
The child was barely put in his cradle before Leonine felt Simon’s embrace encompass her.  She leaned back into it, allowing him to hold her as the two took a moment to look upon their beautiful baby boy.  They were blessed that he was healthy and happy.  Leonine liked to joke that he was certainly a Belmont, for he was already growing big and strong right before her very eyes.  She had not yet convinced Simon of this; the man was visibly intimidated by how small his son was in comparison to himself.   She’d never seen a man so careful and cautious.  He was almost as adorable as his child.

The two remained like that for a moment, with Simon gently swaying her in his arms.  But the moment she felt hands cup the underside of her breasts, she spun around and gently pushed on his chest, backing him up until they were on the other side of the bedchamber.  She knew where this was headed, and she did not want the babe to wake because of it.

“I must confess,” Simon said in a voice so gravelly it conjured goosebumps on Leonine’s skin.  Without breaking eye contact, his hands came back up to her chest.  Thumbs brushed over the peaks of her breasts through the fabric of her gown.  “I grow envious of him.  How I’ve missed these…  How I’ve missed you.”

A shiver ran down her spine when rough hands squeezed the flesh.  The two had been inseparable, spending more time together now than they ever had in their entire lives.  Yet Leonine completely understood what he meant when he said her missed her.

Two moons had passed since the birth of their child.  It had been even longer since the last time the two had been intimate.  With the excitement and exhaustion that a young family brought, as well as her own recovery, it had truthfully not crossed Leonine’s mind.  She could not say if her husband felt the same, but if he did not, he had done a wonderful job of concealing his yearning from her.

Until this evening.

Not so long ago, she had been distracted feeding their son.  It was all too easy to lose time looking at such a handsome child.  Though his hair was as red as hers and already growing so thick, he resembled his father in the face.  She could see Simon reflected in those soft blue eyes as they looked up at her so innocently.

Speaking of his father, the man had been so quiet that she nearly forgot he was in the room.  When she looked up to check on him, she caught him staring at her.  Those striking eyes that she admired so much were darkened with what could only be a primal hunger.  Such a look caused her breathing to hitch, as she was not expecting it.  She quickly averted her focus back to the baby, and making sure he was well fed and ready for bed so that she could give her husband her full attention.

“I wish to taste you again, my beloved,” he admitted.  “It was nigh impossible to wait my turn.  If I did not love the boy so, I’d not be inclined to share.”

“For shame, Simon!" Leonine playfully scolded.  “You would take food from your own son’s mouth?”

He chuckled at her words.

“I jest, Lee, but I cannot deny that I am but a man,” he said.  “And a man takes great pleasure in seeing his wife care for his young…”  His hands left her chest to cradle her cheeks.  “Never have you looked more beautiful than you have since he joined us.  My want for you has increased with each passing day.”

Simon leaned in, holding her face as he softly brushed his lips against hers.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and added a bit more pressure to the kiss.  His hands wandered down from her cheeks, past her breasts, down the curve of her waist to settle on her bottom and hoist her up.  He carried her the short distance to the bed and laid her down before climbing atop her.

“And you…” she said, reaching up to push away the hair that had fallen around his face as he leaned over her.  “Verily, this warrior has never been stronger than when he is tender.”

He blushed at her words and attempted to tuck his head in so she would not catch it, but her fingers threaded through his hair and pulled him in for another kiss.  This one had much more fervor than the one that preceded it.  As Simon deepened the kiss, his hands found their way back to her chest.

It had been so long since she had been touched by him…  Too long.  She had nearly forgotten what she had been missing until his groping reminded her of the jolts it sent through her body.  He was not unaffected; he was steadily growing more erect as he played with her.  Her legs linked behind his back.  Even the little bit of friction as encouraged him to grind against her was heaven after going without.

Suddenly, he stopped to lift his head and looked down at where his hands rested.  Leonine’s eyes followed too to see what distracted him.  All his squeezing and kneading had caused wet patches to form on the front of her dress.  Her face grew red and she draped a hand over eyes, embarrassed that such a thing happened in a moment such as this, but her husband was not turned away in the slightest.  He slowly traced a circle around one of her nipples through the damp fabric before assisting her in removing the gown.  When it was a heap on the floor, his mouth wasted little time finding her breast.

“Simon!” she breathlessly exclaimed upon feeling his lips latch on to her nipple.  Her fists tightened in his hair as she thrust her chest up and bit back a moan.  She had been no stranger to this before, but after months of innocent use, having her husband reclaim her body for pleasure was exhilarating.  He held nothing back, using the varying sensations of teeth, tongue, and lips to stimulate her.

When his tongue curled around the bud, she noticed that he was drawing milk and was once again slightly mortified… until she heard him groan.  She relaxed upon realizing he was enjoying himself and allowed herself to acknowledge the relief that he was providing.  Though their son always drank his fill, she still had an excess.  Simon was more than welcome to help himself to whatever was left.  Though, if they kept this up, there would be another mouth to feed before they knew it.