sigh.  “Are you always this stubborn?”

“For once, I am not being stubborn,” he admitted in a hushed tone.  “Forgive me.  I am… not used to this kind of…”

He gestured towards her, trying to find the word, only for her to chime in.

“… Affection?”

Vergil's lips drew tight after she spoke.  It sounded so pitiable and foolish when she put it like that, no matter how much truth there was to it.

“I see,” she said.  His cheeks burned with shame, feeling downright pathetic to be in such a vulnerable situation.  Regardless, she did not look at him with amusement or mocking, only... adoration? Yes, that soft smile and glimmer in her gaze must have been adoration.  “Well, sit tight, then.  Let’s get you warmed up to it.”

And warm him up, she did.

The moment her hands cupped his straining arousal, the warmth he felt from her presence engulfed him.  Once released from its confines, she kissed and caressed his cock with such reverence that his stoicism became difficult to maintain.  The attention and care she was giving him nearly made the months of infuriating disregard leading up to this worth it.  He took pride and pleasure in knowing that he was the only one receiving these affections from her.  She was indeed delightful, that much was true, and relinquishing control to a woman of her caliber didn’t seem like such a hasty idea.