
Festivities and fierce Belmont warriors rarely go together, and the celebration feast following his wedding ceremony was no exception to Simon.  Those who were unfamiliar with the man questioned if he was in good spirits or suffering a case of nerves, as there was not much he had to say even on such a joyous occasion.  Yet his bride knew him well.  Leonine could read that darkened expression as well as a scroll.  Her newly claimed husband was indeed in good spirits- the best spirits, but spirits unsuited for the public eye.  There was a glittering heat in that icy blue gaze as it raked over her body without a shred of remorse; he could care not if there were company.  He had but one goal now that he had wedded her- to ensure the future of the Belmont bloodline.

Too long had this duty to his heritage been put off.  Simon took his mantle as a Belmont seriously, and due to this, the years lost to Dracula’s curse left him with great regret.  The extent of his affliction had him once fearing that the divine lineage would meet the grave with him.  While the whip could be entrusted to a branch family, only a Belmont of direct descent could wield its legendary power without deadly consequences.  He was without siblings of his own, without another to carry the name should he fall, and did not wish for any son of his to face that same fate.  Thus, by the morrow, his lady would surely be carrying the first of many of his descendants.  Yet since there would be no way to confirm so soon, he made her well aware that he would delight in her body at every chance ‘til his heir was secured.  ‘Twould be no grueling task by any means, as far as the vampire hunter and his wife were concerned.

Leonine herself could scarcely entertain with the knowledge of what this night and the ones for the foreseeable future had in store for her, and the palpable lust coming from her husband’s direction only further frustrated her.  She longed as much as he to flee this silly event and properly consummate their marriage.  He may have always come across as stoic so effortlessly, but she did not have that luxury, being expressive as they come.  She knew with him rousing her that it would not be long before one asked if it were the ale coloring her cheeks so.

Her mother, bless her soul, knew her daughter better than any.  She managed to find a way to excuse the couple, letting the others know they were welcome to eat, drink, and be merry until the barkeep kicked them out of the tavern they had gathered at.  Leonine tried not to think about how she just knew Steliana expected grandchildren in return for this favor, judging by that not-so-subtle wink she threw at her son-in-law when she bid them farewell.  Nor did she have a chance to, as Simon swept her off her feet and made haste to his family estate.  Her heart pounded in her ears, and she could even feel his as he held her to his chest.  The two could not make their union official soon enough.

When they arrived, Leonine had no moment to appreciate the splendor of the quarters that she would now be sharing with Simon.  The bride of the Belmont was tossed atop a magnificent bed of furs the instant the two found sanctuary in the bedchamber.  Simon swiftly descended upon her body with carnal intent.  He was already familiar with the inviting form of his woman, with every soft, tantalizing curve and gentle slope of flesh.  She was no stranger to his either, having become well acquainted with the pride of the Belmont clan over the past few months of clandestine pleasure.  ‘Twas a wonder she had not wound up with a Belmont bastard yet, though they did err on the side of caution in their premarital affairs.  As established lovers, no further preparation would be necessary for this evening.  No virginal discomfort, nor naïve uncertainty were anticipated, just unadulterated throes of passion.

The sweet, gentle Simon that Leonine at times knew when the two were alone seemed like a distant memory as this fiery, impassioned Simon tore away her wedding gown.  She was not given a chance to strip him of his clothes in kind; the man allowed her not a moment to act before he too was naked as the day he was born.  As he looked down upon his bare wife sprawled beneath him, he felt the possession of a primal nature take control.

She bore the full weight of his sturdy body when his open mouth found hers.  The thick head of his cock entered her as his tongue claimed her mouth, effectively stifling the moan that penetration brought.  Inch after delicious inch promptly filled her in the way in which she was familiar, but believed she’d never grow used to.  His size still managed to impress her, and the tightness of her sex stretched around it still thrilled him.  He took no precious time to savor the feel of bottoming out this night, opting instead to pull out so he could do so again, and again.  Each deep thrust was enough knock moans out of her.  Her hands dug into the sultry bronzed flesh of his back for dear life.

He had not said a word to her since the reception, and even then, ‘twas only to comment beneath his breath on how ravishing he found her.  The grit of his voice in that moment sent arousal pooling in her belly.  Verily, she believed he would not be able to string together a thought if necessary, yet the man choked out her name.  He groaned it against her skin as he rutted into her.  Simon worshiped his Leonine now, and knew nary a day would pass when he would not, especially as his beloved wife and the mother of his children.

Oh, how the mere prospect filled him with such delight!  He knew not that a warrior like him was capable of feeling such glee.  Once more, he smashed his lips upon hers at the thought.  The marital bliss he felt had him close to release.  He shifted his position, angling his lady’s hips higher so not a drop would go to waste and managing to stroke a spot rarely touched in the process.  She thrust her bosom upwards, flush against his, and clung to him as she cried his name.  It always sounded so sweet falling from her lips, and sweeter still when proclaimed in ecstasy.

The satisfying clench of her love was maddening.  It grew more difficult to withdraw, leaving him shallowly rolling his hips against hers, teasing that special spot inside of her over and over.  One hand left her thigh to find hers and hold it against the bed.  The cool metal of the golden ring he had slipped upon her finger earlier in the evening could be felt when his fingers threaded with hers.

Such tenderness from that beautiful brute Simon Belmont gave Leonine pleasure greater than any of the flesh.  She found herself seized by climax, absolutely ravaged by the waves her orgasm.  She experienced profound satisfaction in the fact that Simon had fallen victim to his as well and was indeed seeding her like he had been aching to do not just all day, but for God knows how long.  She pulled the man in for a clumsy kiss from her, tangling her free hand in his golden hair. She linked her ankles at the small of his back so he would not dare think of pulling out of her once he had finished.